Pages That Mention Venezuela
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
anti government of Darien, near the n. coast, and thus "called from an eagle Avitli two heads, which was caught here in 1608, and which Avas sent to the queen, Doha Maria-Ana of Austria, mother of Philip III. At its skirt is a bay, or swampy ground, which is round, and has a very narroAV inlet. Forty-five leagues from Cartagena.
Aguila (point), a point or cape of the larger island of the Malvinas or Falkland isles ; thus named from having been discovered by the French frigate, the Aguila, or Eagle. It is one of those whith form tlie great bay or port.
AGUILUSCO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Arantzan, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 32 families of Indians, who employ themselves in sowing seed, cutting Avood, manufacturing vessels of fine earth en-Avare, and saddle-trees for riding.
AGUIRRE, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises by the side of the city of Niura, runs s. passes through the town of San Carlos, and enters the Sarara.
Aguirre (pastures), some pastures for young horses in the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo, of the kingdom of Chile, between the rivers Ramos and Mamas,
AGUJA, Point of the, on the coast of Tierra Firme, and of the province and government of Santa Marta, between this city and Cape Chichibacoa. It is the part of land which projects farthest into the sea.
Aguja, Point of the, another point on the coast of the S. sea,, and of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru.
Aguja, Point of the. See article Eguille.
AGUR, Francisco, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil, situate near the coast and the bay of Espiritu Santo,
AGUSTIN, San, a capital city of the province and government of E. Florida, situate on the e. coast, in a peninsula, or narrow strip of land. It has a good port, which was discovered by Admiral Pedro Menendes de Aviles, on St. Augus-. tin’s day in the year 1565, which was his reason for giving the place this title, which has, however, been tAvice changed. He also built here a good castle for its defence. The city has a very good parish church, and a convent of the Franciscan order; and, as far as relates to its spiritual concerns, it is subject to the bishop of Cuba, who has at various times proposed the erection of an abbey, but has not obtained his wish, although it had been approved by the council of the Indies.
It has two hospitals, one for the garrison troops, and another for the community ; it has also an hermitage, Avith the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara. It was burnt by Francis Drake in 1586; by Captain Davis, Avith the Bucaniers, in 1665 ; but it was immediately afterwards rebuilt. In 1702 it Avas besieged by the English, under the command of Colonel Moore, who, failing in his attempts to take the castle, which Avas defended by the governor, Don Joseph de Zuniga, exhibited his revenge by burning and destroying the town. In 1744 the English returned to the siege, under the command of General Oglethorp, who was equally unsuccessful, in as much as it w^as most valiantly defended by the governor, Don Manuel de Montiano, who defied the bombardment of the enemy. This fort has a curtain of 60 toises long ; the parapet is nine feet ; and the terrace, or horizontal surface of the rampart, is 20 feet high, with good bomb-proof casemates, and mounted Avith 50 pieces of cannon, having also, on the exterior, an excellent covered way. The city, although it is encompassed by a wall, is not strong, and its defence consists in 10 projecting angles. It was ceded, Avith the whole of the province, to the English, by the King ofSpain, in the peace of Versailles, in 1762 ; and it remained in their possession till 1783, when it was restored by the treaty of Paris. The breakers at the entrance of the harbour have formed two channels, whose bars have eight feet of water each. Long. 81° 40'. Lat. 29° 58'.
Agustin, San, a settlement and real of mines, of the province of Tarauraara, in the kingdotli of Nueva Vizcaya, which was formerly a population of some consequence, and wealthy withal, from the richness of its mines, Avhich -have lately fallea into decay, and thereby entailed poverty upon the inhabitants. It is 26 leagues s. of the town of S, Felipe de Chiguagua.
Agustin, San, another small settlement or w ard of the head settlement of the district of Zumpahuacan, and alcaldia mayor of Marinalco, in Nueva España.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the head settlement of the district of Nopaluca, and alcaldia mayor of Tepcaca, in Nueva España. It contains 20 families of Indians, and is distant a little more than a league from its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another, in the head settlement of the district of Pinoteca, and alcaldia mayor of Xicayan. It contains 70 families of Indians, who trade in grain, seeds, and tobacco. Four league n. of its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the district of Cuilapa, and the alcaldia mayor of Quatro
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shore of the Rio Grande Colorado, (large coloured river), or of the North.
ALCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Libitaca.
ALCOHOLADES, a nation of Indians of the province of Venezuela. They are of a docile and affable disposition, and live upon the borders of the lake Maracaibo. Their numbers are much diminished, from the treatment they received from the German Weltzers, who, through a covetousness to possess the gold of these people, killed the greater part of them.
ALCOZAUCA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 104 families of Spaniards, Mulattoes, and Mustees; not a single Indian dwells in it. It is of a mild temperature, and in its district were the once celebrated mines of Cayro, which were crushed in and destroyed, having been almost unparalleled for the quantity of silver that they produced. Eight leagues from its capital.
ALDAS, a small settlement or ward of the head settlement of the district of Santa Ana, and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec, in Nueva Espana.
ALDEA, DEL Espiritu Santo, a settlement of the province and captainship of Tondos Santos in Brazil, situate on the coast, at the mouth of the river Joana.
Aldea, del Espiritu Santo, another settlement of the province and captainship of Seregipe, in the same kingdom (Brazil), situate on the shore, and at the entrance of the river Real.
[ALDEN, Fort, in Cherry Valley, in the state of New York.]
ALU WORT, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district and parish of Santiago, on the coast.
ALEBASTER, or Eleuthera, an island of the channel of Bahama. See Alabaster.
ALEGRE, a settlement of the province and captainship of S. Vincente in Brasil, situate s. of the settlement of Alto.
[ALEMPIGON, a small lake northward of lake Superior.]
ALEXANDRIA, a city of Virginia, [formerly called Belhaven, and situated on the southern bank of the Patowmac river, in Fairfax county, about five miles s. w. from the Federal city, 60 L from Baltimore, 60 n, from Fredericksburgh, 168 n. of Williamsburgh, and 290 from the. sea; 38° 54' n. lat. and 77° 10' w. long. Its situation is elevated and pleasant. The soil is clayey. The original settlers, anticipating its future growth and importance, laid out the streets
on the plan of Philadelphia. It contains about 400 houses, many of which are handsomely built, and 2748 inhabitants. This city, upon opening the navigation of Patowmac river, and in consequence of its vicinity to the future seat of the federal government, bids fair to be one of the most thriving commercial places on the continent. Nine miles from hence is Mount Vernon, the celebrated seat of the late General Washington.]
[Alexandria, a township in Grafton county. New Hampshire, containing 298 inhabitants, incorporoted in 1782.]
[Alexandria, a township in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, containing 1503 inhabitants, inclusive of 40 slaves.]
[Alexandria, a small town in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, on the Frankstown branch of Janiatta river, 192 miles n. w. of Philadelphia.]
ALEXO, S. an island of the N. sea, near the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Pernambuco, between the river Formoso and Cape S. Agustin.
ALFARO, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the province and government of the Chiquitos Indians; situate on the shore of the river Ubay. It has a good port, from whence it is also known by the name of Port of the Chiquitos. It is, however, at present destroyed, and the ruins alone remain.
ALFAXAIUCA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Kilotepec in Nueva Espana. It contains 171 Indian families, and is seven leagues e. n. e. of its capital.
ALFEREZ, Valley of the, in the province and correscimienlo of Bogota in the new kingdom of Granada.
Alfeuez, a river of the province and captainship Rey in Brazil; it runs w. and enters the lake of Mini.
[ALFORD, a township in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, containing 577 inhabitants ; 145 miles w. from Boston.]
[ALFORDSTOWN, a small town in Moor county, North Carolina.]
ALfjrARROBO, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Granada ; situate on the bank of an arm of the river Perico, in an island which it forms in th« serranias of Guamoca.
ALGODON, Island of the, one of those which are in the N. sea, between the s. point of the Cayco Grande and the Panuelo Quadrado.
Algodon, a settlement of the same name. See Biezmet.
ALGODONALES, a .settlement of the province
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Massachusetts, incorporated in 1797, it being formerly the n. part of Stoughton.)
CANUARI, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the n. and enters the Rio Grande of the Portuguese, between the Mbouqui and the Pobatini.
CANUEIRAS, a point of the n. extremity of the island of Santa Catalina, on the coast of Brazil.
CANUERALES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile, situate near the river Diamante.
CANUTO, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises in the mountain Tacazuruma, runs nearly s. and enters the river of La Portuguesa.
CANXA, a small settlement of the head settlement of Orizavá, and alcaldía mayor of Yxmiquilpan, in Nueva España.
(CANY Fork, in the state of Tennessee, is a short navigable river, and runs n. w. into Cumberland river, w. of the Salt lick, and opposite Salt Lick creek, 50 miles in a straight line from Nashville.)
CANZE, a river of the colony and government of Surinam, in the part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch. It rises between the Berbice and the Corentin, and after a very round-about course, enters the former, close to its mouth, or where it runs into the sea.
CAO, Santa Maria Magdalena de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru, situate in the valley of Chicama. It was the capital in the time of the Indians, and the number of these 200 years ago was 3000 ; but now it is reduced to a wretched state, and occupies a small spot on the other side of the river, being nine leagues distant from its capital.
Cao, with the dedicatory title of Santiago, to distinguish it from another settlement of the same province and corregimiento, although they are both equally poor and reduced. Its inhabitants maintain themselves by the cultivation of maize, wheat, rice, and vegetables, which they carry for sale to the other provinces, so that they are for the most part a race of carriers, and indeed possess no inconsiderable droves of mules. It is six leagues from its capital, just by the sea.
CAOBAS, River of the, in the island of St. Domingo, in that part possessed by the French. It rises in the valley of San Juan, runs to the w. and afterwards changing its course to the n. w. enters the Artibonito.
CAORA, a river which runs down from the mountains of Guayana to the s. of the lake
Cassipa, into which it enters ; and afterwards running out at the n. side of this lake, it finds its way through a subterraneous passage, until it empties itself into the Orinoco, on its s. shore. The borders of this river are inhabited by a nation of barbarous Indians, who wander continually through the forests without any fixed abode. They are cannibals as well as the other Indian tribes around them, and with whom they keep up a continual warfare.
CAPACA, a settlement of the province of Culiacan in Nueva España ; situate near the head settlement.
CAPACHICA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; situate on the w. shore of the lake Titicaca.
Capachica, a narrow strip of land formed by the great lake Titicaca. Of these strips there are three, and this appears, for the distance of a league, to be completely divided from any main land.
CAPACHO, a village under the jurisdiction of the town of San Christoval, in the new kingdom of Granada ; of a warm temperature ; abounding in sugar-cane, from which much sugar is manufactured, and in cacao ; but it is much infested by the barbarian Indians, called the Motilones (shorthaired), who destroy the plantations. It contains 200 house- keepers, and is 24; leagues n. e. of Pamplona, in the road which leads to Mérida and La Grita, and eight leagues from the city of San Christoval.
CAPACMARCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.
CAPAIA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Soraica.
Capaia, another settlement in the province of Barcelona, and government of Cumana; situate on the coast, on the banks of a river of the same name.
Capaia, a river of the same province and government, which rises in the serranía, and after making many turnings runs into the sea, near the cape Codera towards the e.
CAPAIAN, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the city of Rioja.
CAPAIRE, a settlement of the province of Venezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate very near the coast, at the point Colorada, on the shore of the river Guepe.
(CAPALITA, a large town of North America, and in the province of Oaxaca. The country round abounds with sheep, cattle, and excellent fruit.)
and it is, indeed, pretty generally believed that this cross was left here by the above apostle.
CARAC, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Lampian.
CARACARA, an ancient and small province of Charcas in Peru, to the s. of Cuzco, and the last of those conquered by the sixth Emperor or Inca.
CARACARES, a large lake of the province and government of Paraguay. It is 26 leagues in length, and has many fertile islands, inhabited by barbarian Indians, and empties itself through a canal into the river Paraná on the e. side. It is in 30° 41' s. lat.
CARACAS, Santiago de Leon de, a capital city of the province of Venezuela, founded by Diego Losada in the year 1566, in a beautiful and extensive valley of more than four leagues in length. It is of a very mild temperature, being neither troubled with excessive heat or cold. It is watered by four rivers, which fertilize its territory, and make it abound as well in delicate waters as in exquisite fruits and flowers: the streets are wide and straight, the buildings elegant and convenient, and it is ornamented by four marts. It is the seat of the bishopric, erected in the city of Coro in 1532, and translated to this spot in 1636. It has a beautiful cathedral church, besides some parish chapels, which are Nuestra Señora de Alta Gracia ; San Pablo, which is also an hospital, and Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, out of the walls of the city. There is also an hospital De la Caridad (of charity) for women ; a convent of the religious order of Santo Domingo, in which is held in high respect the wonderful image of the Virgin of the Rosary, presented by Philip II. There is another convent of San Francisco, in which is preserved a piece of the wood of the cross left by the Governor Don Martin de Robles Villafañate ; another of our Lady of La Merced ; a monastery of religious women of La Concepcion ; another of the Carmelites Descalzas (barefooted) ; a college and seminary for the education of youth, with five cathedrals ; four hermitages dedicated to San Mauricio, Santa Rosalia de Palermo, La Divina Pastora, and La Santisima Trinidad. Charles II. granted to this city the privilege of allowing its alcaldes to govern the province in the vacancy of a governor ; and Philip V. permitted a commercial company of Biscayans to be established, who reaped considerable affluence, especially in the artiles of cacoa and sugar, the chief source of its revenues ; but this company was abolished in the reign of Charles III. in the year 1778 ; which circumstance was considered by the city and the pro-
vince as a most considerable privilege. The number of inhabitants amounts to about 1000, besides an infinity of people of colour by whom it is inhabited. The natives have shown themselves to be of an ingenuous disposition, clever, affable, and courteous. Its arms are a grey lion rampant in a field of silver, having between his arms a scollopshell of gold, with the cross of Santiago ; and the crest is a crown with five points of gold. It was sacked in 1566 by Sir Francis Drake, who came thither in an English cruiser ; also by the French in 1679. It is three leagues distant from the port of Guaira. Long. 67° w. Lat. 10° 30' n.
The bishops who have presided in this city.
1. Don Rodrigo Bastidas, dean of the holy church of St. Domingo, the chief of the visitation of the bishopric of Puertorico; elected on the 27th October 1535, and who died in 1542.
2. Don Miguel Gerónimo Ballesteros, dean of the church of Cartagena of the Indies ; elected in 1543.
3. Don Fr. Pedro de Agreda, of the order of St. Domingo, collegiate of San Gregorio of Valladolid ; presented to this bishopric in 1558, and taking possession of it 1560. In his time the city was sacked by the English : he died in 1580.
4. Don Fr. Juan de Manzanillo, of the order of St. Domingo ; presented in the year 1582 ; he rebuilt the church, and died in 1593.
5. Don Fr. Diego Salinas, of the order of St. Domingo, native of Medina del Campo, collegiate of San Gregorio de Valladolid, prior in different convents, procurator-general in the court, and elected bishop in the year 1600 : in the following year he died.
6. Don Fr. Pedro Martin Palomino, of the order of St. Domingo ; elected in 1601 : he died the same year.
7. Don Fr. Pedro de Oña, native of Burgos, of the order of our Lady of La Merced ; he was evening lecturer in the university of Santiago, elected bishop in 1601, canonized in the convent of Valladolid, and before he came to his church, was promoted to the bishopric of Gaeta, in the kingdom of Naples, in 1604.
8. Don Fr. Antonio de Alcega, of the order of St. Francis ; he Avas formerly married, and held the office of accountant to the royal estates in Yucatán, when he became a widower, and giving all he possessed as alms to the poor, he took to a religious life, and Philip III. being charmed with his virtues presented him to this bishopric in 1664 ; he celebrated the synod in Caracas the year following, and died in 1609.
9. Don Fr. Juan de Bohorques, native of Mex-