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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




tive of Barcelana, a celebrated engineeer; also renowned in the constructing of the land-gate or entrance to Cadiz : he was promoted to this government for the purpose of inspecting and repairing the towers which had been destroyed by Admiral Vernon, which commission, after he had executed, he returned to Spain in 1755, and died directorgeneral of the body of engineers.

61. Don Fernando Morillo Velarde, knight of the order of Alcantara, colonel of infantry, at that time king’s lieutenant, when he received the government on account of the proprietor having gone to fortify the town of Portobelo.

62. Don Diego Tabares, knight of the order of Santiago, brigadier-general ; promoted to this government from that of Camana in 1755, and governed till 1761, when arrived his successor,

63. Don Joseph de Sobremonte, Marquis of this name, a brigadier, who was captain of the regiment of Spanish guards when he was nominated : he governed till 1770, when he died.

64. Don Gregorio de Sierra, also captain of grenadiers of the express regiment of Spanish guards ; he entered Cartagena in 1771, and died in 1774.

65. Don Juan Pimienta, colonel of the regiment of the infantry of Zamora, in rank a brigadier, and knight of the distinguished order of Charles III. ; he entered into the possession of the government in 1774, and died in 1781.

66. Don Roque de Quiroga, king’s lieutenant of the fortified town, or Plaza ; promoted as provincial governor through the death of his antecessor, until arrived, under the king’s appointment, the proprietor,

67. Don Joseph de Carrion y Andrade, a brigadier, who before had been governor of the Plaza of Manilla, and had rendered himself renowned when it was besieged by the Emperor of Marruecos, being nominated to this government in 1774 : he died in 1785.

Cartagena, a river of the province and government of Choco : it rises in the mountains of this province nearthe settlement of Noanama, and enters the sea imimediately at the cape of Corrientes.

Cartagena, a plain of the province and corregimiento of Maule in the kingdom of Chile, close to the port of San Antonio.

CARTAGO, a city of the province and government of Popayan, founded by the Brigadier George Robledo in 1540, who gave it this name, with the dedicatory title of San Juan, his patron; the greater part of the military in it having come from the city of Cartagena in Europe. It did lie between the rivers Otun and Quindio; but the


continual invasions it has experienced from the Pijaos and Pimaes Indians, who are a bold and warlike people, determined its inhabitants to remove it at the end of the I7th century to the spot where it now stands ; having bought for that purpose some land of Tomasa Izquierdo, on the bank of an arm of the river of La Vieja, which is a large stream, and navigable for canoes and rafts, and which is at the distance of rather better than a quarter of a mile from the large river Cauca, into which the above river enters, forming before the city an island, which abounds in animals of the chase, and in cattle, and having on its banks excellent fishing. This city is of a dry and healthy climate ; and although hot, the atmosphere is always clear and serene. It is situate upon a level and somewhat elevated plain , of beautiful appearance ; the streets are spacious, wide and straight. It has a very large grand square. Its buildings are solid and of good structure, and universally roofed over with straw, having, however, the walls of solid stone from the top to the bottom ; others are built of brick, and others with rafters of wood, the walls being of clay, (which they call imbulidoSy or inlaid), so solid as to resist the force of the most violent earthquakes, as was experienced in one that happened in 1785. At a small distance from the city are various lakes or pools of water, which they call denegas, formed by nature, assisted by art. It is the residence of the lieutenant-governor of the government of Popayan, of two ordinary alcaldes, two of La Hermandad, two member* of an inferior court, a recorder, a procurator-general, a major domo de propiosy and six regidors^ the cabildo enjoying the privilege of electing and confirming these officers yearly. It has also a battalion of city militia, and two disciplined companies ; also some royal cofiers, which were brought from the city of Anserma. Besides the church of Matriz, in which is venerated, as the patroness, the Holy Virgin, under the image of Nuestra Senora de la Paz, (this being the pious gift of Philip III.) it has five parishes, viz. Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Llano de Buga, Naranjo, Micos, and Pueblo de los Cerritos. The territory is extremely fertile and pleasant, abounding as well in fruits and pulse as in birds of various sorts ; and in no part whatever are plantains so various, or of so fine a quality. Tlie coffee is good, and the cacao, which is of two sorts, is excellent, and is called yellow and purple hayna. Of no less estimation is the tobacco, with which a great traffic was formerly carried on at Choco. The district of this city abounds in trees, medicinal herbs and fruits, and in an exquisite variety of cacao plants; also

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934


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CATAMARCA, S. Fernando de, a city of the province and government of Tucumán, founded by Juan Gomez Zurita, in 1538, in the fertile and extensive valley of Conando. It has a fort to repress the encroachments of the Indians. The name of Canete was given it in honour to the viceroy who then commanded in Peru ; this was afterwards changed to London, in honour to the queen of England, wife of Philip II. king of Spain. The inquietudes caused amongst the inhabitants by the infidel Indians induced Don Geronimo Luis de Cabrera, son of a governor of that province, in 1663, to remove it to another not less fertile valley, and to give it the name of San J uan de la Rivero ; and lastly, by the permission of the king, in 1683, it was transferred to a spot in the valley of Catamarca ; where it still remains, under the same title, at 80 leagues distance from its first station. It has, besides the parish church, a convent of the Recoletos monks of St. Francis, with the dedicatory title of San Pedro de Alcantara ; an hospital of Merced ; aud a house of residence, which formerly belonged to the regulars of the company of Jesuits. On the w. side of the valley is a mountain in which there are gold mines ; and on the w. also from n. to s. runs a serrama^ the skirts of which are for many leagues covered with estates and cultivated grounds, and filled, from the abundance of fine pastures, with lage and small cattle and with mules. A tolerably large river runs through the valley in the rainy season, and terminates in some lakes M’hich are formed by it about 30 leagues s. of the city. The commerce of this city is very small, so that there is no coin current ; and even the payments of the royal duties are paid in effects, and in the productions of the country, such as cotton, linens, pepper, brandy, and wheat. Lat. 27° s.

Catamarca, a settlement of the same province and government ; situate in the district of this city.

CATAMBUCU, a settlement of the province and government of Popayán in the kingdom of Quito.

CATAN, San Francisco de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chetu.

CATANERA, an ancient province of Peru, in that of Condesuyos, in which dwelt the nation of the Quechuas. It was subjected to the empire by the Inca Capac Y upanqui, fifth Emperor.

CATANIAPU, a river of the province and government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It rises to the s. of the settlement of San Joseph de

Mapoyes, runs w. and enters the Orinoco close to the torrent of Los Atures.

CATAPUIN, San Juan de, a settlement of the province and government of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito.

CATARAQUA, or Catarakui, a copious river of the province and country of the Iroquees Indians. It rises from the lake Ontario, runs n. e. and continues its course as far as Quebec, from whence it takes the name of St. Lawrence, and then enters the sea.

Cataraqua, a bay on the n. coast of lake Ontario, in New France or Canada.

CATARUBEN, a settlement of the missions of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of the seven which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, and belonging to the nation of the Salivas Indians. The Caribes burnt and destroyed it in 1684.

CATAROSI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aymaraez in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Pampamarca.

CATAS-ALTAS, a settlement or village of the Portuguese, in the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo, and kingdom of Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river Doce or Dulce.

CATAUBA, a river of Virginia, which runs n. e. and enters the Thames.

Catauba, another river in S. Carolina, which runs s. e. and enters the Watery.

(CATAWESSY, a township in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania ; situate on the s. e. bank of the e. branch of Susquehannah river, opposite the mouth of Fishing creek, and about 20 miles n. e. of Sunbury.)

CATCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru.

CATCH, or Boutin, a port of the coast of Nova Scotia, between the bay of Cheboucto and tbe island of Samborough.

CATEMU, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile, on the shore of the river Quillota.

(CATHANCE, or Cathants, a small river in Lincoln county, Maine, which rises in Topsham, and empties into Merry Meeting bay, and has several mills upon it.)

(CATHERINE’S Isle, St, a small island in the captainship of St. Vincent’s in Brazil, belonging to the Portuguese, 47 leagues s. of Cananea island. It is about 23 miles from n. to s. inhabited by Indians, wiio assist the Portuguese against their enemies, the natives of Brazil. Lak 27° 10' s. Long. 47° 15' w.)

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(Catherine’s Isle, a pleasant island on the harbour of Sunburj, in the state of Georgia.)

(Cathehine’s Isle, a small productive island on the s. coast of St. Domingo, 20 leagues e. of the town of St. Domingo.)

(CATHERINE's Town, in Ontario county, New York, lies three miles s. of the 5 . end of Seneca ake.)

Catilina, a bay of tlie e. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between the capes Santos and Nuevo.

(CATO, a military township in New York state, 12 miles s. e. of lake Ontario, and about 20 s. of Oswego fort.)

CATOA, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas. It rises in tlie mountains of the Andes, runs n. and enters the Marailon on the s. side, between the rivers Coari and Coyame.

(==CATORCE, or La Purissima Concepcion De Alamos de Catorce==, one of the richest mines of New Spain, and in the intendancy of San Luis Potosi. The real de Catorce, however, has only been in existence since 1773, when Don Sebastian Coronado and Don Bernarbe Antonio de Zepeda discovered these celebrated seams, which yield annually the value of more than from 18 to ^20 millions of francs, or from 730,460/. to 833,500/. sterling.)

(CATTAHUNK, one of the Elizabeth isles, in the state of Massachusetts. See Buzzard’s Bay.)

CATUARO, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate near to and s. of the city of Cariaco.

CAUACUAN, a river of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Ipau and Piricaya.

CAUAIAMA, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Guarey and Bracuaenda.

CAUAILLON, a settlement and parish of the French, in their possessions in St. Domingo ; situate on the coast and at the w. head, near the bay of its name, between the settlements of Torbec and Los Cayos.

CAUAIU, a small river of the same province and government as the former. It runs w. and enters the Parana, between the rivers Verde and Yocare-mini.

Cauaiu, a bay of the same island, opposite the Isla Vaca or Cow island.

CAUALA, a settlement of the province and capiainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate > 1 . of Villarica.

CAU-ALLERIZAS, a settlement of the province and government of Yaguarsongo in the kingdom of Quito.

CAUANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Conchucos in Peru.

CAUASAN, San Francisco Xavier de, a town of the province of Copala, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate in the midst of the sierra of Topia, on the coast of the S. sea, on the shore of the river Plastin. It has a small port for lesser vessels, which has oftentimes been invaded by enemies. It is a curacy administered by the clergy, and to which two small settlements of Mexicaa Indians are annexed.

CAUCA, a large and copious river of the province and government of Popayán, which rises in the mountains of the government of Mariquita, and running 160 leagues from s. to?i. in which course it collects the ’waters of many other rivers, it passes near the cities of Popaj'iin, Buga, Cali, and Anserma ; from whence it is navigable until it enters the large river of the Magdalena. It is very narrow where it passes through the cities of Popayan and Antioquia, and forms the letter S, taking its course through rocks, which render its navigation very dangerous. The Indians, however, are so dexterous in guarding their canoes from running against the rocks by paddles, that it is very seldom indeed that any accident occurs to them. They call this strait Las Mamas de Caramanta, from a city which was here of this name. Many make this navigation for the purpose of avoiding a round-about journey of many days, and in a bad road through the mountains ; and it is said that some have had the good fortune to discover a route by water free from all difficulties, and that this was actually made by the pontificate of the bishop of Popayan, Don Diego de Montoy.

Cauca, a small river of the province and government of Venezuela. It runs n. and enters the sea at the mouth of the Golfete or Little gulf.

CAUCAQUA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate near the river Tuy, opposite the cape of Codera.

CAUCHUPIL, a river of the kingdom of Chile; it runs to the s. s. e. and then turning s. enters the Lebo.

CAUIAN, a settlement of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil ; situate on the

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ters the sea between the river Rosa and the settlement and parisli of Cul de Sac.

CERICUNCUA, a bay of the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Seara, between the port of Tortuga and the settlement of Nuestra Seilora del Rosario.

CERINZA, a settlement of the corregimiento of Tunja in tlie Nuevo Reyno de Granada, is of a cold temperature, and abounds in cattle and the productions peculiar to the climate. It contains 300 families, and lies in a valley, from which it takes its name.

CERMEN, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the side of the town of San Felipe, towards the e. between this town and the settlement of Agua Culebras, on the shore of the river Iraqui.

CERRALUO, a town and presidency of the Nuevo Reyno de Leon, garrisoned by a squadron of 12 soldiers and a captain, who is governor of this district, for the'purpose of restraining the bordering infidel Indians. Between the e. and n. is the large river of this name ; and from this begins a tract of extensive country, inhabited by barbarous nations, who impede the communication and commerce Avith regard to this part and the provinces of Tejas and Nuevas Felipinas. Is 35 leagues to the e. of its capital.

Cerraluo, a bay of the coast and gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes, opposite an island which is also thus called ; the one and theother having been named out of compliment to the Marquis of Cerraluo, viceroy of Nueva Espana. TJie aforesaid island is large, and lies between the former bay and the coast of Nueva Espana.

CERRITO, a settlement of the island and government of Trinidad, near the n. coast, and to the e. of the capital of San Joseph de Oruna.

Cerrito Verde, an open and insecure port in the bay of La Concepcion, of the kingdom of Chile, and Pacific sea.

Cerrito, another, with the surname of Santa Ana. See Ctuayaquie.

CERRITOS, a small settlement of the jurisdiction of Orizava, and alcaldia mayor of Ixmiquilpan, in Nueva España.

Cerritos, another settlement in the province and goverment of Popayán.

CERRO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraes in Peru.

Cerro, another, in the province and corregimiento of Porco in the same kingdom.

Cerro, another, with the surname of Negro, in the province and corregimiento of Rede, and kingdom of Chile ; situate at the source of the river Itan.

==Cerro, another, called San Miguel de Cerro Gordo==, which is a garrison of the province of Tepeguana in the kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya. Its situation is similar to the road which leads to it, namely, a plain level surface ; although, indeed, it is divided by a declivity, in ivhich there is a pool of water, and by Avhich passengers usually pass. This garrison is the residence of a captain, a Serjeant , and 28 soldiers, who are appointed to suppress the sallies of the infidel Indians. In its vicinity is a cultivated estate, having a beautiful orchard, abounding in fruit-trees and in zepas, which also produce fruit of a delicious flavour. The garrison lies 50 leagues n. w. of the capital Guadiana.

Cerros, San Felipe de los, a settlement of the head settlement of Uruapa, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mcchoacan. It contains 26 families of Indians, and lies eight leagues to the e. of its head settlement, and 10 from the capital.

Cerros, another, in the province and corregrmiento of Castro-Vireyna in Peru.

CESARA, a large and copious river of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, which was called by the Indians Pompatao, meaning in their idiom, “ the lord of all rivers,” is formed of several small rivers, which flow down from the snowy sierras of Santa Marta. It runs s. leaving the extensive llamtras of Upar until it reaches the lake Zapatosa, from whence itj issues, divided into four arms, which afterwards unite, and so, following a course of 70 leagues to the w, enters the Magdalena on the <?. side, and to the s. of the little settlement called Banco.

CESARES, a barbarous nation of Indians of the kingdom of Chile towards the s. Of them are told many fabulous accounts, although they are, in fact, but little known. Some believe them to be formed of Spaniards and Indians, being those Avho Avere lost in the straits of Magellan, and belonged to the armada which, at the beginning of the conquest of America, Avas sent by the bishop of Placencia to discover the Malucas. Others pretend that the Arucanos, after they had destroyed the city of Osonio, in 1599, took aAvay with them the Spanish Avomen ; and that it Avas from the production of these Avomen and the Indiatis that this nation of the Cesares arose. Certain it is, that they are of an agreeable colour, of a pleasing aspect, and of good dispositions. They have some light of Christianity, live without any fixed abode ; and some have affirmed that they have heard the sound of bells in their territorj". It Avas attempted in 1638, by the governor of Tucuman, Don Geronimo

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CHIMOR, a settlement of the province and forregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Challabamba.

CHINA, a small river of the province and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of those which enter the great cienega, or quagmire, on the e.

Same name, a point of land of the coast of Peru, in the province and corregimienlo of Cañete.

Same name, a settlement of Indians of the province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the shore of the river Apalachicola.

CHINACATES, a settlement of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.

CHINACOTA, a small settlement of the jurisdiction and government of Pamplona in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a hot temperature, produces sugar-cane, plantains, maize, and is extremely fertile in wheat ; but this not without cultivation. The natives amount to about 90 poor families, and as many Indians. It is situate in an extensive valley, from whence it derives its title, and which is also called. Of Meer Ambrosio, from the Indians having killed here the German General Ambrosio de Alfinger, by whom it w^as discovered in 1531. Four leagues n. e. of Pamplona.

CHINANTLA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Cozamaloapan in Nueva Espaha. It contains 40 families of Chinantecas Indians, and is very fertile, and abounding in maize and cotton. Eighty leagues s. of Mexico.

CHINANTEPEC, Santa Catalina, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Guayacocotla in Nueva Espana. Its territory is somewhat extensive, and the settlements or wards belonging to it are far removed from each other, the greater part of them being situate within the deep glens, or on the heights, so that the roads to them are very difficult. It contains, in all, 1340 families of Indians.

CHINAPA, a settlement of the province and government of La Sonora ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, between the settlements of Arispo and Bacuachi.

CHINAS, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan.

CHINATAGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of Peru ; situate to the n. of the city of Guanuco. They are descendants of the Panataguas, of whom few remain at the present day, and of whom but little is known.

CHINATECA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate on the skirt of a mountain.

CHINATOS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, who inhabit the forests to the n. e. 1 to the e. of the city of Pamplona. They are relics of the Chitareros, who have been always found very troublesome, from their proximity to the aforesaid city.

CHINAUTLA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Teuzitlan in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of this capital. It contains 108 families of Indians, and lies a league and an halPs distance from the same capital.

CHINCHA, Santo Domingo, el Real de a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canete in Peru ; situate on the sea-coast.

Same name, an island of the S. sea, near the coast, in the same province and corregimiento, opposite the port of Sangallo.

Same name, formerly the name of the province or district now called Chunchasuyu in Peru, to the is. of Cuzco. Its natives were valorous, and resisted for eight months the Emperor Pachacutec, who subjected it to his controul. The country is pleasant, fertile, and abounding in cattle. Here are to be seen vestiges and ruins of some magnificent fabrics, which belonged to the Incas, and which strike the imagination with wonder and surprise, at viewing the immense stones used in their architecture, and when it is considered that the Indians knew not the use of engines, whereby they might raise them.

CHINCHAIPUCQUIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.

CHINCHAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huariaca.

CHINCHAO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanuco in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Maria del Valle; situate on the confines of the infidel Pataguas Indians.

CHINCHAYCOCHA, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. It is more than nine leagues in length and three in width ; and from it rises the river Pari or Paria, also called Xauxa, towards the n. side. This river runs s. dividing the province of Xauxa, and giving it its name, both in Xauxa Alta, or High, and Baxa, or Low ; it then turns e. and after running for more than 40 leagues, flows back to the n. until it enters the Maranon on the s. side. M. De la Martiniere, with his accustomed error, says that

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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