
17.60843, -97.68567


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21 II-70

101 - Está caro el netate. ˈžaʔu ˈⁿde ˈwaʔa ˈñuʔu ˈyosoa̜ '' '' '' '' ˈz̆oso ˈñwa̜

102- No estań secas las plumas del pajaro. 1- ña ˈtuu ni ˈz̆ic̆i ˈtu̜zu̜ tiˈsaaa̜ 2- '' '' '' '' '' ˈtisaa ˈñwa

103 - Es frió este viento. ˈt̹ixi̜ ˈtac̆i ˈwa̜ '' '' ˈžwa̜

104 - la arena pesa mucho. ˈñuti wa̜ ˈt̹ee ⁿdeˈwaʔaxi

105 - mucha masa amarilla. ˈkwaʔa ⁿde ˈwaʔa ˈz̆uxa̜ ˈkwa̜wa̜ '' '' '' '' kwa̜a̜

Last edit 10 months ago by Jayden
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106 - hilo rojo

šuʔa 'kwaʔa žuʔa

107 - Es verde la rana.

'kwii 'laʔ[to?]a 'kwii ti 'laʔwa~ wa~ / 'kwii ti 'laʔwa 'ñwa

108 - Tiene miedo la ardilla

žuʔu ⁿdi 'kwa~a~y kwa~ñua~

109 - El pobre pájoro se murió hoy.

tisaa 'ⁿdaʔwa~ ni 'xiʔiti '[bt?]ita~ ⁿdaʔžua~

110 - Mi Tía lleva el animal a la arilla/del/rio

'šiini 'ⁿdekaña 'kita ma 'kwaña žuʔu žute

'šiniwa~ 'ⁿdekaña 'kitiwa 'kwa~ʔa~

'žuʔu 'žute wa~

Last edit 10 months ago by Linguistics_Student
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111. su cola de el (hablado de un niño) ⁿdoʔoti

112. El marido de ella va a matar el venado mañana 1 - 'žiiña wa~ 'kuʔña 'nuu 'kaʔnite 'isu 'ite~e~ 2 - 'žiiña 'ñwa~ 'ku~ʔu~te ite~e~ 'nuu 'kaʔnite 'isu (("ite~e~ " is labelled "mañana"))

113. Estan filosas las uñas del gato. o 'še~e~ 'ti~i~ '[b?]ilu

114. Es delgado el papel. 'žaši 'tutu

115. No está picoso el camote. 'ña 'tuu 'xatu 'kamote

Last edit 10 months ago by Linguistics_Student


Es picoso el chile xatu žaʔa

Está cenando nuestro papá. 'xašini 'tau

¿Ustedes van a dar aguardiente a sus primos 'maanu 'kwaʔanu ñaninu 'ndiši

Que hizo usted hoy? 'nde wa ni saʔanu

tu te quedas y nosotros vamos a comer 'maanu 'ndoonu|te| na 'kuʔuni 'kaani 'maanu 'ndoonu te na 'kuʔuni 'kaani maanu 'ndoonu te na 'kuʔu 'koyni nuu kaani

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Last edit 10 months ago by sarahstewartuofl


Damar Hamlin’s Super Bowl appearance was widely celebrated as a symbol of his resilience after a near-death experience on the football field. However, the jacket he wore at the event stirred controversy. Designed by Takashi Murakami, the jacket’s unique take on religious symbolism—particularly the cartoonish depiction of Jesus on the cross—caught many by surprise. Adrian Peterson, a prominent Christian athlete, criticized the piece as being disrespectful. Hamlin responded thoughtfully, explaining that the jacket was meant to signify his eternal gratitude and not to mock anyone’s beliefs. The respectful resolution between Hamlin and Peterson highlighted the importance of considering context and intention when interpreting art​ Damar Hamlin Super Bowl Jacket

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