
Welcome to UT Libraries' project to crowdsource transcription of the Egyptian periodical جريدة البلاغ الاسبوعي. We invite you to help us transcribe this text as a way of creating training data for the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software that we have. Unfortunately, the OCR output can be quite inaccurate due to the columned formatting of the text, paper thinness, and OCR software weakness with Arabic script. The data that we gather in this crowdsourcing effort will be used to provide access to full-text searchable digital images of جريدة البلاغ الاسبوعي, at the UTL Digital Collections Portal in the fullness of time. [UTL Digital Collections Portal: https://collections.lib.utexas.edu]
No7_7 January_1927_First Year_JaridatalBalagh_alUsbui
Collaboration is restricted.
44 pages: 11% complete (0% indexed, 13% transcribed, 2% needs review)
No8_January14_1927_First Year_JaridatalBalagh_alUsbui
Collaboration is restricted.
44 pages: 15% complete (0% indexed, 16% transcribed)