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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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America, having an excellent port, three leagues in length, and in which there are many other small islands. On the adjoining mainland there is a river called De Salmones, (salmon), on account of its abounding with these fish, of which indeed great quantities are taken, as they are esteemed the finest species of fish of any in that part of the world .

Canseau, a small settlement of the same island, which was burnt by the French in the war of 1744.

Canseau, a cape of the same island, at the entrance of the straits, and also a sand-bank at the mouth of them.

CANTA, a province and government of Peru, bounded on the n. e. and e. by Tarma, on the w. by Chancay, partly by the corregimiento of Cercado, and on the s. by Huarochiri. It is 24 leagues in length n. to s. and 35 in width e. to w. Its territory is generally uneven, being in the cordillera. It has some deep pits or canals, on the sides of which, and in small spots, they sow and cultivate vegetables, fruits, and potatoes. The breed of cattle is by no means inconsiderable here, and there are to be found most of the wild animals which are natives of the sierra, namely, vicuñas, (wild goats), and sheep peculiar to these countries, and differing from those of Europe. In this province as well as in nearly all those of the sierra, there is scarcely any wood for the purposes of cooking, and this want is supplied by the use of turf, which makes a lively fire, but which is very apt to smoke. Those parts which are called quebradas, or rugged and uneven, are very sickly, and are subject to two species of maladies common to other cold climates in this country ; the one is that of warts, which not budding in due time, often become exceedingly troublesome, and even dangerous ; the other of corrosive sores, shewing themselves particularly upon the face, and are difficult to be cured, and which are attributed to the sting of an insect called uta. Some mines of silver were formerly worked here, which were so abundant, that they used to render 200 marks each cajon, (an excavation of 20 feet square, more or less), but these, from not being regularly worked, are filled with water. Here are also two hills of loadstone, as also some minerals of alum, copper, and red lead. The following rivers take their rise in this province : The Carabaya from the lakes Tacaimbaba and Lorococha, which empty themselves into the sea on the n. of Lima ; and the Pasamayo, which runs to the s. of Chancay, first receiving the waters of some hot medicitial springs. Its corregidor used to receive a repar-

timiento of 125,000 dollars, and it paid yearly 1000 for alcavala.

The capital is a town of the same name, in lat. 11° 10' s. and its jurisdiction comprehends 62 others, which are,

Carhua, Arahuay,

Obrajillo, Anaica,

Parsamaria, Quiby,

Chaqui, Pirca,

Pamacocha, Cotoc,

Carhuacayan, Chaupic,

Yanta, Pampas,

Pari, Marco,

Uchayucarpa, Rauma,

Huaillas, Huacos,

Huasichao, Biscas,

Pacaraos, Yazú,

Uschaicocha, Yanga,

Santa Cruz, Baños,

Santa Catarina, Carae,

Chauca, San Agustin,

Rivira, Huamantanga,

Chupas, Sumbirca,

Culli, San Buenaventura,

Vircay, Huaros,

Atabillos Altos, San Lorenzo,

Pasa, Mayo,

Chisque, Alpamarca,

Huanoquin, Atabillos Baxos,

Cormo, Huaicoi,

Lampian, Puruchucu,

Pallas, Ama,

San Juan, San Joseph,

Quipan, Culluay,

Guandaro, Pampacocha,

San Miguel, Quizú.

CANTANABALO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the new kingdom of Granada. It rises between the Caviusari and the Sinaruco, and running nearly parallel with them, enters into the Orinoco.

CANTERBURY, a fort of the province of Hampshire, one of the four composing the colony of New England. It is built on the shore of the river Pennycook, and at the mouth of the watercourse formed by the lake Winnipisiokee.

(Canterbury, a township in Windham county, Connecticut, on the w. side of Quinnabaug river, which separates it from Plainfield. It is seven miles e. by s. of Windham, and about 10 or 12 n. of Norwich.)

CANTLA, a small settlement of the head settlement and alcaldía mayor of Cuquio in Nueva España, situate on the n. of its capital.

(CANTON, a new township in Norfolk county,

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934



and it is, indeed, pretty generally believed that this cross was left here by the above apostle.

CARAC, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Lampian.

CARACARA, an ancient and small province of Charcas in Peru, to the s. of Cuzco, and the last of those conquered by the sixth Emperor or Inca.

CARACARES, a large lake of the province and government of Paraguay. It is 26 leagues in length, and has many fertile islands, inhabited by barbarian Indians, and empties itself through a canal into the river Paraná on the e. side. It is in 30° 41' s. lat.

CARACAS, Santiago de Leon de, a capital city of the province of Venezuela, founded by Diego Losada in the year 1566, in a beautiful and extensive valley of more than four leagues in length. It is of a very mild temperature, being neither troubled with excessive heat or cold. It is watered by four rivers, which fertilize its territory, and make it abound as well in delicate waters as in exquisite fruits and flowers: the streets are wide and straight, the buildings elegant and convenient, and it is ornamented by four marts. It is the seat of the bishopric, erected in the city of Coro in 1532, and translated to this spot in 1636. It has a beautiful cathedral church, besides some parish chapels, which are Nuestra Señora de Alta Gracia ; San Pablo, which is also an hospital, and Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, out of the walls of the city. There is also an hospital De la Caridad (of charity) for women ; a convent of the religious order of Santo Domingo, in which is held in high respect the wonderful image of the Virgin of the Rosary, presented by Philip II. There is another convent of San Francisco, in which is preserved a piece of the wood of the cross left by the Governor Don Martin de Robles Villafañate ; another of our Lady of La Merced ; a monastery of religious women of La Concepcion ; another of the Carmelites Descalzas (barefooted) ; a college and seminary for the education of youth, with five cathedrals ; four hermitages dedicated to San Mauricio, Santa Rosalia de Palermo, La Divina Pastora, and La Santisima Trinidad. Charles II. granted to this city the privilege of allowing its alcaldes to govern the province in the vacancy of a governor ; and Philip V. permitted a commercial company of Biscayans to be established, who reaped considerable affluence, especially in the artiles of cacoa and sugar, the chief source of its revenues ; but this company was abolished in the reign of Charles III. in the year 1778 ; which circumstance was considered by the city and the pro-

vince as a most considerable privilege. The number of inhabitants amounts to about 1000, besides an infinity of people of colour by whom it is inhabited. The natives have shown themselves to be of an ingenuous disposition, clever, affable, and courteous. Its arms are a grey lion rampant in a field of silver, having between his arms a scollopshell of gold, with the cross of Santiago ; and the crest is a crown with five points of gold. It was sacked in 1566 by Sir Francis Drake, who came thither in an English cruiser ; also by the French in 1679. It is three leagues distant from the port of Guaira. Long. 67° w. Lat. 10° 30' n.

The bishops who have presided in this city.

1. Don Rodrigo Bastidas, dean of the holy church of St. Domingo, the chief of the visitation of the bishopric of Puertorico; elected on the 27th October 1535, and who died in 1542.

2. Don Miguel Gerónimo Ballesteros, dean of the church of Cartagena of the Indies ; elected in 1543.

3. Don Fr. Pedro de Agreda, of the order of St. Domingo, collegiate of San Gregorio of Valladolid ; presented to this bishopric in 1558, and taking possession of it 1560. In his time the city was sacked by the English : he died in 1580.

4. Don Fr. Juan de Manzanillo, of the order of St. Domingo ; presented in the year 1582 ; he rebuilt the church, and died in 1593.

5. Don Fr. Diego Salinas, of the order of St. Domingo, native of Medina del Campo, collegiate of San Gregorio de Valladolid, prior in different convents, procurator-general in the court, and elected bishop in the year 1600 : in the following year he died.

6. Don Fr. Pedro Martin Palomino, of the order of St. Domingo ; elected in 1601 : he died the same year.

7. Don Fr. Pedro de Oña, native of Burgos, of the order of our Lady of La Merced ; he was evening lecturer in the university of Santiago, elected bishop in 1601, canonized in the convent of Valladolid, and before he came to his church, was promoted to the bishopric of Gaeta, in the kingdom of Naples, in 1604.

8. Don Fr. Antonio de Alcega, of the order of St. Francis ; he Avas formerly married, and held the office of accountant to the royal estates in Yucatán, when he became a widower, and giving all he possessed as alms to the poor, he took to a religious life, and Philip III. being charmed with his virtues presented him to this bishopric in 1664 ; he celebrated the synod in Caracas the year following, and died in 1609.

9. Don Fr. Juan de Bohorques, native of Mex-

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escape the destruction which followed them whereever they fled. Still are the vestiges of this calamity to be seen, and there are large quantities of this mud or lava, now become hard, scattered on the s. side of the settlement.

CARHUA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

CARHUACAIAN, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed to the curacy of Pomacocha.

CARHUACALLANGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Jauja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chongos.

CARHUACUCHO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Laramate.

CARHUAMAIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru.

CARHUAPAMPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Lorenzo de Quinti.

Carhuapampa, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cajatambo in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Hacas.

CARHUAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.

CARI, a river of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the Mesa (Table-land) de Guanipa, and runs s. being navigable to the centre of the province, and enters the Orinoco near the narrow part.

Cari, a settlement of the same province; one of those under the care of the religious order of S. Francisco, missionaries of Piritu. It is situate on the shore of the former river.

CARIAI, a small river of the country of the Amazonas, in the part possessed by the Portuguese. It is by no means a considerable stream, runs n. and enters the Xingu.

CARIACO, a large gulf of the coast of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Curnana. It is also called, Of Curnana, from this -capital being built upon its shores. The bajr runs 10 or 12 leagues from w. to c. and is one league toroad at its widest part. It is from 80 to 100 fathoms deep, and the waters are so quiet as to resemble rather the waters of a lake than those of the ocean. It is surrounded by the serramasy or lofty chains of mountains, which shelter it from all winds excepting that of the n. e. which, blowing on it as it were through a straitened and narrow passage, it accustomed to cause a swell, especially from 10

m the morning until five in the evening, after which all becomes calm. Under the above circumstances, the larger vessels ply to windward ; and if the wind be very strong, they come to an anchor ou the one or other coast, and wait till the evening, when the land breezes spring up from the s. e. In this gulf there are some good ports and bays, viz. the lake of Obispo, of Juanantar, of Gurintar, and others.

Cariaco, a river of the same province and government, taking its rise from many streams and rivulets which rise in the serrania, and unite be. fore they flow into the valley of the same Uame. After it has run some distance over the plain, it is cut off' to water some cacao plantations, and then empties itself into the sea through the former gulf. In the winter great part of the capital, which is situate upon its banks, is inundated, and the river is tlien navigated by small barks or barges ; but in the summer it becomes so dry that there is scarcely water sufficient to nqvigate a canoe.

Cariaco, a small city of the same province, situate on the shore of the gulf. [This city (according to Depons) bears, in the official papers and in the courts of justice, the name of San Felipe de Austria. The population is only 6500, but every one makes such a good use of his time as to banish misery from the place. The production most natural to the soil is cotton, the beauty of which is superior to that of all Tierra Firme. This place alone furnishes annually more than 3000 quintals ; and besides cacao they grow a little sugar. Lat. 10° SO' n. Long. 63° 39' w.

(CARIACOU is the ehief of the small isles dependent on Granada island in the West Indies; situate four leagues from isle Rhonde, which is a like distance from the «. end of Granada. It contains 6913 acres of fertile and well cultivated land, producing about 1,000,000 lbs. of cotton, besides corn, yams, potatoes, and plaintains for the Negroes. It has two singular plantations, and a town called Hillsborough.)

CARIAMANGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.

CARIATAPA, a settlement which belonged to the missions of the regular order of the Jesuits, in the province of Topia and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate in the middle of the sierra of this name, and on the shore of the river Piastla.

CARIBABARE, a small settlement which belonged to the missions of the regular order of ths Jesuits, in the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos of the new kingdom of Granada.

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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