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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




captainship of the Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, and runs s. s. e. entering the sea close to the cape of San Roque.

Aguada, a sharp point or small island of the S. sea, near the coast, in the province and corregimiento of Atacama.

Aguada (point in Cartagena), a point on the coast of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Cartagena. It is one of those which form the mouth of the gulph of Uraba or Darien.

AGUADILLA, a river of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains on the s. and enters the large river Chagre very near its mouth, and the castle of this name. Here ships take in water, on account of the convenience of a bay, for the defence of which there is, upon the shore, a battery belonging to the same castle, which was built under the directions of Don Dionisio de Alcedo, in 1743.

AGUADORES, River of the, in the island of Cuba. It runs into the sea on the s. coast of this island, having at its mouth a watch-tower and guard to give notice of vessels which may enter the port of Santiago de Cuba, from whence it is seven leagues distant.

AGUAIO, a settlement of the province and government of Sierra Gorda, in the bay of Mexico, and kingdom of Nueva España, founded in the year 1748 by the Colonel of the militia of Queretaro, Don Joseph de Escandon, Count of Sierra Gorda.

Aguaio, another settlement, with the dedicatory title of San Miguel, in the new kingdom of Leon, inhabited by Spaniards ; 10 leagues distant from La Punta.

AGUAIUS, a settlement of the province and government of Quixos and Marcas in the kingdom of Quito.

AGUAGE, a settlement and real of mines of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva España. Lat. 29°w. Long. 111° 5'

AGUAJES, a settlement of the province of Tepeguna, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, situate on the shore of the river of Las Nasas.

AGUALEI, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, which rises in the sierras of Usupama, and enters the Caroni on the e. side.

AGUALULCO, a settlement and capital of the jurisdiction of [Izatlan]] in Nueva Galicia. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and in 1745 it contained upwards of 100 families of Indians, including the wards of its district; 17 leagues w. of Guadalaxara. Lat. 20° 44' n. Long. 103° 33' w.



AGUAMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Santiago de las Atalayas, and government of San Juan de los Llanos, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, annexed to the curacy of that city. It is of a hot temperature, and produces the same fruits as the other settlements of this province.

AGUAMIRO, a settlement of the province and cer re gimiento of Huamalies in Peru, celebrated for some medicinal and very salutary baths.

AGUAN, a river of the province and government of Honduras, which runs into the sea at the gulph of this name.

AGUANATO, Santa Maria de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Puruandiro, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It is of a cold temperature, situate at the foot of the sierra of Curupo, and contains 36 families of Indians, who gain their livelihood by trading in dressed hides. Sixteen leagues from Pasquaro or Valladolid.

AGUANO, a lake of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito. ' It is formed by an arm or channel of the river Guallaga, and is very near the shore of that river.

AGUANOS, San Antonio de, a settlement of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito ; one of those which belonged to the missions held there by the Jesuits, and thus called from the nation of Indians of whom it is composed. It was founded in 1670 by the father Lorenzo Lucero.

Aguanos, another settlement, with the dedicatory title of San Francisco, in this province, and of these missions.

AGUAPAI, a river of the province and government of Paraguay. It rises between the Parana and the Uruguay, near the settleiment of San Carlos, runs j. forming a curve, and returning c. enters the last of the above rivers not far from the settlement of La Cruz.

Aguapai, another river of the same province and government, which runs w. and enters the Parana close to the Juan Gazu.

AGUAPEI, a river of the same province and government as the two former. It is very small, and rises in the mountains of Nuestra Senora de Fe ; runs from n. to s. and enters the Parana.

AGUARAU, a river of the province and government of Paraguay, which runs w. and enters the Parana between the Inau and Piray .

AGUARICO, San Pedro de, a settlement of Indians, converted by the missions of the Jesuits, in the province and government of Mainas; situate on the shore of the river Napo.


Last edit about 2 years ago by Werner

America, having an excellent port, three leagues in length, and in which there are many other small islands. On the adjoining mainland there is a river called De Salmones, (salmon), on account of its abounding with these fish, of which indeed great quantities are taken, as they are esteemed the finest species of fish of any in that part of the world .

Canseau, a small settlement of the same island, which was burnt by the French in the war of 1744.

Canseau, a cape of the same island, at the entrance of the straits, and also a sand-bank at the mouth of them.

CANTA, a province and government of Peru, bounded on the n. e. and e. by Tarma, on the w. by Chancay, partly by the corregimiento of Cercado, and on the s. by Huarochiri. It is 24 leagues in length n. to s. and 35 in width e. to w. Its territory is generally uneven, being in the cordillera. It has some deep pits or canals, on the sides of which, and in small spots, they sow and cultivate vegetables, fruits, and potatoes. The breed of cattle is by no means inconsiderable here, and there are to be found most of the wild animals which are natives of the sierra, namely, vicuñas, (wild goats), and sheep peculiar to these countries, and differing from those of Europe. In this province as well as in nearly all those of the sierra, there is scarcely any wood for the purposes of cooking, and this want is supplied by the use of turf, which makes a lively fire, but which is very apt to smoke. Those parts which are called quebradas, or rugged and uneven, are very sickly, and are subject to two species of maladies common to other cold climates in this country ; the one is that of warts, which not budding in due time, often become exceedingly troublesome, and even dangerous ; the other of corrosive sores, shewing themselves particularly upon the face, and are difficult to be cured, and which are attributed to the sting of an insect called uta. Some mines of silver were formerly worked here, which were so abundant, that they used to render 200 marks each cajon, (an excavation of 20 feet square, more or less), but these, from not being regularly worked, are filled with water. Here are also two hills of loadstone, as also some minerals of alum, copper, and red lead. The following rivers take their rise in this province : The Carabaya from the lakes Tacaimbaba and Lorococha, which empty themselves into the sea on the n. of Lima ; and the Pasamayo, which runs to the s. of Chancay, first receiving the waters of some hot medicitial springs. Its corregidor used to receive a repar-

timiento of 125,000 dollars, and it paid yearly 1000 for alcavala.

The capital is a town of the same name, in lat. 11° 10' s. and its jurisdiction comprehends 62 others, which are,

Carhua, Arahuay,

Obrajillo, Anaica,

Parsamaria, Quiby,

Chaqui, Pirca,

Pamacocha, Cotoc,

Carhuacayan, Chaupic,

Yanta, Pampas,

Pari, Marco,

Uchayucarpa, Rauma,

Huaillas, Huacos,

Huasichao, Biscas,

Pacaraos, Yazú,

Uschaicocha, Yanga,

Santa Cruz, Baños,

Santa Catarina, Carae,

Chauca, San Agustin,

Rivira, Huamantanga,

Chupas, Sumbirca,

Culli, San Buenaventura,

Vircay, Huaros,

Atabillos Altos, San Lorenzo,

Pasa, Mayo,

Chisque, Alpamarca,

Huanoquin, Atabillos Baxos,

Cormo, Huaicoi,

Lampian, Puruchucu,

Pallas, Ama,

San Juan, San Joseph,

Quipan, Culluay,

Guandaro, Pampacocha,

San Miguel, Quizú.

CANTANABALO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the new kingdom of Granada. It rises between the Caviusari and the Sinaruco, and running nearly parallel with them, enters into the Orinoco.

CANTERBURY, a fort of the province of Hampshire, one of the four composing the colony of New England. It is built on the shore of the river Pennycook, and at the mouth of the watercourse formed by the lake Winnipisiokee.

(Canterbury, a township in Windham county, Connecticut, on the w. side of Quinnabaug river, which separates it from Plainfield. It is seven miles e. by s. of Windham, and about 10 or 12 n. of Norwich.)

CANTLA, a small settlement of the head settlement and alcaldía mayor of Cuquio in Nueva España, situate on the n. of its capital.

(CANTON, a new township in Norfolk county,

Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934

rection to be drowned in the lake Yaguarcocha, which from thence takes its name, and signifies the lake of blood, with which it was quite polluted ; tlie Indians stating, .according to their traditions, that no less than 20,000 people were thus sacrificed. Part of this province is at present comprehended in that of Ibarra, and part in that of Otavalo.

CARAP, a small river of the province and government of Guayana. It rises between the Acamon and the Agualey, and taking its course between these two, enters the Caroni on the e. side.

CARAPAICURA, a small river of the province and government of Cumana. It rises in the serranla of I mataca, runs and enters the Cuyuni on the n. side.

CARAPANATUBA, a river of the province of Guayana, in the part belonging to the Portuguese. It runs s. s. e. and enters the mouth of the Maranon before you come to the town and fort of Macapa.

CARAPATO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Sicasica. It is but small, rises to there), of the settlement of Caracoto, runs n. and enters the Cliuquiavo.

(CARAPEGUAY, a parish of the province and government of Paraguay, situate near a small river, 11 leagues 5. e. of Asuncion. Lat. 25° 45' 31" s. Long. 57° 16' 56" w.)

CARAPO, asettlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana, one of those belonging to the missions of the Catalatxian Capuchin fathers.

CARAPO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the new kingdom of Granada ; it rises in the country of the Chiricoas Indians, runs n. and enters the Meta.

CARAPU, a small river of the province and government of Guayana ; it rises near the lake Jeupa, runs from s. to n. and enters the Paragua.

CARAPUCHO, Morro de, a mountain on the coast of Peru, in the province and corregimiento of Carangas.

CARAQUES, Bay of, on the S. sea-coast, and in the province and government of Guayaquil. It is close to cape Pasao, and near the equinoctial line. There was a settlement here, bearing the same name, the ruins of which are still visible.

CARAQUET, a small island of the gulf of St. Lawrence, on tlie coast of Nova Scotia or Arcadia, by the Orphan’s bank.

CARARA, a small river of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil; it runs n. and enters the sea between the settlement of Senamboca and the island of San Juan.

CARARE, a large river of the new kingdom of Granada. It rises in the valley of Alferez, to the n. of the city of Tunja, runs from s. ton. and joining the Zarbe, enters the large river of Magdalena. On the e. side, near the narrow pass which forms its shores, the French have constructed a fort to guard against invasion from the infidel Indians.

CARARI, a strait of the large river Magdalena, formed by great rocks. There was formerly here a fort, which has been moved to a place at some little distance. The course of the waters in the above strait is so rapid as to render it sometimes impossible for vessels and canoes to pass through it.

==CARAS=, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Andajes.

CARASA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in Peru.

CARASANI, asettlement of the province and corregmiento of Larecaja in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Combaya.

CARATE, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast.

CARATES, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo. It rises in the mountains of Lonia, runs s. w. and after many windings, enters the great lake of Maracaibo.

CARAVELAS, Mouth of the, the entrance of a bay on the n. coast of the island of Cuba.

CARAUELE, Point of the, an extremity of the coast looking to the e. in the island of Martinique, one of those two which run into the sea in the above direction.

Carauele, a small island of the N. sea, situate near the n. e. coast of the island of Martinique, on the n. side of Carauele point.

CARAUELI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cumana in Peru.

CARAUELLES, a river of the province and captainship of Puerto Seguro in Brazil. It rises at the foot of the « Fria, and describing a small circle, runs s. e. and according to Cruz, e. and enters the sea opposite the island of Pajaros.

CARAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.

CARBET, a settlement of the island of Martinique, one of the Antilles ; situate on the n. s». coast, Avith a good port. It Avas a curacy of the regular order of Jesuits, now abolished.

Carbet, two very high mountains of the above island. They are full of sharp points similar to those on Montserrat in Cateluila. They are near the coast, lying towards the n. w. part ; and the French call them Pitons de Carbet.

Carbet, a point on the e. coast of the island

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escape the destruction which followed them whereever they fled. Still are the vestiges of this calamity to be seen, and there are large quantities of this mud or lava, now become hard, scattered on the s. side of the settlement.

CARHUA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

CARHUACAIAN, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed to the curacy of Pomacocha.

CARHUACALLANGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Jauja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chongos.

CARHUACUCHO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Laramate.

CARHUAMAIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru.

CARHUAPAMPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Lorenzo de Quinti.

Carhuapampa, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cajatambo in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Hacas.

CARHUAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.

CARI, a river of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the Mesa (Table-land) de Guanipa, and runs s. being navigable to the centre of the province, and enters the Orinoco near the narrow part.

Cari, a settlement of the same province; one of those under the care of the religious order of S. Francisco, missionaries of Piritu. It is situate on the shore of the former river.

CARIAI, a small river of the country of the Amazonas, in the part possessed by the Portuguese. It is by no means a considerable stream, runs n. and enters the Xingu.

CARIACO, a large gulf of the coast of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Curnana. It is also called, Of Curnana, from this -capital being built upon its shores. The bajr runs 10 or 12 leagues from w. to c. and is one league toroad at its widest part. It is from 80 to 100 fathoms deep, and the waters are so quiet as to resemble rather the waters of a lake than those of the ocean. It is surrounded by the serramasy or lofty chains of mountains, which shelter it from all winds excepting that of the n. e. which, blowing on it as it were through a straitened and narrow passage, it accustomed to cause a swell, especially from 10

m the morning until five in the evening, after which all becomes calm. Under the above circumstances, the larger vessels ply to windward ; and if the wind be very strong, they come to an anchor ou the one or other coast, and wait till the evening, when the land breezes spring up from the s. e. In this gulf there are some good ports and bays, viz. the lake of Obispo, of Juanantar, of Gurintar, and others.

Cariaco, a river of the same province and government, taking its rise from many streams and rivulets which rise in the serrania, and unite be. fore they flow into the valley of the same Uame. After it has run some distance over the plain, it is cut off' to water some cacao plantations, and then empties itself into the sea through the former gulf. In the winter great part of the capital, which is situate upon its banks, is inundated, and the river is tlien navigated by small barks or barges ; but in the summer it becomes so dry that there is scarcely water sufficient to nqvigate a canoe.

Cariaco, a small city of the same province, situate on the shore of the gulf. [This city (according to Depons) bears, in the official papers and in the courts of justice, the name of San Felipe de Austria. The population is only 6500, but every one makes such a good use of his time as to banish misery from the place. The production most natural to the soil is cotton, the beauty of which is superior to that of all Tierra Firme. This place alone furnishes annually more than 3000 quintals ; and besides cacao they grow a little sugar. Lat. 10° SO' n. Long. 63° 39' w.

(CARIACOU is the ehief of the small isles dependent on Granada island in the West Indies; situate four leagues from isle Rhonde, which is a like distance from the «. end of Granada. It contains 6913 acres of fertile and well cultivated land, producing about 1,000,000 lbs. of cotton, besides corn, yams, potatoes, and plaintains for the Negroes. It has two singular plantations, and a town called Hillsborough.)

CARIAMANGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.

CARIATAPA, a settlement which belonged to the missions of the regular order of the Jesuits, in the province of Topia and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate in the middle of the sierra of this name, and on the shore of the river Piastla.

CARIBABARE, a small settlement which belonged to the missions of the regular order of ths Jesuits, in the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos of the new kingdom of Granada.

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also De Piedras ; at its top is, according to the account of Don J nan de la Cruz, the Bugio del Gato, which serves as a watch-tower, which others maintain is situate upon the point Canoa, just by its side.

CARUMAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Mosquehua in Peru.

CARUPANO, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, on the sea-shore, at the cape of Tres Puntas i there are in its district 25 small estates of cacao, 35 of sugar-cane, a few of yucas and other fruits ; some of them belonging to its inhabitants, and others to tlie inhabitants of Margareta and Cumana.

CARUPARABAS, a nation of Indians but little known, who inhabit the woods and shores of the rivers which run into the Negro.

(CARVEL OF St. Thomas, a rock between the Virgin isles e. and Porto Rico on the w. at a small distance it appears like a sail, as it is white and lias two points. Between it and St. Thomas, passes Sir Francis Drake’s channel.)

(CARVEL, a township in Plymouth county, Massachussetts. Here is a pond with such plenty of iron ore, that 500 tons have been dragged out of the clear water in a year. They have a furnace upon a stream which runs from the pond ; and the iron made of this ore is better than that made out of bog ore, and some is almost as good as refined iron.)

(Carver’s River, a branch of St. Peter’s river, which empties into the Mississippi. See St. Pierre or Peter’s River.)

CASA, a settlement of the island of Joanes or Marajo, on the coast of Brazil, near the mouth of the great arm of the river Amazonas, on the e. coast.

CASABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Chincheros.

CASABLANCA, San Gabriel de, a settlement of the head settlement of Teutitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan, in Nueva Espana: it contains 34 families of Indians, who live by the commerce of salt from some saMnes which they have in their district, at about a league’s distance from this settlement ; here are also some crops of maize : it is of a hot temperature, and lies two leagues from its head settlement.

Casablanca, also with the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara, a town of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile, situate on the coast : it formerly belonged to the jurisdiction of Valparaiso, from which it was separated.

CASACACHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Condocondo.

(CASACORES, a lake in Paraguay or La Plata in S. America, about 100 miles long.)

CASA-GRANDE, a town of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate in the country of the Apaches Indians, on the shore of the large river of Gila.

CASAGULA, a snowy mountain or páramo of the province and corregimiento of Amboto in the kingdom of Quito.

CASANARE, a large river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; on the shores of which are various settlements of the missions, which under this name were held at the expence of the regulars of the society of Jesuits, and which are at present under the care of the monks of St. Domingo : it rises in the paramos or mountain-deserts of Chita, of the district of the city of Pamplona, and after running many leagues, divides itself into two branches : the one, named the Uruhi, enters the Meta ; and the other, named the Sirapuco, enters the Orinoco, first receiving those of Purare and Tacoragua. To the w. of this river are the reducciones of the Pantos Indians, and to the n. those of the Pautes ; to the e. and upon a plain, is the river San Salvador, aftbrding an handy port for communication with the Meta and the Orinoco : it is afterwards entered by the river Tame, which pours into it in a large stream from the same sierras, and has upon its banks the two numerous nations, the reducciones of the Giraras and Botoyes Indians.

Casanare, some very extensive llanuras or plains which lie between the rivers Orinoco, Sinaruca, and Meta.

Casanare, a settlement of Indians, of the reducciones which were made by the regulars of the society of Jesuits, in the same province and government as the former river : it consists of the Achaguas Indians, being situate on the shore of that river, with a good and well-frequented port : it is fertile^ and abounds in maize, yucas, and above all in cattle : its natives, who are very numerous, employ themselves in making little trunks of cane neatly painted of various colours, and mats and sieves^ which they call manares : here are also some white inhabitants, and the reduccion is now under the care of the religion of St. Domingo.

CASANAY, a settlement of the province and government of Cumana in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate near the coast and the city of Cariaco.

CASAPA, a settlement of the missions which

Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934
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