| 53Huitepec- resume p2
Q? where did the abnormal č's come from?
čani sobrino *saxi~
ču~ʔu~ quemar *xaʔwi~
čɨ(ʔ)ɨ cerro
čabi huarache
ču~u~ galelina
dɨʔyɨ čaa sarampion
other developments
1) *wi reduction- only 2 examples out of 9; no apparent pattern-
perhaps with dialect loans (petate, pluma) by trade
2a) *w ) m/1-v~ yes, except when already reduced by #1
2b * y ) ñ/ cv-v~ yes
3) *t ) tn ) n~n yes
4) *s ) d yes but there are some s very few - loans- semana, santo, siento- se dependent 3 per pronoun see #32, 49, 72
5) *x ) s no *x retained
6) s ) šl - vant no there are no š
7a) *t ) čl - i yes 11) *e ) a mostly no- only 2 out of 8 | 53Huitepec- resume p2
Q? where did the abnormal č's come from?
čani sobrino *saxi~
ču~ʔu~ quemar *xaʔwi~
čɨ(ʔ)ɨ cerro
čabi huarache
ču~u~ galelina
dɨʔyɨ čaa sarampion
other developments
1) *wi reduction- only 2 examples out of 9; no apparent pattern-
perhaps with dialect loans (petate, pluma) by trade
2a) *w ) m/1-v~ yes, except when already reduced by #1
2b * y ) ñ/ cv-v~ yes
3) |