MJLA18 edited 15 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 edited 15 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 edited 14 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 14 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 13 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 13 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 13 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “En esta foja se hace una pequeña nota en la parte superior derecha, donde se lleva el conteo de los muertos hasta ese momento” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 13 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 13 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 12 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 12 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 12 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 12 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 11 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 11 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 11 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 11 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 10 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 10 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 9 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “El segundo parrafo de esta foja es casi ilegible. ” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 8 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 8 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 9 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 9 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 8 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 8 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 8 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 8 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 8 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “En esta foja se nota que otro vicario es el que escribe esta acta de defunción, esto sucedía solo en ausencia del vicario principal, que en este caso era Don Juan de Molina Valderrama” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 7 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 7 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 6 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 6 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 6 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 6 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 6 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “Clérigo: hombre letrado y de estudios escolásticos, aunque no tuviese orden alguna, en oposición al indocto y especialmente al que no sabía latín.” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 5 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 5 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 5 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “(11) Esta fija sugiere que Don Rodrigo de Vermeo era un caballero de la Orden católica y militar de Santiago” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 4 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 4 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 edited 4 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 4 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |
MJLA18 added a note to 4 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “(11) La palabra Item se utilizaba para decir de manera formal "ademas", sirve como divisor de párrafos” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 added a note to 4 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “(10) Vicario: Sacerdote adjunto a un párroco que tiene entre sus funciones ayudarle en su tarea pastoral cuando este no puede asumir toda la carga de la parroquia o cuando está ausente.” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 added a note to 2 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “(9) La hoja esta prácticamente en blanco, sin embargo relucen las manchas del paso del tiempo” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 1 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 added a note to 1 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection, saying “(8) Los nombres propios se transcribirán con mayúscula inicial siguiendo las reglas ortográfica modernas” | Note Added | |
MJLA18 edited 4 in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Edited | |
MJLA18 marked 4 as needing review in Negros esclavos en el ingenio de Orizaba | African slaves in the sugarcane mill of Orizaba in Spanish Colonial Manuscripts at the Benson Latin American Collection | Page Needs Review | |