Texas State Association of Architects

Pages That Need Review

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

Needs Review


- By Laws -

- Rules of Practice -

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Afternoon session 2:30 pm

President called the meeting to order and the report of the com. on charter and [seal?] was received [&?] requesting further time in which to report which was granted

On motion it was decided to refer to the executive com. the question of drafting a final bill [repudiating?] the practice of architecture for presentation to the legislature -

It was moved and carried that this association hold its next regular meeting in Austin on the third Tuesday of January 1887.

On motion an appropriation of $75.00 was made for the purpose of procuring charter paying for [?] and [?] expenses -

The name of J J Caine of Fort Worth was proposed for membership in this Ass'in and on motion his name was added to the list of charter members -

The follow resolution was adapted

Resolved that the thanks of Texas State Ass'in of Archts be tendered to [W] Tom Smith for the use of the Parlors of the Hotel Brunswick for the meetings of this convention.

On motion the secty was authorized to have printed five hundred copies of the Constitution, By Laws and Rules of Practice.

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


The following resolution presented by Mr. Andrewartha was adopted and ordered [spread?] on the minutes - Whereas: It appears that [press?] abuses and [pernicious?] practices exist and have been [?] in selecting plans, contracts and superintending public and private buildings throughout this state [?] to the best public and private architects of the state and to the advancement of the arch. profession and practice of building, and most abuses can be traced both directly and indirectly to the agency of scheming manufacturer's agents, contractors and others for their selfish and speculative purposes.

Therefor be it resolved and it is recommended by this convention that the entire fellowship of this association and nearly all the best renown architects throughout the state and others who may locate [the?] duly qualified and become fellows of this association as soon as practicable to procure legal rights, and petition the coming legislative assembly of this state to make and pass laws to govern all matter pertaining to our profession for the good of the state [?] and the advancement of skill in both the profession and the practice of building and to use all lawful and fair means and influences to secure success.

It was moved that the convention now adjourn. Carried.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cpmorgan
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Proceedings of the Executive Committee of the T.S.A.A. - Austin, Jan 17-'87

Meeting called to order Chairman Andrewartha and members Heiner, Dodson, Wahrenberger present, and Sec'y Preston.

Chairman of the committee authorized to telegraph to Mr. Kane to be present to open the Convention.

Application for memberships in the Association was rec'd from Mr. Sam P. Herbert; recommended by W. W. Larmour and W. C. Dodson; - the applicant was admitted.

Also from A. B. Bristol of Dallas - not admitted Also from Mr. Clark of Dallas -not admitted.

Resolution of endorsement and assistance from the Texas Society of Engineers, to be presented to the associatio T.S.A.A Association was received and and ordered spread on the minutes of the proceedings.

The bill of Mr. Andrewartha of expense incurred as Chrm, Executive Com. approved and ordered paid.

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the second annual meeting of the T.S.A.A.

Meeting called to order by Pres. Kane in the chair -

Reading of minutes of last meeting be dispensed with.

Report of standing com. called for more time; asked which was granted. Meeting adjourned until [F. P. W.]

Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Ex. Committee

Report of the Secretary received and approved -

Report of Treas. read and approved, as [?] of finances and finally as a [?] -

The names of delinquents on fees are by motion {cont IV V?], suspended as fellows, J. E. Flanders, W. H. Tyndall, Geo E. Dickey, A. N. Dawson, S. B. Haggert. Sec'y [sustained?] to notify of delinquent of their suspension and also [intimated?] to notify Mr. Flanders is [?] by operation of [?] and that by action of Ex. Comm. he [?] reinstated [?] payment of [dues?]

Sec'y authorized to notify [?] A. B. Bristol and [?] that their appreciation is not in proper order and shape because [endowments?] are not by members in good standing

On motion Sec'y authorized to [?] the Pres the [?] list of membership -

Afternoon Session

The Ex. Comm. appoint a sub-comm. of [?] J. Larmour, Heiner and Wahrenberger [?] duty it shall be to look after the interest of the Bill regulating [the?] practice of architecture and have some properly introduced in the legislature.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Texas State Association of Architects, held at Austin, Jan 18th 1887

Convention called to order by J. J. Kane, President at 10:30 A.M. with 14 members present.

On motion, the minutes of the last convention were [?] with.

The report of the Executive Board of Trustees was called for and by request were allowed from the time to report.

Adjoined to [?]

Afternoon Session

Convention called to order, Pres. Kane in the chair

The report of the Board of Trustees was read and approved as follows:


Each [need?] from all sources $170 00 " paid [amt] by Sec'y $70.95 " " " [?] Ex Comm 14.50 85.45 Bal. on hand $84.55 In Treas. hands $80.50 " Secy's " $80.50 (Roll of members in good standing) (page 2) Association [shows?] a charter Seal [electrotypes?] Booke stationery [?]

An act regulating the practice of architecture in the state of Texas was also read and approved.'

//left margin// Actions of Ex. Comm. at Bosque Co. (see page 2 printed proceedings)

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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profession, [be?] it

Resolved by the Texas Society of Engineers, that [we?] stand ready to endorse any measures that may be taken with such an object in view, and to give our assistance in every way practically -"

Signed S. Haviland Secy of T. S. of Es

Moved by Mr. Heiner that the communication be read and ordered spread on the minutes and that the Sec'y be instructed to extend to the T. S. of Es. the thanks of our Association.


On motion the secretary was ordered to have printed 500 copies of the proceedings of the convention, the roll of membership and schedule of changes.

Moved by Mr. Wahrenberger that $50.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated to pay for printing the Proceedings, [?] and also for printing the 1000 copies of Bill Regulating the practice of Architecture, the balance of any, to be applied for incidental expenses of the Association.


The following report was r'ced from the Executive Committee, and on motion of Mr. Tobey, was adopted and ordered expressed on the minutes: -

Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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Mr. J.J. Kane Pres. T.S.A.A.

Your Executive Committee report the following following resolution adopted by these: -

Whereas //left margin// This committee has rec'd [received] information of a charge of unprofssional practice on the part of Alfred Giles, therefore be it

Resolved //left margin// That Mr. Giles be and he is hereby suspended as a fellow of this Association until after his vindication of the charges now resting against him in connection with the building of the El Paso Court House.

W.C. Dodson. Chairman Ex Committee

The following resolution introduced by Mr. Heiner was endorsed and ordered spread on the minutes:

Resolved //left margin// That is be required of every Fellow of this Association to report to the Executive Committee any deviation from the schedule of charges at this Associaton by any member thereof -

On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. S.E. McIlhenry for the use of the parlors of "The Driskill" and alas to the Capitol Business College for the use of their rooms.

On motion of Mr. Dodson, the Convention adjourned sine-die.

Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the

Third Annual Convention

of the

Texas State Association of Architects

held at

Houston. January 17th + 18th 1888

Tuesday, January 17th

The Convention was called to order by President J. J. Kane of Fort Worth at 3:06 P.M.

The Secretary S.A.J. Preston being absent in California, the President appointed W.W. Larmour of Waco secretary [pro term?].

The President then delivered his annual address as follows:

The Address.

Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects.

Before proceeding with the regular order or business that will come before our Association today, I desire to address a few words to you as members and representations of The Texas State Association of Architects.

First permit me to thank you, each and every one for your exceeding kindness to me personally,

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Displaying pages 51 - 60 of 163 in total