


Status: Needs Review

Proceedings of the
Executive Committee of the
T.S.A.A. - Austin, Jan 17-'87

Meeting called to order
Chairman Andrewartha and
members Heiner, Dodson, Wahrenberger
present, and Sec'y Preston.

Chairman of the committee
authorized to telegraph to
Mr. Kane to be present to
open the Convention.

Application for memberships in
the Association was rec'd from
Mr. Sam P. Herbert; recommended
by W. W. Larmour and W. C.
Dodson; - the applicant was admitted.

Also from A. B. Bristol of Dallas -
not admitted
Also from Mr. Clark of Dallas
-not admitted

Resolution of endorsement and
assistance from the Texas
Society of Engineers, to be presented
to the associatio T.S.A.A Association
was received and and ordered
spread on the minutes of the

The bill of Mr. Andrewartha of expense
incurred as Chrm, Executive Com. approved
and ordered paid.

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