Texas State Association of Architects

Pages That Need Review

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

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Texas State Association of Architects. 11

caution, even if the members are cognizant of the fact that therules are constantly evaded and that it is working harm to the association. Cut prices in all departments foretell loss, and with it go character and dignity.

As an additional protection the introduction of the word architect in connection with the lien law is an immeasurably important one. He who is associated with the execution of the work from the first stroke of the pencil to the acceptance of the building by the proprietor from the contractor is certainly entitled to his just and hard-earned dues in full, and law should give him the desired protection.

The artist and artisan are both protected, and if it fell to the lot of every architect to be a statesman, soldier, sculptor, painter and engineer, as was the great Michaelangelo, it would hardly be necessary to sek for the favor of the legislative body in the incorporation of the one humble word.

The exhibition of drawings at the annual conventions will necessarily take many years to reach a successful issue or be in general favor with our craft, owing to the fact that modesty exists even among aspirants for honor, and our profession is no exception to the rule. Others of known ability are averse to having criticisms made on their works, while some feel that their quiet attempts might appear only secondary when placed in comparison with highly artistic and meritorious colorings of artists, or the more bold drawings of the born draftsman.

As to the resolution regarding the services of an architect to assist committees in the selection of competitive designs, I may state that with the year I have used my influence in recommending this section the attention of several committees with more or less success, but it has mainly resulted in the choice of different expert builders to report on the cost of construction more than on the merits of the designs.

Early in March last I learned from several sources that the Southwestern architects' association was formed at Corpus Christi and had elected Mr. J. R. Gordon as president. I at once wrote to him inquiring into its formation. He informed me that the resident architects there -- non-members of the Texas association -- resorted to such a decline in prices as to render it necessary to either organize or withdraw from that town; also that the organization was a purely local one and in no manner antagonistic to the T. S. A. A., and that he thought the members of the new body would apply for fellowship in ours.

It is a matter of congratulation in the competition for the Texas world's fair exhibition building that out of the twenty different sets of drawings submitted, the five selected best designs have the names of men of the Texas state association, and I sincerely hope that we may always merit so high a position in our future undertakings and show ourselves worthy of the confidence place in us wherever we may be called upon to exercise them.

Mr. Gordon moved, seconded by Mr. Gill, a vote of thanks to president Stewart for his very able address. Unanimous.

Report of Executive Committee.

To the president and members of the Texas State Association of Architects:

Gentlemen: -- The Executive Committee beg leave to report that they held two meetings during the year; that they have examined the report of the secretary which they find correct; that owing to illness in the family of the treasurer he has been unable to attend, and that they have passed for the present the examination of his report; Mr. E. T. Heiner has tendered his regination from the committee; Messrs. Tom Wood of Sherman, and D. E. Laub of San Antonio, were elected members; we heartily endorse the custom inaugurated at this convention of members exhibiting their work, and ask them all to co-operate in this, one of the most attractive features of the convention.

Executive Committee.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
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Texas State Association of Architects. 13

Moved by Mr. Dickey, that as a compliment to the faithful and honorable practice of architecture in Texas, for a period of over twenty years, that Col. J. Larmour be elected an honorary member, without dues, for life, seconded by Mr. Gordon. Unanimous.

Mr. Dickey report that he had not received assistance from his associates upon the committee appointed to visit Austin during the meeting of the legislature and use their best efforts to have the word "architect" inserted in the lien law. Upon motion of Mr. Gill, Mr. Dickey granted further time to report.



Mr. Watson having been excused by President Stewart, Mr. Riley Gordon, of San Antonio, was appointed secretary pro tem.

Mr. Rabitt moved, seconded by Mr. Tobey, a vote of thanks to preisdent Stewart for his beautifully engrossed memorial prepared by him and sent to Messrs. John W. Root and R. M. Hunt, president A. I. A. Carried.

Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Rabitt,

Resolved, by this association, that we strongly condemn as being unprofessional for architects to allow contractors or others to present in competition the plans of architects as being their own property or productions. Carried.

Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Rabitt.

Whereas, it is the frequent practice by those contemplating the erection of buildings, more especially in public buildings, advertising for plans and bids together. Therefore be it --

Resolved by this association that it is hereby declared to be highly unprofessional for architects to engage in competition where such practice is invited and that we strongly condemn such action in members of this association. Carried.

Mr. Clayton's invitation for a drive over the city, where upon motion of Mr. Tobey, seconded by Mr. Gordon, was unanimously accepted for 10 o'clock a. m., Jan. 21st.

OFfered by Mr. Muller, seconded by Mr. Dickey.

Whereas, it is desirous that the members of the Texas State Association of Architects, should form local chapters in their respective cities. Be it --

Resolved, that all members of this association endeavor to induce all architects, not members of our association and (honorably) practicing the profession, to join these local organizations with the view of ultimately securing them as members of the T. S. A. A. Unanimous.

Offered by Mr. Rabitt, seconded by Mr. Muller.

Resolved, that the president of this association call a special meeting to be held at Dallas, during the fair in OCtober, and that he notify each member sixty days beforehand that the object of the meeting is to change the time for holding the annual meeting from JAnuary to October. Carried.

Offered by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Gill.

Resolved, that the thanks of the T. S. A. A., be ten-

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


Texas State Association of Architects. 15

dered the local committee, members of the press and citizens for magnificent manner in which they have entertained its members during the present convention, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the press for publication. Unanimous.

Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Muller.

Resolved, that the thanks of this association are hereby tendered the members who have furnished architectural work and matters of interest to the profession for exhibition at this meeting and urge members to take more interest in this matter at our future meetings. The exhibition at this meeting being a feature of decided success. Unanimous.



Moved by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Dickey, that the secretary have 250 copies of the annual proceedings published in the usual form, and also to have embodied the constitution and by-laws, and the schedule of charges, and to distribute same to the members of the association, and that $35.00 or as much as may be necessary be appropriated for expenses of same. Carried.

The executive committee report that owing to illness Treasurer Herbert had not been able to attend the convention and his report was delayed, and authorized the new committee to look into the same as soon as they found it convenient to assemble. The report was adopted.

Mr. Stewart, the custodian of the association badges, announced that he had several unappropriated and that the association was indebted for the amount of $13.85.

It was moved that the badges be handed over to the new treasurer and that he be further authorized to pay out the balance of the account due.

The executive committee approved the account of Mr. Stewart for $6.95, for disbursments made while acting secretary pro tem. during the past year.

On motion, the convention adjourned to meet in Dallas on the third Tuesday in January, 1893.


The local committee of architects assisted by citizens of Galveston exerted themselves to the utmost in showing every attention to the visitors, and it is much regretted that there was so small an attendance to enjoy the pleasures.

The first evening was spent at the Tremont opera house. On Wednesday afternoon the tug "Cynthia" was boarded and about 2 o'clock the party, including ladies, was taken out to see the new jetties and a sail on the gulf beyond the bar. The sea breezes were more enjoyed than the roll of the craft.

After adjournment, Mr. N. J. Clayton, a former member of the association, chaperoned the visitors around different portions of the city, and provided carryalls to conduct the party down the beach to enjoy the novelty of an oyster roast. With appropriate remarks, Judge Hurt presented a beautiful molluse shell to Mr. Clayton as the champion oyster gauger, with Mr. Muller a close second.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review




SECTION 1. The name of this association shall be "THE TEXAS STATE ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS."


SECTION 1. The objects of this association are to unite in one common fellowship the architects of the state of Texas, to combine their efforts so as to promote the artistic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession, and to cultivate and encourage the kindred arts, and to correct unprofessional practices.


SECTION 1. The association shall consist of Fellows and Honorary members.

SEC. 2. Any architect in this state who may have been engaged in the honorable and exclusive practice of his profession for the term of three years shall be eligible as a Fellow.

SEC. 3. Other persons who manifest an interest in the objects of this association shall be eligible to election as Honorary members; but they shall not be entitled to vote, nor to take any part in its deliberations.


SECTION 1. The officers of this association shall be a president, two vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, and five trustees. The trustees shall constitute an Exeuctive Committee. The president shall be ex-officio a member of the Executive Committee.


SECTION 1. The president, and in his absence the vice-presidents, in order, shall preside at all meetings of the association; and in the absence of the president and both of the vice-presidents, a presiding office shall be chosen from the Fellows present.

SEC. 2. The secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the association, and of the Executive Committee; and conduct all correspondence, and notify applicants for admission of their election; all mebers of their appointment on committees, and distribute such papers for general information of members and others, and act under the instruction of the Executive Committee.

SEC. 3. The Treasurer shall collect all funds of the association, and disburse the same on the written order of the secretary countersigned by the president; but they shall not involve the association in any indebtedness.

SEC. 4. Both the secretary and treasurer shall make a written report of all matter s in their charge at each annual meeting of the association.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
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Constitution. 19

SEC. 5. The Executive Committee shall have control of the property and general interests of the association; shall receive and act upon nominations for members; receive complaints; give written admonition to any member whose conduct may appear to them to be injurious to the interests of the Association, or contrary to its By-Laws; and if in their opinion the nature of the offense requires it, may request him to resign; expel members of the Association for cuase; call all extra meetings; act as a Committee of Arbitration on questions submitted to it by members of the Association, and generally control the welfare of the Association and its interests, including the matter of state legislation, looking to the welfare and growth of the association. They shall keep a record of all their proceedings, and report the same at each annual meeting of the association. Appeals may be taken from the decisions of the Executive Committee, and all such appeals shall be to the Association. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. The President and Vice-Presidents, in order, shall be entitled to sit and vote at any time or place as members of the Executive Committee when necessary to form a quorum one or more of the regular members of the Executive Committee being present. Any such action shall be subject to the approval of the regular Executive Committee, and to appeal to the Association.


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the President, or in his absence the Vice-Presidents, to fill all vacancies which from any cause may occur in the Executive or any other committee.


SECTION 1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the fellows present at any meeting of the association; provided, that a notice of such proposed change shall have been mailed to each fellow by the secretary sixty days before the date of such meeting.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
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There shall be a regular of the association on the third (3rd) Tuesday in January of each year, and at every such meeting the place of the next regular meeting shall be decided upon before adjournment. One-third of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum; but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. No member shall be considered in good standing if more than thirty days in arrears for his dues.


The meetings of this association shall be conducted according to "Robert's Rules of Order."


Any candidate for membership in this association shall send his application in writing to the Executive Committee, endorsed by two Fellows of the Association in good standing, and who are personally acquainted with the candidate.


When receiving an application for membership, the Executive Committee shall investigate the standing of the candidate, and shall, by ballot, admit or refuse him.

All discussion of applicants shall be strictly confidential. Any person so elected, who shall not within three after notice of his election, left or sent to this address, signify his acceptance and pay his proper fees and dues, shall be considered as having declined to become a member.


All Fellows -- including charter members -- of this association shall pay an initiation fee of five dollrs and annual dues of five dollars. Honorary members shall pay an initiation fee of twenty-five dollars and no dues. All dues ahll be payable within thirty days after each regular meeting, in default of which any member shall be liable to suspension or expulsion by the Executive Committee.


All officers shall be elected at the annual meetings of the association by majority ballot vote of the Fellows present. An officer shall be eligible to the same office not to exceed two (2) successive years, but all officers shall hold over until their successors shall be duly elected.


All papers and other records not considered by the Executive Committee as confidential shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Fellows of the Association.


The by-laws of this association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Fellows present at any annual meeting, notice having been given as in the case of proposed amendments to the constitution.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review




Includes all churches, school houses, opera houses, city halls, office buildings, colleges, club houses. court houses, exchanges or other public buildings, 5 percent.


For monumental and decorative work, and designs for furniture, a special rate in excess of the above.


Costing less than 1,000 dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 percent Costing 1,000 or over, and less than 2,000 dollars . . . . . 6 1/2 percent Costing 2,000 or over, and less than 3,000 dollars . . . . . 6 percent Costing 3,000 or over, and less than 4,000 dollars . . . . . 5 1/2 percent Costing 5,00 dollars and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 percent


Includes storage warehouses, freight depots, wholesale business houses when occupied a entirety, shops, mills and all general business buildings not built for general rental purposes.

Costing less than 5,000 dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 percent Costing 5,000 or over, and less than 10,000 dollars . . . . . . 4 1/2 percent Costing 10,000 or over, and less than 25,000 dollars . . . . . 4 percent Costing 25,000 or over, and less than 50,000 dollars . . . . . 3 1/2 percent Costing 50,000 or over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 percent

In all classes of work fees are due and payable as follows:

20 percent of the fee for preliminary work when the same is complete and accepted or abandoned.

50 percent for preliminary work, plans and specification, when same are ready to invite bids on the work.

70 percent for all the above with details, when complete, or if with supervision, to be pro rata as payments are made to contractors on contract price.

In the event of abandonment or indefinite suspension of work, the architect is entitled to the full percentage for his serve, and upon every duplicate of his work. He may, however, make special agreement in such cases with his client in settlement.

For alterations and additions, an aadditional charge to be made for suveys and measurements.

An additional charge to be made for alterations or additions in ocntracts or plans, which will be valued in proportion to the additional time and service employed.

Necessary traveling expenses to be paid by the client.

Time spent by the architect in visiting for professional consultation, and in accompanying travel, whether by day or night, will be charged for, whether or not any commission, either for office work or supervising work is given. The architect's payments are exclusively due as his work is completed, in order of the above classificaitons. Until an actual estimate is received the charges are based upon the proposed cost of the works, and the payments are received as installments of the entire fee, which is based upon the actual cost.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


The architect bases his professional charge upon the entire cost (to the owner) of the building when completed, including all fixtures necessary to render it fit for occupation, and is entitled to additional compensation for the furniture or other articles designed, selected or purchased by the architect.

If any material or work used in the construction of the building be already upon the ground, or come in possession of the owner without expense to him the value of said material or work is to be added to the sum actually expended upon the buildings, before the architect's commission is computed.


The supervision or superintendence of an architect (As distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence which may be secured by the employment of clerk of the works) means such inspection by the architect, or his deputy, of a building or other work in process of erection, completion or alteration, as he finds necessary to ascertain whether it is being executed in conformity with his designs and specifixations, or directions, and to enable him to decide when the successive installments or payments provided for in the contract or agreement are due or payable. He is to determine in constructive emergencies, to order necessary changes, and to define the true intent and meanings of the drawings and specifications; and he has authority to stop the progress of the work and order its removal when not in accordance with them.


On buildings where it is deemed necessary to employ a clerk of the works, the remuneration of said clerk is to be paid by the owner or owners, an addition to any commissions or fees due the architect. The selection or dismissal of the clerk of the works is to be subject to the approval of the architect.


Consultation fees for professional advice are to be paid in proportion to the importance of the querstions involved, at the discretion of the architect.

None of the charges above enumerated cover professional or legal services connected with negotiations for sites, disputed party walls, right of light, measurement of work, or services incidental to arrangements consequent upon the failure of contractors during the performance of the work. When such service becomes necessary, they shall be charged for according to time and trouble involved.


Drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, are the property of the architect.

The office services shall consist of original and duplicate sets of drawing and specifications. Both originals and duplicates are included as the property of the architect.

The architectural association of Missouri also endorses the following resolution, passed by the Western Association of Architects.


Resolved, that in his relations to his clients and contractors, the architect should be an impartial arbitrator; and, that under no circumstances should he act as a special pleader for either party.

Resolved, that the relations between architects and clients should be confidential, and that no architect is worthy of employment who is unworthy of trust.

Resolved, that it is the sense of this association that it is desirable that the architect in all cases superintend the work designed by him.

Resolved, that in cases where for special reasons, the architect does not superintend the work designed by him, his responsibility ceases with the delivery and acceptance of the plans, unless by expert testimony it can be proven that the plans were defective.

The foregoing resolutions and schedule of charges are adopted by THE TEXAS STATE ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS.

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
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Members Name Date of Election Year Initiation Fees 1886 1887
C. M. F Andrewartha. John Jany 19 1886
F Bristol, A. B. Jany 17 1888 5
C. M. F Beckman, Alfred J. Jany 19 1886 5 5 5
C. M. F Clayton, A. J. Jany 19 1886 5 5 5
F Clark, Cortez Jany 17 1888 5
C. M. F Dodson, W. C. Jany 19 1886 5 5 5
C. M. F Dickey, Geo. E. Jany 19 1886 5
C. M. F Dudley, W. W. Jany 19 1886 5 5 5
C. M. F Dawson, [A. N.?] Jany 19 1886 5
F [Diboll?], C. C. Jany 20 1891 5
C. M. F Hawkes, J. E. Jany 19 1886
F. Gordon, J. Riley Jany 15 1889 5
C. M. F Giled, Aflred Jany 19 1886 5 5
F Gill, C. J. Jany 20 1891 5
C. M. F Heiner, E. J. Jany 19 1886 5 5 5
Last edit over 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Meeting Waco Jan 7 - 94

Meeting called to order by [VP?] Herbert upon motion [Messer?] [?] Wood to both the chair.

Reading minutes dispersed with Reading presidents message dispersed with Reading report stand comte. dispersed with Reading report [?] ask for further time

Motion carried that dues for 93 and 94 be allowed to pass uncollected and enforce and [stand?] by [town?] for 1895.

Moved by Wood second by Messer that reules be suspended and [?] of resolution upon election of candidates be read 3 times. Carried by unanimous vote adopted as read. No new business

Members in good standing

Herbert - Messer - Wood - Gordon - Sanguinet - Rabitt

Election of officers - Postage 1.00 President Tom Wood. Vice President J. R. Gordon 2nd Vice President A. A. Messer Secy R. P. Herbert - Treas. M. R. Sanguinet Executive Committee P. A. Gill N. Tobey, P. A. Rabitt, McDonald A. R. Dawson Muller

Move that annual convention be held at Galveston any first Monday

Last edit about 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Displaying pages 151 - 160 of 163 in total