Texas State Association of Architects. 11
caution, even if the members are cognizant of the fact that therules are constantly evaded and that it is working harm to the association. Cut prices in all departments foretell loss, and with it go character and dignity.
As an additional protection the introduction of the word architect in connection with the lien law is an immeasurably important one. He who is associated with the execution of the work from the first stroke of the pencil to the acceptance of the building by the proprietor from the contractor is certainly entitled to his just and hard-earned dues in full, and law should give him the desired protection.
The artist and artisan are both protected, and if it fell to the lot of every architect to be a statesman, soldier, sculptor, painter and engineer, as was the great Michaelangelo, it would hardly be necessary to sek for the favor of the legislative body in the incorporation of the one humble word.
The exhibition of drawings at the annual conventions will necessarily take many years to reach a successful issue or be in general favor with our craft, owing to the fact that modesty exists even among aspirants for honor, and our profession is no exception to the rule. Others of known ability are averse to having criticisms made on their works, while some feel that their quiet attempts might appear only secondary when placed in comparison with highly artistic and meritorious colorings of artists, or the more bold drawings of the born draftsman.
As to the resolution regarding the services of an architect to assist committees in the selection of competitive designs, I may state that with the year I have used my influence in recommending this section the attention of several committees with more or less success, but it has mainly resulted in the choice of different expert builders to report on the cost of construction more than on the merits of the designs.
Early in March last I learned from several sources that the Southwestern architects' association was formed at Corpus Christi and had elected Mr. J. R. Gordon as president. I at once wrote to him inquiring into its formation. He informed me that the resident architects there -- non-members of the Texas association -- resorted to such a decline in prices as to render it necessary to either organize or withdraw from that town; also that the organization was a purely local one and in no manner antagonistic to the T. S. A. A., and that he thought the members of the new body would apply for fellowship in ours.
It is a matter of congratulation in the competition for the Texas world's fair exhibition building that out of the twenty different sets of drawings submitted, the five selected best designs have the names of men of the Texas state association, and I sincerely hope that we may always merit so high a position in our future undertakings and show ourselves worthy of the confidence place in us wherever we may be called upon to exercise them.
Mr. Gordon moved, seconded by Mr. Gill, a vote of thanks to president Stewart for his very able address. Unanimous.
Report of Executive Committee.
To the president and members of the Texas State Association of Architects:
Gentlemen: -- The Executive Committee beg leave to report that they held two meetings during the year; that they have examined the report of the secretary which they find correct; that owing to illness in the family of the treasurer he has been unable to attend, and that they have passed for the present the examination of his report; Mr. E. T. Heiner has tendered his regination from the committee; Messrs. Tom Wood of Sherman, and D. E. Laub of San Antonio, were elected members; we heartily endorse the custom inaugurated at this convention of members exhibiting their work, and ask them all to co-operate in this, one of the most attractive features of the convention.
Executive Committee.
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