Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

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Minutes of Ex. Comm. Dallas. May 13th 1890 9 15 AM

The meeting was called to order by the chairman J. J. Kane. Present Geo. Dickey + Geo W. Stewart.

Messer Wahrenberger + Tobey by invitation were present

The minutes of the San Antonio meeting were read and approved.

A communication to Mr. W. W. from Geo. E. King of El Paso, regretting his inability [?] present and to rectify his name, was read and action deferred.

The financial statement of Larmour were read and approved.

Wahrenberger suggested dropping the names of Alfred F. Beckman from the list of members as he refuses to pay dues and on motion of Wahrenberger, sec by J. J. Kane and after a good deal of duscission, the following were suspended

Alfred F. Beckman J. R. Gordon W. H. Tyndall Alfred Giles

as having violated the rules + regulations of the Association, and the secretary was instructed to send the following notice to delinquent members viz - see page 123

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Minutes of the Executive Committe of The Texas State Association of Architects here in San Antonion Tex January 21st 1890

The meeting was called to order by chairman J. J. Kane at 4 00 PM Present James Wahrenberger, A. O. Watson, forming a quorum.

The applications of S. B. Haggart of Fort Worth recommended by J. J. Kane, A. O. Watson & James Wahrenberger, ballot taken and the applicants [?] elected.

The application of Alfred [?] of Galveston recommended by James Wahrenberger and A. O. Watson, ballot taken and the applicants [?] elected.

The resignation of W. C. [Dodson?] was received and by action of the committee the resignation was accepted.

On motion of A. O. Watson the secretary was [?] to notify the members of the association to the annual [?], and that the president issue a notice for the meeting regulated to commence at Dallas on the second Tuesday 13th day of May 1890. Carried

Motion to adjourn to meet at Dallas [?]

W. W. Larmour Secty T. S. A. A.

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San Antonio Jan 21 1890

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That any member who is in [?] for the year 1889 or previous years be notified. That unless the same be paid within 30 days from date of notice he will stand suspended on resolution of the Executive Committee.

The application of P. S. Rabbitt of Galeston, recommended by J. J. Kane and Geo. E. Dickey for membership was rec'd and accepted.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.


The secretary wishes to state that the names of the above suspended members are not the only ones who have not paid their dues as a look over the Sec'y + Treasurer papers will show, and he also [notified?] Mr. J. J. Kane, Chairman Ex Com: and Mr. Wahrenberger. [?] that their names would again appear in the list of members in good standing.

[G. W. Stewart?]

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Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the Texas State Association of Architect Held in the Chamber of Commerce, Ft Worth January 20, 1891

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George W. Stewart President George E. Dickey Vice " S. B. Haggart 2nd " " A. O. Watson Secretary S. P. Herbert Treasurer

Executive Committee

Burt McDonald -ChairmanW. R. Sanguinet, Albert Ulrich P. S. Rabbit, Eugene J. Heiner

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Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the Texas State Association of Architects Held in the Chamber of Commerce, Ft Worth, Jan 20, '91

First Day

Tuesday, Jan, 20, 1891

The regular meeting was called to order at 3 o'clock p.m. by second Vice Prest Geo. E. Dickey, who stated that the executive committee had been in session from 11 o'clock a.m. till 1:30 p.m. and that there was so much work before them that it would be impossible to proceed with the regular order of business until such time as the executive committee could complete their work, and as it did not appear that such would be the case for a considerable [?], the roll would be called, and then an adjournment would be in order.

The members present being Second V. Prest G. E. Dickey, J. Riley Gordon, S. B. Haggar, S. P. Herbert, J. J. Kane, P. S. Rabbitt, M. R. Sanguinet, G. W. Stewart, secretary; Albert Ulrich, Treas; Jas. Wahrenberger, President.

The secretary announced that the following architects had been admitted to membership by the Executive Committee:

C. C. Libell, Dallas; C. A. Gill, Dallas; [?], Dallas;

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A. Messer, Fort Worth;

And the secretary was requested to send telegrams to the newly elected members and some of the other members, requesting their attendance on the following day.

A poilite note was received from the commercial club, extending an invitation to the non-resident and visiting architects to be their guests during their stay in the city. On motion a vote of thanks and acceptance was extended to the club on their [courtesies?].

The Executive Committee withdrew, and there being no quorum it was moved by Haggart, seconded by Herbert that the meeting now adjourn till Wednesday morning



Wednesday - Morning Session

The meeting called to order by Pres. Wahrenberger at 11:05 o'clock, there being presents Messrs. Dickey, Gill, Gordon, Haggart, Hebert, J. J. Kane, Rabitt, Stewart, Ulrich and Wahrenberger.

Hon. member G. J. Redfield, of Galveston was present.

The president opened the proceedings by making a short verbal address.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were read, and on motion approved.

Mr. J. J. Kane, chairman of the Executive Committee, explained that further time would be required before he could present his report, as some paper of great importance

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had been received and required the committee's attention.

Mr. Haggart, a member on a special committee for rules governing competitions read his report.

Mr. Wahrenberger wished to know whether the members would adopt the report, or wished to discuss the same. Question.

Mr. Gordon wished to know whether members of the T. S. A of A. would enter into competition with every arch't whether members of the association or not. He would suggest, as a resolution, the appointment by the President of the association of three architects, who would be paid for their services by the owners or board of directors of such buildings, who would adjudicate on the merits of the drawing, and further that the successful competing architect should be paid six percent for full fees on account of the labor incurred in the original submitted drawing, as well as the new sets of drawings rendered necessary as working plans, elevation sections, etc. The latter would be of necessity an entirely new set.

Mr. Dickey thought that the architects could not well dictate to proprietors what they should do, but that those whose business is alone [that of an?] architect should have the preference at all times over builders in the matter of designl also that members of a chartered association should be preferred to outsiders who look upon

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themselves as clever and important enough without becoming members of a corporate body. Members of an order consult one another and derive benefit from the intercourse, and that the bond of friendship is strength.

Mr Haggart said that his paper was not a motion, only suggestions, as a basis to work on. Mr. McQuirk, his associate on the committee, had done nothing in the matter, and he thought that a new appointment should be made. Mr Wahrenberger recommended that the report be referred back to the Committee, and he would nominate Mr. Dickey as a fit member to detail the requirements, in conjunction with Mr Haggart. Approved.

Mr. Dickey wished to know whether they would enter into competitions without compensation, or on the ideas advanced by Mr Gordon.

Motion - That the report submitted by Haggart on formulating rules under which members will take part in competitions be referred to the executive committee, with addition of Dickey, added for special purpose, and report at this convention. Moved by J. J. Kane seconded by J. R. Gordon. Carried.

Mr. Haggart on special committee said that badges had been made and were in the hands of the secretary. He did the best he could and hoped they were satisfactory. He had consulted Kane, Sanguinet + Stewart in the matter

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