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Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings
proper respect and friendship for each other in order to secure the confidence and respect of the public, and to succeed in the task that our association has laid out before it.
Moved by J. J. Kane, seconded by Geo. E. Dickey, that the thanks of the association are due to the President for his very able and interesting address. Unanimously adopted.
Mr. Dickey also moved that copies of the address be forwarded to the American Architect, Inaldn Architect, Northern Architect, North Western Architect, and other interested papers, and the full address be inserted in the Dallas daily papers. Adopted.
J. J. Kane moved that a committee of two, consisting of S. B. Haggart and G. M. Tozer, be appointed to draft a form of "Order of Business," so that the committee might report in proper order, and thus facilitate the carrying out of business during the sessions. Unanimously adopted.
J.J. Kane it was moved that the president appoint a committee of three members to offer names for officers for the ensuing year. Carried.
The president appointed the following committee: G. M. Tozer, Frank W. Kane and Geo. E. Dickey.
Frank W. Kane proposed that a committee consisting of M. McQuirk and S. B. Haggart be appointed to formulate rules under which architects will take part in competitive work and present same at next annual meeting. Seconded by N. Tobey and unanimously adopted.
This was a motion similar to one adopted at the the last annual meeting, but the committee failing to come together nothing was done, therefore action is deferred for several motnhs.
A motion to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. prevailed.
Wednesday Afternoon Sessions
The convention was called to order at 2:10 p. m., by the president.
The Committee on Order of Business presented their report which after being amended reads as follows:
To the Hon. President and members of the Texas Association of Architects:
Gentlemen - We, your committee, hereby respectfully submit the following
First. - Reading the minutes of previous annual meeting.
Second. - Reading President's address.
Third. - Report of Executive Committee.
Fourth. - Report of Standing Committee.
Fifth. - Report of Special Committees.
Sixth. - Unfinished Business.
Seventh. - New Business.
Eighth. - Payment of Annual Dues.
Ninth. - Election of Officers.
Tenth. - Appointment of Standing and Special Committees.
Respectfully submitted,
S. B. Haggart, G. M. Tozer.
On motion of Frank Kane, seconded by M. McQuirk, the "Order of Business" as read was unanimously adopted.
Letters were read from Secretary Eugene T. Heiner and Geo. E. King, and ordered to be filed.
The minutes of the San Antonio meeting were read and approved. See page
The financial statesments of Secretary W. W. Larmour and Treasurer Eugene T. Heiner, were read and after discussion adopted.
The Executive Committee presented their report:
To the President and members of the Texas State Association of Architects:
Gentlemen - The Executive Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the statements of Secretary Larmour and Treasurer Heiner for the year 1889, but as they are unaccompanied by the books or vouchers, and neither of the above officers being present, prevents our making a full statement. See page 120 [extra?]
Mr. J. J. Kane Chairman Executive Committe promised a report pof?] the Executive Comm. in the afternoon
Dallas, Tex. May 11/90
To the Hon Pres
and member of the Tex State Architects Assoc.
[?] [year's?] commitee on order of business hereby respectfully submits the following. To wit
1st Reading minutes last annual meeting 2nd Reading President report 3rd Report of Standing Committees 4th Report of Special Committees 5th Report of Unfinished Committes 6th Report of New Committees 7th Payment of annual dues 8th Election of officers 9th Appointment Standing and Special Committees
Respectfully submitted
S. B. Haggart & G. M. Tozer
The receipts show for annual dues and balances from last year, $95.00 Disbursement, ........................... 74.15
Leaving a balance in hand of ................... $20.85
Owing to a great many members being behind in their dues, we beg to submit the following motion which the secretary has been instructed to send to each delinquent member:
That any member who is in arrers for dues for the year 1889, or previous year, be notified that unless the same are paid within thirty days from date of notice he will stand suspended on resolution of the Executive Committee.
The resignation of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, was received and accepted at San Antonio.
Four members have been suspended for non-payment of dues.
[viz?] A. F. Beckman J. R. Gordon W. H. Tyndall Aflred Giles
The following were elected as members of the Association: Alfred Muller, Galveston; P. S. Rabitt, Glaveston; S. B. Haggart, Fort Worth; M. R. Sanguinet, Fort Worth.
More marked activity and interest on the part of the members will result in much good. J. J. Kane, Chairman.
Moved by Nat'l Tobey, seconded by M. McQuirk, that the report of the Executive Committee be adopted. Carried.
Moved by S. B. Haggart, seconded by Geo. E. Dickey, that the Association adopt an appropriate bronze or silver badge. Each member to procure and wear same, and that the president appoint a committee to design and have struck off about twenty badges; the members to purchase their badges and not to make it a charge against the Association.
The president signified his approval of the abdge and appointed S. B. Haggart and F. W. Kane on this committee.
Moved by Geo. E. Dickey that 250 copies of the report of proceedings be procured and be distributed by the secretary to the members; and that $20.00 or so much as is required be appropriated for cost of publication. Carried.
The Committee on Nomination presented their report:
Gentlemen -- We, your Committee on Nomination of Officers for the ensuing year, beg leave to submit for your consideration the following named officers:
President, .......................... James Wahrenberger. Vice-President, ................... Nathaniel Tobey. Second Vice-President, ....... Geo. E. Dickey. Treasurer, .......................... G. M. Tozer. Secretary, .......................... Geo. W. Stewart.
Executive Committee.
J. J. Kane, Chairman.
M. McQuirk. S. B. Haggart. W. W. Larmour. J. Larmour.
The report of the committee was adopted and the secretary authorized to cast a ballot in compliance with the report as the unanimous choice of the convention.
Number of votes cast, ten.
The secretary then read the ROLL OF MEMBERSHIP.
A. B. Bristol, ............... Dallas. Alfred F. Beckman ...... San Antonio. Geo. E. Dickey ............ Houston. J. Riley Gordon ........... San Antonio. Alfred Giles ................. San Antonio. S. B. Haggart, .............. Fort Worth. Eugene T. Heiner, ....... Houston. Sam P. Herbet, ............ Waco. Frank W. Kane, ........... Fort Worth. Geo. S. Kane, .............. Fort Worth. J. J. Kane, ................... Fort Worth. Geo. E. King, .............. El Paso. J. Larmour, ................. Austin. W. W. Larmour, .......... Waco. Burt McDonald, .......... Austin. M. McQuirk, ............... Dallas. Alfred Muller, ............. Galveston. P. S. Rabitt, ................. Galveston. Oscar Ruffini, .............. San Angelo. M. R. Sanguinet, .......... Fort Worth. Geo. W. Stewart, .......... Dallas. Nathaniel Tobey, .......... Dallas. Guy M. Tozer, ............... Dallas. W. H. Tyndall, .............. Galveston. Albert Ullrich, .............. Dallas. James Wahrenberger, .... San Antonio A. O. Watson, ................ Austin
Major Haggart moved that a vote of thanks be extended to the Board of Trade and Mr Tobey for their courtesies and to the [press?] of the city for their publishing the report. Sec'd by Frank Kane, but a reconsideration was made as follows
Resolution by S. B. Haggart, seconded by Frank W. Kane, that a vote of thanks be extended to the Board of Trade of the T. S. A. A. resident in Dallas, for the courtesies extended to the architects during convention. Adopted.
Mr Tobey presented a rebut invitation from [?] Harry [Bros?] that they had some conveyances placed at the [disposal?] of T. S. A. A. for a [tour?] through the city and moved that it be accepted, seconded by Tozer but [Messers?] Kane (J J) + Wahrenberger approved the motion as they did not wish to curry any particular favor with contractor, and also thaqt the honor was [its take?].
The motion was reconsidered and thanks were extended to [?] Harry Bros: for their kind offer but the Assoc regretted that time would not permit of accepting [same?].
An invitiation from prominent citizens was extended to the architects to take a drive around the city, but regrets were expressed that time would not permit of accepting same.
Geo. E. Dickey proposed Houston, and G. M. Tozer proposed Fort Worth as the places for holding the next convention. Considerable rivalry existed between the two cities, and on the third ballot Fort Worth was selected as the place of the next meeting of the association.
On motion the convention adjourned to meet in Fort Worth on the third Tuesday in January, 1891.
Minutes of Ex. Comm. Dallas. May 13th 1890 9 15 AM
The meeting was called to order by the chairman J. J. Kane. Present Geo. Dickey + Geo W. Stewart.
Messer Wahrenberger + Tobey by invitation were present
The minutes of the San Antonio meeting were read and approved.
A communication to Mr. W. W. from Geo. E. King of El Paso, regretting his inability [?] present and to rectify his name, was read and action deferred.
The financial statement of Larmour were read and approved.
Wahrenberger suggested dropping the names of Alfred F. Beckman from the list of members as he refuses to pay dues and on motion of Wahrenberger, sec by J. J. Kane and after a good deal of duscission, the following were suspended
Alfred F. Beckman J. R. Gordon W. H. Tyndall Alfred Giles
as having violated the rules + regulations of the Association, and the secretary was instructed to send the following notice to delinquent members viz - see page 123
Minutes of the Executive Committe of The Texas State Association of Architects here in San Antonion Tex January 21st 1890
The meeting was called to order by chairman J. J. Kane at 4 00 PM Present James Wahrenberger, A. O. Watson, forming a quorum.
The applications of S. B. Haggart of Fort Worth recommended by J. J. Kane, A. O. Watson & James Wahrenberger, ballot taken and the applicants [?] elected.
The application of Alfred [?] of Galveston recommended by James Wahrenberger and A. O. Watson, ballot taken and the applicants [?] elected.
The resignation of W. C. [Dodson?] was received and by action of the committee the resignation was accepted.
On motion of A. O. Watson the secretary was [?] to notify the members of the association to the annual [?], and that the president issue a notice for the meeting regulated to commence at Dallas on the second Tuesday 13th day of May 1890. Carried
Motion to adjourn to meet at Dallas [?]
W. W. Larmour Secty T. S. A. A.
That any member who is in [?] for the year 1889 or previous years be notified. That unless the same be paid within 30 days from date of notice he will stand suspended on resolution of the Executive Committee.
The application of P. S. Rabbitt of Galeston, recommended by J. J. Kane and Geo. E. Dickey for membership was rec'd and accepted.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
The secretary wishes to state that the names of the above suspended members are not the only ones who have not paid their dues as a look over the Sec'y + Treasurer papers will show, and he also [notified?] Mr. J. J. Kane, Chairman Ex Com: and Mr. Wahrenberger. [?] that their names would again appear in the list of members in good standing.
[G. W. Stewart?]