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Texas State Association of Architects Correspondence
[Waco.?] [?] Jan. 31 1889 Recieved of W.W.Jarmon for [?] State [?] of [?] Twenty-Three -- Dollars for [?] Proceedings and 200 [?] $23.00 / 100
To Johnson - Brothers, Dr. - The Neat Printers - Terms Cash ... - Stationers - and - Engravers -
Nov | 15 | To 100 Invitations | 5 | 50 |
Paid to the undersigned | Jan. 22 1890 |
J. Reily Gordon Esq. - Ft. Worth Tex, Dec. 22'nd 1892. SAN ANTONIO TEX. Dear sir; Mr. A.N.Dawson of our city, claims that he was elected to membership in the T.S.A.A at a meeting held at Dallas at the time of competition for Worlds Fair Building, and that he had paid his $5.00 to Herbert, but has never recieved any official notice of his election, nor any notice of subsiquent meetings etc. and asked us to inquire into the matter and see how he stands, can you let us know any - thing in regard to it? [dictated] Yours truly, Arthur A Messer
[letterhead] Albert [T?.] Beckmann,
Cor. Commerce Navarro Streets.
San Antonio Jany 19th 1891
Mr Geo W. Stewart. Secretary [I?]. S. A. A. Dallas. Tex.
Dear Sir.
Acknowledging your favors Of Dec 18/90 + Jany 5/91, [I?] send you enclosed P.O. Money order for $20.00 same being my annal dues for 97-88-89-90. I am almost ashamed to acknowledge owing so much. A year ago I intended to settle but being in Mexico, did not do so. When Mr [Hahrenbergen?] returned from the convention in May I understood that I was suspended at that time, and was rather surprised when, receiving your letters, I saw that I was still considered a member in good standing. Of course this notification
Amt handed [? ??an???]
C.A. Gill. J.S. Moad. J.O. Gill.
Gill, Moad & Gill, ARCHITECTS AND SUPERINTENDENTS, ROOMS 304 and 305, COCKRELL BUILDING Dallas, Texas, Jan 19 189/
To the Executive Co, T.T.A. Architects,
I beg to make application for membership in the Texas State Assn. of Architects agreeing to abide by its constitution and laws. C. A. Gill
Albert Ullrich Geo. W. [D.?] [?] Accepted.
//note// Accompanied by $10 //note// which was handed to //note// treasurer.
Gill, Moad & Gill Architects & Superintendents Rooms 304 and 305, Cockrell Building,
Dallas, Texas, Jan 19 1891
To the Executive Co. T. S. A. Arch (?)
I beg to make application for membership in the Texas State Assoc of Architects agreeing to abide by its constitution and laws (?)
Truly yours, J. S. Moad
Albert Ullrich Accepted Geo. W. Stewart
Office of Geo. E. King Architect & Superintendent Center Block. Wells, Fargo's Bank Block, El Paso, Textas, May 10th 1890
W. W. Larmour [Esq.?] Waco Tex
Dear Frater,
Yours of the 7th just to hand in reply am sorry to state that owing to my having to be in Las Cruces N. M. on the 12th for the purpose of meeting the Board of Regents of the [Tex?] Agricultural college which I expect to get it will be impossible for me to be present at the State Convention allthough I had intended to have been with you any business of importance when necessary for [?]. You will confer a favor by representing me through proxy. Please have the mistake in my initials from Geo. F. to Geo. E. etc. as you will see the mistake on your books. I oblige. Fraternally Yours, Geo. E.
Messer, Sanguinet & Messer: Architects
Kendricks Building, Fort Worth, Texas
Dec. 29th 1892
J. Reilly Gordon Esq: Sec'y
Dear Sir:
I herewith send copy of report of Treasurer, which was sent to me by Mr. Stewart, having been left in his hands after last meeting. I also received a check for $95.00 from Herbert, which as you will see does not quite agree with the report, but still leaves me in a position to satisfy the most pressing creditors of the Ass'n and relieve it of its immediate necessities, which I will do, if you will have the enclosed accounts properly countersigned, according to the constitution.
Yours Truly,
P.S. There is also an old account against J. J. Kane, for $4.37 for gold badge, which is the only one remaining unpaid.
Geo. E. King applied for admission 1888 J. R. Gordon '' '' '' 1889 Armstrong '' '' '' 1889 Measer '' '' '' 1889 H. Fred Muller '' '' '' 1890 S. B. Haggart '' '' '' 1890 Tom [Ward?] - elected a member 1891
In 1890 Mr. Ruffini writes to Mr. Stewart that he thinks all charter members paid both their initiation fees + dues. as the association needed money at that time. Can't find out whethter they did or not.
Mr. Bristol writes in 1890 that he will remit in person. Can't find out whether he did or not.
Larmour & [Watson?] owe dues for 1890 - 91. Hellwig owes