


Status: Needs Review

Albert [T?.] Beckmann,


Cor. Commerce Navarro Streets.

San Antonio Jany 19th 1891

Mr Geo W. Stewart.
Secretary [I?]. S. A. A.
Dallas. Tex.

Dear Sir.

Acknowledging your favors
Of Dec 18/90 + Jany 5/91, [I?] send you
enclosed P.O. Money order for $20.00 same
being my annal dues for 97-88-89-90.
I am almost ashamed to acknowledge
owing so much. A year ago I intended
to settle but being in Mexico, did not
do so. When Mr [Hahrenbergen?] returned
from the convention in May I understood
that I was suspended at that
time, and was rather surprised when,
receiving your letters, I saw that I was
still considered a member in good standing. Of course this notification

Amt handed [? ??an???]

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