Pages That Mention Amazonas
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
Olifo, and between the rivers of Great and Little Mance.]
Castors, a port on the s. coast of Nova Scotia, between the White isles and the port of Tangier.
CASTRO, a capital city of the province and government of Chiloé in the kingdom of Chile; peopled by the order of Don Lope Garcia de Castro, governor of Peru, who gave it his name in 1560 : it lies, between two small livers, and has a good port; is inhabited by some good and opulent families, and enjoys a pleasant ,and healthy temperature. It is also called Chjloe, and is of a regular and beautiful form ; has, besides the parish church, a convent of monks of St. Francis, and a bishop auxiliary to that of Santiago. It was .sacked by the Dutch in 1643 ; is 42 leagues s. of the city of Osorno, in lat. 42° 40' s.
Castro, another capital city of the province and government of Esmeraldas or Atacames in the kingdom of Quito ; founded. in the valley of Fili by Francisco Quintero, in 1586.
Castro, another settlement of the province and cvrregimknto of Chillan in the kingdom of Chile ; situate in the island of Maule, on the shore of the river Longomilla.
Castro-Vireyna, a province and corregimiento of Peru, bounded n. w. by the province ofCanete, «. by that of Yauyos, n. e. by that of Angaraes, and partly by the jurisdiction of Huamanga and Huanta, m. by that of Vilcas Huaman, s. w. by that of Lucanas, and s. s. w. and w. by that of \^ca. It is uneven and barren, and its inhabitants, on this account, amount scarcely to 6900, although it is 22 leagues in length from e. to as, and 25 in width n. to s. No mines have been discovered here, nor are there any other roads to it than merely such as are opened through passes in the snow, or where no obstruction is ofered by the copious streams which every where precipitate themselves down from the mountains, and which are particularly large in the rainy season, which is from October to Slarch. Its productions are wheat, maize, and potatoes; and in some glens, where the cold is not so great, fruits and cattle are extremely plentiful. Here are also lla~ mas, vicunas, and huanacos, the wool of which they turn to some profit. This province is watered by rivers, some of which descend from the provinces of the coast of the S. sea, and others from the further side of the cordillera, running towards the e. and entering the Maranon ; it is also watered by the Canete, which rises from the Chicha, and collects other streams in this province ; by the Pisco, which rises from a lake called .firacocha ; by the Yea, from the lake Choclo-
cocha ; and by the Calcamayo, which enters the province of Vilcas Huaman. In all the waters of this province, notwithstanding they are very abundant, there is a great scarcity of fish, and without doubt this arises from the cold which prevails here. This province is but thinly peopled, and its inhabitants are poor : they do not, we have heard, amount to more than 7000 souls. It consists of six curacies, to which there are 29 other settlements annexed. Its yearly reparlimiento amounted to 86,400 dollars, and it paid an alcavala equal to 691 dollars. The capital is of the same name ; this is a small and poor town, situate on a lofty spot, where the cold is most intense : close to it runs a river, which is made use of for working the mills of the silver mines ; which, although they produce this metal of a good quality, they are by no means well stocked with it. The town has a convent of monks of St. Francis, and two large estates called Huallanto and Huallanga, in which thera are churches annexed to this curacy ; is 14 leagues from Huancablica, 26 from Pisco, and 60 from
la. Long. 74° 44'. Lat. 13° 49' s. The
ements of the province
Santa Ana,
Y anac.
CASUHATI, a mountam of the province and governmemt of Buenos Ayres, on the shore of the river Hueque Lenori.
CASURO, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions: it runs s. s. e. and enters the Trombetas.
(CASWELL County, in Hillsborough district, N. Carolina, borders on Virginia, n : it contains 10,096 inhabitants, of whom 2736 are slaves. Leesburg is the chief town.)
(CAT Island, or Guanahani, one of the Bahama islands. See St. Salvador.)
CATA, a settlement of the province and govern
merit of Venezuela ; situate upon the coast near cape Blanco.
(CATABAW River. See Wateree.)
(Catabaw Indians, a small tribe who have one town called Catabaw, situate on the river of that name, hit. 44° S9' n, on the boundary line between N. and S. Carolina, and contains about 450 inhabitants, of which about 150 are fighting men. They are the only tribe w hich resides in the state ; 144,000 acres of land . were granted them by the proprietary government. These are the remains of a forrnidalile nation, the bravest and most generous enemy thp Six Nations had, butthey have degenerated sincp they have been surrounded by the whites.)
CATABUHU, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas: it rises near the equinoctial line, runs s. e. and enters the Rio Negro.
CATACACHI, a settlement of the province and corregimiehto of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Cruz, in which there is a stream of water Avhich distils from some crevices, and deposits in its bed a sort of white stone or crystalline substance, which they call catachi^ and which being dissolved in water, is accounted a specific in the flux.
CATACAOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru.
CATACOCHA, a settlement of the province and correghniento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.
CATACUMBO, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo, which rises to the e. of the city of Las Palmas, and runs e. increasing its stream by many others which flow into it, until it unites itself with the Sulia, to enter the lake of Maracaibo; where, at its mouth, it extends itself and forms a large pool of water called La Laguneta.
CATAGANE, a settlement of Canada, situate on the side of lake Superior, close to the point of Chagovamigon, (or more properly called Camanistigovan.)
CATAGUAR, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná ; situate to the e. of the city of Cariaco.
CATALANA, an island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cories ; situate near the coast, between the islands of Monserrat and Santa Cruz.
CATALINA, Santa, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tezcoco in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the settlement of Nuestra Senora de la Purificacion. It contains 132 families of Indians.
CATALINA, Santa, another seUlement in the head settlementand district of Tepaxtlan, and alcaldia mar/or of Cuercavaca, in Nueva España.
CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tepeaca in the same kingdom.
CATALINA, Santa, another, with the distingnishing title of Martyr, in the head settlement and ah aldia mayor of Zacatlan in the same kingdom.
CATALINA, Santa, anotlier settlement of the head settlement of Teutalpan, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in the same kingdom.
CATALINA, Santa, a small settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Juxtlahuaca in the same kingdom.
CATALINA, Santa, another, of the head settlement of Tantoyuca, and alcaldia mayor of Tampico, in the same kingdom : it is of a hot temperature, and contains 80 families of Indians, who apply themselves to the culture of the soil ; is 10 leagues to the e. of its head settlement.
CATALINA, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huaicho.
CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cauta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pari ; it has some hot medicinal baths.
CATALINA, Santa, a small settlement of the district and jurisdiction of Valladolid in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan of Nueva Espana.
CATALINA, Santa, another,' of the head settlement of Mistepeque, and alcaldia mayor of Nejapa, in Nueva España: it is of a cold temperature, situate at the foot of a mountain, with 60 families of Indians, and is 4 leagues from its head settlement.
CATALINA, Santa, another, of the head settlement of Quiatoni, and alcaldia mayor of Teutitlan, in Nueva España, with 20 families of Indians ; and is one league n. of its head settlement.
CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Tepeguana and kingdom of Nueva Viscaya, on the shore of the river Las Nasas ; is 30 leagues to the n. w. of its capital.
CATALINA, Santa, another settlement, with the addition of Sera, of the province and government of Maracaibo, in the district of the city of Pedraza ; situate on the shore of the river Pariva ; is one of the missions which are held in Barinas bj the religion of St. Domingo.
CATALINA, Santa, another, of the same pro
(Catherine’s Isle, a pleasant island on the harbour of Sunburj, in the state of Georgia.)
(Cathehine’s Isle, a small productive island on the s. coast of St. Domingo, 20 leagues e. of the town of St. Domingo.)
(CATHERINE's Town, in Ontario county, New York, lies three miles s. of the 5 . end of Seneca ake.)
Catilina, a bay of tlie e. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between the capes Santos and Nuevo.
(CATO, a military township in New York state, 12 miles s. e. of lake Ontario, and about 20 s. of Oswego fort.)
CATOA, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas. It rises in tlie mountains of the Andes, runs n. and enters the Marailon on the s. side, between the rivers Coari and Coyame.
(==CATORCE, or La Purissima Concepcion De Alamos de Catorce==, one of the richest mines of New Spain, and in the intendancy of San Luis Potosi. The real de Catorce, however, has only been in existence since 1773, when Don Sebastian Coronado and Don Bernarbe Antonio de Zepeda discovered these celebrated seams, which yield annually the value of more than from 18 to ^20 millions of francs, or from 730,460/. to 833,500/. sterling.)
(CATTAHUNK, one of the Elizabeth isles, in the state of Massachusetts. See Buzzard’s Bay.)
CATUARO, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate near to and s. of the city of Cariaco.
CAUACUAN, a river of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Ipau and Piricaya.
CAUAIAMA, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Guarey and Bracuaenda.
CAUAILLON, a settlement and parish of the French, in their possessions in St. Domingo ; situate on the coast and at the w. head, near the bay of its name, between the settlements of Torbec and Los Cayos.
CAUAIU, a small river of the same province and government as the former. It runs w. and enters the Parana, between the rivers Verde and Yocare-mini.
Cauaiu, a bay of the same island, opposite the Isla Vaca or Cow island.
CAUALA, a settlement of the province and capiainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate > 1 . of Villarica.
CAU-ALLERIZAS, a settlement of the province and government of Yaguarsongo in the kingdom of Quito.
CAUANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Conchucos in Peru.
CAUASAN, San Francisco Xavier de, a town of the province of Copala, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate in the midst of the sierra of Topia, on the coast of the S. sea, on the shore of the river Plastin. It has a small port for lesser vessels, which has oftentimes been invaded by enemies. It is a curacy administered by the clergy, and to which two small settlements of Mexicaa Indians are annexed.
CAUCA, a large and copious river of the province and government of Popayán, which rises in the mountains of the government of Mariquita, and running 160 leagues from s. to?i. in which course it collects the ’waters of many other rivers, it passes near the cities of Popaj'iin, Buga, Cali, and Anserma ; from whence it is navigable until it enters the large river of the Magdalena. It is very narrow where it passes through the cities of Popayan and Antioquia, and forms the letter S, taking its course through rocks, which render its navigation very dangerous. The Indians, however, are so dexterous in guarding their canoes from running against the rocks by paddles, that it is very seldom indeed that any accident occurs to them. They call this strait Las Mamas de Caramanta, from a city which was here of this name. Many make this navigation for the purpose of avoiding a round-about journey of many days, and in a bad road through the mountains ; and it is said that some have had the good fortune to discover a route by water free from all difficulties, and that this was actually made by the pontificate of the bishop of Popayan, Don Diego de Montoy.
Cauca, a small river of the province and government of Venezuela. It runs n. and enters the sea at the mouth of the Golfete or Little gulf.
CAUCAQUA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate near the river Tuy, opposite the cape of Codera.
CAUCHUPIL, a river of the kingdom of Chile; it runs to the s. s. e. and then turning s. enters the Lebo.
CAUIAN, a settlement of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil ; situate on the
It was conquered and united to the empire by Inca Roca, the sixth Emperor.
CHALLAPATA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Paria in Peru.
CHALLAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarquilla or Pataz in Peru, in the district of which is an estate called Huasillas, where there is a house of entertainment belonging to the religion of St. Francis, in which reside the missionaries who assist in the conversion of the infidel Indians of the mountains.
CHALOUPES, PUERTO DE LAS, a port in the island of Guadalupe, and on the n. coast, is small, and lies between the Punta Antigua (Old Point) and the Mole bay.
CHALUANCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Amaraez in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river Pachachaca.
CHALUANI, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed to the curacy of Sirca.
CHAMA, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo. It rises at the foot of the snowy sierra, runs, making the form of two SS, to the e. and rt;. and passing by to the s. of the city of Merida, returns n. and enters the great lake of Maracaibo at the side opposite its mouth.
Chama, a large and fertile valley of the same province and government, to the s. of the lake.
CHAMACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.
CHAMACON, a river of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; it rises in the mountains of the e. coast, and runs from s. e. to n. w. until it enters the large river Atrato near its mouth.
CHAMACUERO, San Francisco de, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Zelaya in the province and bishopric of Meohoacan. It contains 690 families of Indians, and more than 30 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulaltoes, with a convent of the order of St. Francis ; is five leagues to the n. of its capital.
CHAMAL, a settlement of Indians of the Chichimeca nation, in the head settlement of the district of Tamazunchale, and alcaldia mayor of Valles, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a valley of the same name. Its inhabitants having been reduced at the beginning of the 18th century, and having requested a priest, one was sent them of the religion of St. Francis ; but no sooner did he arrive amongst them than they put him to death, eating his body, and at the same time destroying the settlement. They were, however, afterwards reduced to the faith, rather through the hostilities practised against
them by their neighbours than a desire of embracing it. It is five leagues from Nuestra Senora de la Soledad.
CHAMANGUE, a river of the province and government of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs through the territory of the city of Avila from n. w. to s. e. and enters the river Coca, on the w. side, in lat. 46° s.
CHAMARI, a small river of the province and country of the Amazonas, which runs s. s. e. and enters the river Madera opposite that of Guayaparanna.
CHAMARIAPA, a settlement of the province of Barcelona, and government of Curaana, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; one of those which are under the care of the religious observers of St. Francis, the missionaries of Piritu. It is to the w. of the mesa (table land) of Guanipa.
CHAMAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Mangas.
CHAMAYA, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the river Maranon.
CHAMBA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito, towards the s. It runs from e. to w. passes near the settleuient of Vilcabamba, and then enters the river Malacatos.
(CHAMBERSBURG, a post town in Pennsylvania, and the chief of Franklin county. It is situated on the e. branch of Conogocheague creek, a water of Potow.mac river, in a rich and highly cultivated country and healthy situation-. Here are about 200 houses, two Presbyterian churches, a stone gaol, a handsome court-house buUt of brick, a paper and merchant mill. It is 58 miles e. by s. of Bedford, 11 w. zo. of Shippensburg, and 157 w. of Philadelphia. Lat. 39° 57' n. Long. 77° 40' a-'.)
CHAMBIRA, a settlement of the province and government of Maynas in the kingdom of Quito ; situale at the source of the river of its name. It rises to the e. of the settlement of Pinches, between the rivers Tigre and Pastaza, and runs nearly parallel to the former, where it enters, with a much increased body, into the Maranon.
(CHAMBLEE River, or Sorell, a water of the St. Lawrence, issuing from lake Champlain, 300 yards wide when lowest. It is shoal in dry seasons, but of sufficient breadth for rafting lumber, &c. spring and fall. It was called both Sorcll and Richlieu when the French held Canada.)
CHAMBLI, a French fort in the province and
los Llanos. Its inhabitants amount to about 200, besides 100 Indians.
CHIPATA, a settlement of the corregimiento of the jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, and it is healthy, though by no means abounding in the productions peculiar to its climate. Its inhabitants are very few, and the number of Indians is 50. It was one of the first settlements entered by the Spaniards, and where the first mass ever celebrated in that part of the world was said by the Friar Domingo de las Casas, of the order of St. Domingo ; and is situate very close to the city of Velez.
[CHIPAWAS. See Chepawas.]
CHIPAYA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbisnoprhe of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy of Huachacalla.
CHIPEOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the forests near the river Ucayala. Very little is known of their customs.
[CHIPPAWYAN Fort, in N. America, from whence M‘Kenzie embarked, on the lake of the Hills, when he made his way as far as the N. sea, in 1789.1
[CUJPPEWAY River runs s. w. into Mississippi river, in that part where the confluent waters form lake Pepin.]
CHIPURANA, a river of the province and government of Mainas. It rises in the mountains which are to the s. of Yurimaguas ; runs in a serpentine course from s. to n. and enters the Guallaga on the e. side, in lat. 7° 8' s.
CHIQUALOQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Popantla in Nueva Espana; inhabited by 12 families of Indians, and lying 12 leagues to the n. w. of its capital.
CHIQUIAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.
CHIQUIGUANITAS, a barbarous nation of Indians in former times, but now reduced to the Catholic religion. It is in Perú, to the s. of Lima, in the province of Condesuyos de Arequipa.
CHIQUILIGASTA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucaman, in the district of its capital ; situate to the s. e. of the same.
CHIQUILIXPAN, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zayula in Nueva Espana. It contains 50 families of Indians, and in the mountains in its vicinity are some mines of copper, which have been worked at different times ; but not having produced a benefit proportionate with the expences incurred, they have been abandoned. It is, 15 leagues n. w. of its head settlement.
CHIQUILLANIANS. Sec Index to new matter concerning Chile, chap. IV.
CHIQUIMULA Y SACAPA, a province and alcaldia mayor of the kingdom of Guatemala.
CHIQUINQUIRA, a settlement of the corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, but is healthy ; its situation is delightful, and it abounds in productions. It is watered by a river which runs through the centre of it, the waters of which are unwholesome : at a small distance another river passes through a plain ; this is called Balsa, or Raft, since, before the bridge was thrown across it, it was passed by rafts. It rises from the lake Fuguene, and abounds in most exquisite fish. The settlement, which was formerly but small, is now of great note, and its inhabitants are about 500, besides 70 Indians. It has a good convent of the religious order of S. Domingo, and is noted for the sanctuary of the virgin of its title. Under the large altar, at which is placed this image, there is a small fountain of water, renowned for the curing of infirmities, as is also the earth which is extracted from thence; it being by no means the least part of the prodigy, that although this earth has been constantly taken out for upwards of 200 years, the excavation formed thereby is comparatively exceedingly small. The faith in, and devotion towards this image, are throughout the kingdom very great, and not lesa so with regard to strangers, who visit it in great numbers from far distant provinces. This settlement is nine leagues from Tunja, and 15 to the n. zeJ. of Santa Fe.
CHIQUITI, a river of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from s. w. to n. e. between the rivers Vichi and Cuche, and enters on the s. side into the river of Las Esrneraldas.
CHIQUITOI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is at present destroyed, and the few surviving inhabitants afterwards collected together at the settlement of Santiago de Cao, and it then became merely a small estate or hamlet, preserving its original name, and being inhabited by a few Indians.
CHIQUITOS, a numerous and warlike nation of Indians of Perú, whose country or territory extends from lat. 16° to 20° s. It is bounded w. by the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra ; on the e". it extends itself for upwards of 140 leagues as far as the lake of Los Xarayes ; on the n, as far as the mountains of the Tapacures, the which divide this country from that of Moxos ;