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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



CONGACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraes in Pern ; annexed to the uracy of Yulcamarca.

CONGARI, a large river of S. Carolina. It runs s. e. taking various names, till it enters the sea. It is first called Trente Milles, or Thirty Miles, then Congari, and afterwards Santi.

CONGAS, a settlement of the province and rorregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Ocros.

CONGER, Rock of, a small island or rock, close to the e. coast of the island of Barbadoes.

CONGO, a settlement of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra N ueva ; situate on the shore of a river, which gives it its name, and of the coast of the S. sea, within the gulf of S. Miguel.

CONGOHAS, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate to the w. of the Villa Rica.

CONGURIPO, Santiago de, a- settlement of the head settlement of Puruandiro, and alcaldta mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; situate on a plain or shore of the Rio Grande. It is of a hot temperature, and contains 12 families of Spaniards and Mustees^ and 57 of Indians. Twenty-six leagues from the captital Pasquaro.

CONHAWAY, a large river of N. Carolina. It runs many leagues ; first n. e. then n. and afterwards n. w. and enters the Ohio. It is called also Wood river and New river.

CONHAWAY, another, in the province and colony of Virginia, with the additional title of Petit, or Little. It also runs n. w, and enters the Ohio.

(CONHOCTON Creek, in New York, is the n. head water of Tioga river. Near its mouth is the settlement called Bath.)

CONICARI, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore and at the source of the river Mayo. It is a reduccion of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits.

CONIGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the province and government of Tarma in Peru, who inhabit the mountains of the Andes, united with the Cunchos, and of whom but little is known.

CONIL, Bocas de, entrances which the sea makes upon the coast of the province of Yucatán, between the river Lagartos, and the baxos or shoals of Cuyo.

CONILABQUEN, a small river of the district of Tolten Alto in the kingdom of Chile. It runs s. and enters the Token.

CONIMA, a settlement of the province and cor-

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regimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Moxo.

CONNECTICUT, a county of the province and colony of New England in N. America. It is bounded w. by New York and the river Hudson ; is separated from the large island by an arm of the sea to the s. ; has to the e. Rhode island, with part of the colony of Massachusetts, and the other part of the same colony to the n. It is traversed by a river of the same name, which is the largest of the whole province, and navigable by large vessels for 40 miles. This province abounds in wood, turpentine, and resins ; in the collecting of which numbers of the inhabitants are occupied, although the greater part of them are employed in fishing, and in hewing timber for the building of vessels and other useful purposes. The merchants of the province once sent to King Charles II. some timber or trees, of so fine a growth as to serve for masts of ships of the largest burthen. The great trade of woods and timbers carried on by means of the river has much increased its navigation. This territory is not without its mines of metal, such as lead, iron, and copper: the first of these have yielded some emolument, but the others have never yet produced any thing considerable, notwithstanding the repeated attempts which have been made to work them. This county is well peopled and flourishing, since it numbers upwards of 40,000 souls, notwithstanding the devastations that it has suftered through the French, the Indians, and the pirates, in the reign of Queen Anne, when all the fishing vessels were destroyed. When this colony was first founded, many great privileges were given it, which have always been maintained by the English governor, through the fidelity which it manifested in not joining the insurrection of the province of Massachusetts, until, in the last war, it was separated from the metropolis, as is seen in the article U n ited States OF America.

(Connecticut, one of the United States of North America, called by the ancient natives Qunnihticut, is situated between lat. 41° and 42° 2' n. and between long. 71° 20' and 7.3° 15' w. Its greatest breadth is 72 miles, its length 100 miles; bounded «. by Massachusetts ; e. by Rhode island ; s. by the sound which divides it from Long island ; and w. by the state of New York. This state contains about 4674 square miles; equal to about 2,640,000 acres. It is divided into eight counties, viz. Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex, and New London, which extend along the sound from w. to c. : Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, and Windham, extend in the same direction on the border of the] 3 T 2

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CORORAMO, a small river of tbe province and government of Guayana. It rises to the w. of the lake Icupa, runs n. and enters the Paraguay.

COROYA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru ; of the district and jurisdiction of the city of Cordoba ; situate on the shore of the river Priraero.

COROYO, a lake of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It is in the island of Topinambes, and is formed by the waters of the Maranon. '

COROZAL, or Pileta, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CORPAHUASI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cotabamba in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huaillati.

CORPANQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Tillos.

CORPUS-CHRISTI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province and government of Paraguay ; situate on the shore of the river Parana, about 11 leagues n. e. of Candelaria. Lat. 27° T 23" s. Long. 55° 32' 29" w.

Corpus-Christi, a large, beautiful, and fertile valley of the province and government of Mariquita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

CORQUEMAR, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas.

CORQUINA, a river of the province and government of Guayana. It runs s. and enters the Orinoco.

CORRAL, a settlement of the district of Guadalabquen, of the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river Valdivia.

Corral, Quemado, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; situate in an angle formed by a river of this name.

CORRALES, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia ; situate on the shore of the river Perico, in the sierras of Guarnoco.

CORRALITO, a setdement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero ; to the e. of the same, and on the shore of the river Guarico.

CORRIENTES, S.Juan de , a city of the province and government of Buenos Ayres in Peru ; founded in 1588, on the e. coast of the river La Plata, near the part where those of the Parana and Paraguay unite. It has, besides the parish

church, three convents, of St. Domingo, St. Francis, and La Merced, and a college which belonged to the regulars of the company of Jesuits. This city has been harassed by the infidel Abipones Indians, who have here put to death many Spaniards, and taken others prisoners ; on which account a guard of horse-militia has been established for its defence. (It is 100 leagues n. of the city of Santa Fe, and contained, in 1801, 4300 inhabitants. Lat. 27° 27' 21" s.)

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, a rivcr of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains towards the n. and enters the sea in the large plain opposite the Mulatto isles.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another river, of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, which rises from the lake Yberia, and runs s. w. to enter the river La Plata.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another, of the province and government of Paraguay. It rises in the serrania which lies between the rivers Paraguay and Parana, runs w. and enters the former between the rivers Mboeri and P'areiri.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another, of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil, which runs s.s. e. and enters the large lake of Los Patos.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, a Cape of the s. coast of the island of Cuba : CO leagues from the island of Trinidad, and 13 from the cape of San Antonio.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another cape, called also De Arenas Gordas, on the coast which lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan, between the capes San Antonio and Saa Andres.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another Cape OF point of the coast, in the province and captainship of Seara, between the river Molitatuba and the port Palmeras.

(CORTLANDT, a township in the n. part of the county of W. Chester, on the e. bank of Hudson river. New York, containing 1932 inhabitants, of whom 66 are slaves. Of its inhabitants, in 1796, 305 were electors.)

CORUPA, a river of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises near the coast of the N. sea to the e. of the province, and enters the Tarina.

CORUPA, another river. See Curupa.

CORUPO, San Francisco de, a settlement of the head settlement of Uruapa, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains S3 families of Indians, 3x2

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dom of Guatemala, in the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa.

CUCHUNA, a large settlement of Indians, and formerly the capital of a small province of this name in Peru, to the w. of the mountains of (he Andes. It was founded by Maita Capac, fourth Emperor of the Incas, after that he had literally starved the country into obedience. These Indians were treacherous, and used to give their enemies a very deadly poison ; the said emperor caused many to be burnt alive for having practised this abominable custom, and their houses to be destroyed, together with their cattle and possessions.

CUCIO, a settlement of the head settlement of Perucho, and alcaldia mayor of Guimco, in Nueva Espana. It contains 140 families of Indians, and is a quarter of a league from its head settlement.

CUCUANA, a settlement of the province and government of Mariquita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate on the shore of the river Magdalena.

CUCUCHO, San Bartolome de, a settlement of tlie head settlement of Arantzan, and alealdia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 27 families of Indians, who employ themselves in agriculture, cutting wood, and making earthen-ware and

CUCUCHUCHAU, San Pedro de, a settlement of the bead settlement of the city of Cucupao, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; situate on the shore of the lake. It contains 18 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

CUCUISAS, a small river of the province and government of Guayana. It rises to the e. of the settlement of Encaramada, and enters the Itari.

CUCUMAYA, a river of Spanish island, or St. Domingo, which rises near the s. coast, runs s. and enters the sea between the Seco and the Bomana, opposite the island Cataline.

CUCUNUBA, a settlement oiihe corregimiento of Ubate in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, and produces the fruits of this climate. It consists of 100 families, including those of its vicinity, and of 80 Indians; is nine leagues to the n. of Santa Fe.

CUCUNUCO, a mountain to the e, of the province and government of Popayan, eternally covered with snow. From it rises the river Purase, as also the river La Plata. It takes its name from a nation of Indians, by whom it was inhabit-

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ed, and of whom a few only, who are reduced to the,faith, remain.

CUCURPE, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river of its name, between the settlements of Dolores and Ticapa.

CUCURULU, a river of the kingdom of Peru, which runs through the country of the Canisiencs Indians to the e. of the Andes, it abounds in fish of a very fine quality, which serve as food to the barbarians; runs e. and being much swelled by the waters it collects from others, enters the river Santa Rosa.

CUCUTA, San Joseph de, a settlement of the government and jurisdiction of Pamplona in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a hot temperature, though healthy, of great commerce, owing to the cacao with which it abounds, and which is brought by persons coming from various parts, the greater portion of it being embarked on the river Sulia for Maracaibo. It contains more than 100 rich Indians, but is infested with snakes, lice, and other noxious insects and reptiles.

CUCUTA, an extensive valley of this province (Pamplona), between the cities of Pamplona and S. Christoval, discovered by Juan de San Martin in 1534 ; celebrated for its fertility, and excellent breed of mules, by which the kingdom is supplied. It is watered by many streamlets which render it luxuriant and fertile, and most particularly in cacao of the finest quality. The herb on which the mules chiefly feed is wild marjoram.

CUDAJA, a lake of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the territory possessed by the Portuguese. It is formed by one of the arms w hich is thrown out by the river Maranon, and returns to enter the same, in the country of ihe Cabauris Indians.

CUDIHUEL, a settlement of Indians of the district of Guadalabqueu in the kingdom of Chile, on the shore of the riv'er Valdivia.

CUDUUINI, a small river of the province and government of Cumaná. It rises in the ser~ of Irnataca, runs s. and enters the Curguni on the n. side.

CUEBAYA, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate at the source of the river Bezani, to the w. of the garrison which takes this name.

CUECA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chipan.

CUELLO, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Tocayma, and government of Mariqnita, in

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souls. Sixty leagues from Quito, in lat. 2° 55' 5. and long. 78° 50'.

Cuenca, a settlement of tlie province and eorregimiento of [Angaraez]] in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Conayca. In its district is a spring of hot water, which issues boiling.

CUENCAME, San Antonio de, a town of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya. It is the rea/of the silver mines, where reside numbers of people of all ranks. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and in its district are various manufactories for grinding the metals that are extracted from the mines. It is 37 leagues to the n. of the capital Guadiana, and 24 from Durango.

CUENCO, a settlement of the head settlement of Tirindaro, and alcald'ia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; situate in a glen surrounded by many mountains. Through its gutters runs a crystalline stream of sweet water, which serves to fertilize its orchards and cultivated grounds. It contains 66 families of Indians, and is two short leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

CUENTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of San Francisco, of the valley and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec in Nueva Espana. It contains 53 families of Indians.

CUERNAVACCA, a town of the intendancy of Mexico, the ancient Quauhnahuac, on the s. declivity of the cordillera of Guchilaque, in a temperate and delicious climate, finely adapted for the cultivation of the fruit-trees of Europe. Height 1655 metres, or 5429 feet.]

CUERNO, Island of, or of the Horns, in the N. sea, near the coast of Florida, between the islands Delfina and De Navios.

CUERO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito. Some write it with a Q.

CUERNOS, a small river of the province and government of Maracaibo. It is an arm of the Palmar,, which enters the great lake.

CUES, San Juan de los, a settlement of the bead settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 72 families of Indians, whose commerce is in maize, French beans, and fruits. In its vicinity is a sugar-mill, at which 60 families of Negro slaves assist.

CUES, San Antonio DE los, in the intendancy of Oaxaca in Nueva Espaua. A very populous place on the road from Orizaba to Oaxaca, celebrated for the remains of ancient Mexican fortifications.]

CUEUAS, San Agustin de las, a settlement

and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Coyoacan in Nueva Espana. It is of a very good temperature and of a healthy situation, abounding in waters and fruit-trees, and covered with country houses, orchards, and gardens, which serve as a recreation to the people of Mexico. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Domingo, and 751 families; lying three leagues to the s. of Mexico, and two from its capital.

Cueuas, another settlement, of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river Florido, and at the distance of six leagues from the garrison of the valley of San Bartolome.

Cueuas, another, of the missions which were held by the same regulars of the company, in the province of Taraumara, of the same kingdom as the former, 20 leagues to the s. of the real of the mines of Chiguagua.

CUEYTE, a river in the island of Cuba, which abounds with alligators.

CUGUI, a small river of the district of Toltenbaxo in tire kingdom of Chile. It runs n. and enters the Tolten.

CUIABA, Jesus de, a town of the province of Matagroso in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river Paraguay, at its source, near the large lake of LosXareyes. In its vicinity are some abundant gold mines, which have been worked by the Portuguese since the year 1740. Lat. 14° 33'.

Cuiaba, a river of this kingdom (Brazil), and in the territory of its name. It rises in the mountains, runs n. and afterwards turning its course to the w. enters the sea.

CUIABENO, a lake of the province and government of Quijos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito. It is to the s. of the settlement of San Antonio de Amoguajes.

CUIAC, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement of Amatlan, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva Espana. It lies four leagues from its bead settlement, but the journey to it from thence is almost impracticable, owing to its being situate in the middle of the sierra.

CUIACLAZALA, a settlement of the head settlement of San Luis de la Costa, and of the al^ caldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It produces a great quantity of cochineal, this being the only production in which its inhabitants merchandize. These are composed of 60 families of Indians. It is seven leagues to the j. of its capital.

CUIANA, a small river of the province and

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country of Las Amazonas. It flows in the territory of the Carigueres or Mutuanis Indians, runs c. and enters the Madera opposite the great cataract.

CUIAPAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Atoyaque, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in Nueva Espana. It contains 70 families of Indians, who live by agriculture and making coarse stuffs. It is one league to the s. of its head settlement.

CUIATAN, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Caxitlan, being a league and a half’s distance to the s. w.

CUIAUTEPEC, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement of Olinala, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 32 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. c. of its head settlement.

CUIAUTEPEC, another settlement of the head settlement of Ayotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Amola, in the same kingdom. It contains 13 families of Indians, who live by agriculture and breeding cattle; is 10 leagues to the w, of its head settlement.

CUICATLAN, the alcaldia mayor of the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It is 19 leagues in length from e. to w. and 1 1 in width n. s. It is of a hot temperature, abounds in saltpetre, scarlet-dye, and cotton, of which beautiful ornamental dresses are made ; these being the principal source of its commerce. The capital is the settlement of the same name, inhabited by 125 families of Cuicatecos Indians, who cultivate great quantities of maize, French beans, and cotton. It is 70 leagues to the e. with a slight inclination to the s. of Mexico. The other settlements of this district are,

Alpizagua==, ==Teponastla,

Cotahuiztla==, Teutitlan]],

Nacantepec==, Santa Ana]],

Quiotepeque==, ==San Lucas,

Coyula==, ==San Antonio,

Izcatlan==, ==San Mateo,

Papalotipac==, ==San Martin,

Santiago==, ==Casa Blanca,

San Lorenzo==, ==Nanahuatipac,

San Geronimo==, ==San Juan de los Cues,

Santa Cruz==, ==Thecomahuaca,

Santa Maria==, ==Teopuxco,

San Lorenzo==, ==Santiago,

Los Santos Reyes==, ==Huehuetlan,

Tepeuzila==, ==San Pedro,

San Pedro==, ==San Juan,

San Andres==, ==Huahutla,

Santa Maria==,==Chilchola.

==CUICEO=, (Of the lake), the alcaldia mayor of

the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; bounded c. by the province of Acambaro ; n. by that of Zelaya; nc. by that of Pasquaro ; and s. by that of Valladolid. It is in length eight leagues from e. to w. and five in width «. s. It is surrounded by a lake of wholesome water, which gives its name to the jurisdiction, and which, towards the n. part, becomes dry in the summer season, its waters being supplied from certain drains from another large lake which lies on its s. side. The temperature here is, for the most part, mild and dry, and the place abounds with salutary waters, which bubble out from a fountain in an island of the above mentioned lake. Its commerce is very small, since it produces only maize, French beans, and Chile pepper, and a kind of fish found in great abundance in both the lakes, called charaes.

The capital is the settlement of the same name ; situate in front of the island formed by the lake.. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Augustin, and 190 families of Indians, including those of the wards of its district, 72 of Spaniards, 11 of Mulattoes, and 43 of Mustees. It is 50 leagues to the w, of Mexico. The other settlements are,

San Marcos==, ==San Buena Ventura,

San Geronimo==, ==Cupandaro,

Sta. Ana Maya==, ==San Juan. (Mechoacan)

CUICOCHA, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Octavalo in the kingdom of Quito, surrounded by living stone. To the e. it has a rock, where it forms a streamlet, which afterwards enters the river Blanco. It does not appear to receive its waters from any source, and i« thought to be filled through subterraneous aqueducts from the mountain of Cota-cacbe, which is covered with eternal snow. In the middle of this lake rise two hills, which have the appearance of two beautiful isles, the one being covered with trees, and filled with stags and mountain goats, and the other being bedecked with a herb calledp^jow, amongst which thrive many Indian rabbits, which, in the language of the country, are called cuy^ and from thence the name of Cuy-cocha, which means the lake of Indian rabbits. The water which runs between the two islands, forms a channel of 3000 fathoms. This lake belongs to the noble family of the Chiribogas of Quito.

CUILAPA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Ygualapa in Nueva Espana, half a quarter of a league’s distance from its capital.

CUILAPA, a town, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas in Nueva Espana ; situate at the skirt of a mountain.

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