Pages That Mention Granada
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
settlement of Naiilingo, and alcaldm mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espaila, the name of which signifies the place of six fountains. It is situate in the most lofty part of a rugged and mountainous sierra, on which account its temperature is every where cold, and subject more than any other part of its district to continual fogs and rains. Its commerce consists in maize, which it produces in abundance, and in the breeding of swine, both of which articles are carried for sale to Vera Cruz. Its inhabitants are also engaged in the mule-droves which pass through these parts in tlieir way to the windward coasts, and which proceed over a road so rough and stony that they are under the necessity of descending and ascending precipices by means of steps or artificial passages hewn out of the rocks ; and however difficult this might appear to some, they do not experience any gleat delay, although the animals are very heavily loaded, and the road be rendered still more diflicult, if, as it often happens, the journey be performed in the winter season. This very stony route is a narrow pass or defile which shortens the way leading to the province of La Guasca. The inhabitants of this settlement are composed of 236 families of Indians. It lies three short leagues to the n. of its capital.
CHICONCUAUTLA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and contains 270 families of Indians, including the three other small settlements of its district. Six leagues to the e. of its capital.
CHICONTEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of Tlalixcoya, and alcaldia maijor of Mizantla, in Nueva Espaila. It contains 53 families of Indians.
CHICORATO, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the society of Jesuits, in the province and government of Cinaloa.
CHICUAS, a nation of Indians of Peru. It is at present reduced to merely a settlement of the province of Condesuyos, in which is found abundance of cochineal, made use of by the natives in dyeing of wool ; this being the branch of commerce by which they maintain themselves.
CHIEGNETO, a settlement and fort of the English, in the province and colony of Nova Scotia, in the most interior part of the bay of Eundy.
Chiegneto, a small river of the above province, which rises from a lake, runs s. and enters the Basin of the Mines.
Chiegneto, a cape or point of the coast of the same province, in the bay of Fundy.
CHIEN, Trou au, a river of the island of Guadalupe. It rises in the mountains towards the e. runs e. and enters the sea between the point of Petit Carbet and the river Trou or Chat.
==CHIENS, ISLA DE LOS, or Island of the Dogs==, in the gulf of St. Lawrence, at the entrance of the strait of Belleisle, and on the w. coa«t of the island of Newfoundland.
CHIETLAN, a head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Yzucar in Nueva Espaila. It was formerly the corregbniento, and is at present embodied with this jurisdiction. It is of a warm and moist temperature, but very pleasant, and covered with gardens full of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. The territory also abounds in wheat, maize, and other seeds, and particularly in dates, the whole of the district being covered with palms. Its inhabitants consist of 267 families of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattocs, and of 356 families of Indians, including those dwelling in the settlements which belong to this district. It abounds likewise in garbanzos, or Spanish pease, anniseed, and melons, all of which are of the best quality of anj^ in the whole kingdom. It lies three leagues s. of its capital.
The aforesaid settlements are,
San Nicolas de Tenaxcalco,
Santiago de Azalan.
CHIGNAL, VOLCAN DE, a mountain of the province and corregimiento of Maúle in the kingdom of Chile, distinct from the other which is near to it and of the same name.
(CHIGNECTO Channel, then. to. arm of the bay of Fundy, into which Petitcodiac river falls. The spring tides rise here 60 feet.)
CHIGUACHI, a settlement of the corregimiento of Ubaqué in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate behind the mountains of Guadalupe and Monserrat, of the city of Santa Fe, from whence it is distant five leagues to the c. It is of a delightful temperature, and abounds in wheat, maize, barley, potatoes, sugar-cane, and plantains. Its inhabitants consist of 200 families of Spaniards, and a very tew Indians.
CHIGUAGUA, San Felipe de, a town of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Viscaya ; situate near the river San Pedro. Its population consists of 2000 families of Spaniards, and some of Mustees and Mulattoes. The town is large and well built, and the liouses are handsome ; amongst otlier buildings, the most con-
as to render it impracticable to cross them. In the road they usually take lies the steep declivity of San Antonio, extremely difficult to be passed. The mules however are so well versed in the manner of letting themselves slide down it, that there has never been an instance of these animals falling. The 'vegetable productions of this province are confined to bark, and from this no emolument is derived, although it was discovered, after much search and solicitude, by the Lieutenant-colonel Don Miguel de Santistevan. It accordinglj'- provides itself with all that it may require in this way from the adjoining provinces of Riobamba and Tacunga. It is of a very cold temperature, from its being so near to the mountainous desert of Chimborazo. Its natives amount to 2000 souls, the greater part of them being Mustees, and the ■whole are divided into seven settlements, of which the capital bears the same name ; and although this was formerly the residence of the corregidor, yet has it of late been deserted for the settlement of Guaranda. The seven settlements are,
San Lorenzo, Guaranda,
Asancoto, Guanujo,
Chapacoto, Tomabelas.
San Miguel,
CHIMBORAZO, a very lofty mountain or desert of the cordillera of the province and corregimiento of Riobamba, in the kingdom of Quito; which, in the language of the country, signifies mountain of the other side. It is covered with everlasting snow, and is the loftiest mountain in the known world, since its height, taken by the academicians of the sciences of Paris, is 3220 toises from the level of the sea to its top, which terminates in a cone or truncated pyramid. Its sides are covered with a kind of white sand or calcined earth with loose stones, and a certain herb called pajon, which affords pasture for the cattle of the neighbouring estates. The warm streams flowing from its n. side should seem toAvarrantthe idea that within it is a volcano. From its top flow down many rivers, which take different winding courses; thus the Guaranda runs 5. the Guano s. e. and the Machala e. On its skirt lies the road which" leads from Quito to Guayaquil ; and in order to pass it in safety, it is requisite to be more cautious in choosing the proper season than were the Spanish conquerors of this province, who were here frozen to death. North of the town of Riobamba, in lat. 1° 21' 18" s. according to the observations of M. La Condamine. fThis mountain was visited, on the 23d of June 1797, by Humboldt; who with his party reached its €. slope on that day, and planted their instru-
ments on a narrow ledge of porphyritie rock Avhich projected from the vast field of unfathomcd snow. A chasm, 500 feet wide, prevented their further ascent. The air was reduced to half its usual density, and felt intensely cold and piercing. Respiration was laborious and blood oozed from their eyes, their lips and their gums. They stood on the highest spot ever trod by man. Its height, ascertained from barometrical observation, was 3485 feet greater than the elevation attained in 1745 by Condamine, and 19,300 feet above the level of the sea. From that extreme station, the top of Chimborazo was found, by trigonometrical measurement, to be 2140 feet still higher.
CHIMBOTE, a small pointed island of the S. sea, on the coast of Peru, and province and corregimiento of Santa. It lies close to another called Corcobado.
CHIMBUZA, a large lake of the province and government of Barbacoas, of the kingdom of Quito, to the s. w. of the river Patia, formed by a narrow canal, through ■which the Avater of this river enters, and so forms the same lake into a sheet of water of an oblong figure, two leagues in length, and half a league in breadth. This lake has another narrow canal, through which the water issues, and re-unites itself with the same river.
CHIMENE, a port of the e. coast of the island of San Juan in Nova Scotia.
CHIMICA, a small province of the government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is almost as it were desert and abandoned, notwithstanding that it produces a good quantity of maize. The climate is hot and unhealthy ; and although it was formerly peopled by the Chimicas Indians, none of these are now found to reside here.
CHIMILAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, in the province of Santa Marta. They inhabit the Avoods to the e. of the large river Magdalena, go naked, and have no fixed abodes. They are cruel and treacherous, and are bounded by the nation of the Guaxiros.
CHIMIRAL, a river of the province and corregimiento of Copiapo in the kingdom of Chile. It rises in the SnoAvy sierra, runs w. and enters the sea in the point of its name. It in many parts runs in so inconsiderable a stream as frequently to be in all appearance lost before it enters the sea.
CHIMIRAL ALTO, a settlement of this province and kingdom ; situate on the shore of the former river.
CHIMOR, a settlement of the province and forregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Challabamba.
CHINA, a small river of the province and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of those which enter the great cienega, or quagmire, on the e.
Same name, a point of land of the coast of Peru, in the province and corregimienlo of Cañete.
Same name, a settlement of Indians of the province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the shore of the river Apalachicola.
CHINACATES, a settlement of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.
CHINACOTA, a small settlement of the jurisdiction and government of Pamplona in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a hot temperature, produces sugar-cane, plantains, maize, and is extremely fertile in wheat ; but this not without cultivation. The natives amount to about 90 poor families, and as many Indians. It is situate in an extensive valley, from whence it derives its title, and which is also called. Of Meer Ambrosio, from the Indians having killed here the German General Ambrosio de Alfinger, by whom it w^as discovered in 1531. Four leagues n. e. of Pamplona.
CHINANTLA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Cozamaloapan in Nueva Espaha. It contains 40 families of Chinantecas Indians, and is very fertile, and abounding in maize and cotton. Eighty leagues s. of Mexico.
CHINANTEPEC, Santa Catalina, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Guayacocotla in Nueva Espana. Its territory is somewhat extensive, and the settlements or wards belonging to it are far removed from each other, the greater part of them being situate within the deep glens, or on the heights, so that the roads to them are very difficult. It contains, in all, 1340 families of Indians.
CHINAPA, a settlement of the province and government of La Sonora ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, between the settlements of Arispo and Bacuachi.
CHINAS, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan.
CHINATAGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of Peru ; situate to the n. of the city of Guanuco. They are descendants of the Panataguas, of whom few remain at the present day, and of whom but little is known.
CHINATECA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate on the skirt of a mountain.
CHINATOS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, who inhabit the forests to the n. e. 1 to the e. of the city of Pamplona. They are relics of the Chitareros, who have been always found very troublesome, from their proximity to the aforesaid city.
CHINAUTLA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Teuzitlan in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of this capital. It contains 108 families of Indians, and lies a league and an halPs distance from the same capital.
CHINCHA, Santo Domingo, el Real de a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canete in Peru ; situate on the sea-coast.
Same name, an island of the S. sea, near the coast, in the same province and corregimiento, opposite the port of Sangallo.
Same name, formerly the name of the province or district now called Chunchasuyu in Peru, to the is. of Cuzco. Its natives were valorous, and resisted for eight months the Emperor Pachacutec, who subjected it to his controul. The country is pleasant, fertile, and abounding in cattle. Here are to be seen vestiges and ruins of some magnificent fabrics, which belonged to the Incas, and which strike the imagination with wonder and surprise, at viewing the immense stones used in their architecture, and when it is considered that the Indians knew not the use of engines, whereby they might raise them.
CHINCHAIPUCQUIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.
CHINCHAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huariaca.
CHINCHAO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanuco in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Maria del Valle; situate on the confines of the infidel Pataguas Indians.
CHINCHAYCOCHA, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. It is more than nine leagues in length and three in width ; and from it rises the river Pari or Paria, also called Xauxa, towards the n. side. This river runs s. dividing the province of Xauxa, and giving it its name, both in Xauxa Alta, or High, and Baxa, or Low ; it then turns e. and after running for more than 40 leagues, flows back to the n. until it enters the Maranon on the s. side. M. De la Martiniere, with his accustomed error, says that
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the river Marailon has its rise in tins lake ; its real origin being in the lake Lauricociia, as may be seen under that article.
CHINCHERO, a settlement of the province and correghniado of Calca y Lares in Perú. The cemetery of its church is composed of some large, thick Avails of Avrouglit stone, well fitted together, and having in them certain niches similar to sentry boxes ; so that they appear as having formerly belonged to some fortress.
Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in the same kingdom.
Same name, a lake in the province of Cuzco, five leagues distant from this city.
CHINCHILCA, as others will have it, a river of the district of Guadalabquien and kingdom of Chile ; it runs n. n. w. and enters the river Callacalla.
CHINCHIPE, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.
Same name, a river of this province, which rises from the mountain desert or paramo of La Sabanilla. It Avashes the city and territory of Valladolid, and on its c. side receives the rivers Nnmballa, Vergel, Patacones, Sangalla, San Francisco, and Nambacasa ; and on its zs. side those of Palanda, Simanchi, Namballe, and Guancabamba ; when, being sAA'^elled to a considerable size by all of these, it enters the Maranon on the n. shore, to the w. w. of the settlement of Tompenda.
CHINCHIRU, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Cuzco in Peru, from whence it lies two leagues to the n.
CHINCHULAGUA, a very lofty desert mountain or paramo, covered with eternal snow, in the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito. It lies five leagues to the n. of Tacunga, Avith a slight inclination to the n. c.
CHINCONTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olintla, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a delightful defile or narroAV tract, watered by various rivers. Eight leagues from its head settlement.
CHINCOTEAG, a small island near the coast of the N. sea, in the province and colony of Maryland, between the Cedar isle and the river Siwanscut.
CHINGA, a fortress of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of the six Avhich were held by the %ipas or kings of Bogota, against the Punches nation, who border upon their country ; 10 leagues to the s. w. of Bogota.
CHINGOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Gongor.
CHINI, a small island of the S. sea; situate close to the coast of the province and government of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala, within the gulf ofNicoya, and in the innermost part of it.
CHINIJO, a settlement of the missions which Avere held by the religious order of St. Augustin, in the country of the Gran Paititi, of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.
CHINIPAS, a settlement of the missions of the province and government of Cinaloa.
Same name, some sierras of this province.
CHINGUINTILEA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Aneo.
CHINU, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom ofTierra Firme ; founded in the sahanas, and formed by a re-union of other settlements, in 1776, by the G'oA^ernor Uon Juan Piraiento.
CHIPACO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chavin de Pariarca.
CHIPALO, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of those Avhich enter the great river Magdalena.
CHIPALZINGO, a settlement and head ettlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Tixtlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 353 families of Indians, and of Spaniards, Mustces, and Mnlattoes, and lies three leagues from the sett lemcn!, of Zurnpango.
CHIPAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru.
CHIPANGA, a river of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom oi Quito. It rises in the sierra, Avhich divides the district of Macas from the province of Mainas, runs from n. to s. and enters the Morona.
CHIPAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Ubaque in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a mild temperature, and abounds in fruits and seeds peculiar to a warm climate. It consists of 150 housekeepers, and of as many Indians. It is so infested with snakes, that it is impossible to find any part of it clear of them. Eight leagues .9. . of Santa Fe, in the road which leads to San Juan de los Llanos.
CHIPASAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Guatavita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, lying 24 leagues to the s. e. of Santa Fe, and close to the settlement of Chaqueta, in the road Avhich leads to San Juan dc
los Llanos. Its inhabitants amount to about 200, besides 100 Indians.
CHIPATA, a settlement of the corregimiento of the jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, and it is healthy, though by no means abounding in the productions peculiar to its climate. Its inhabitants are very few, and the number of Indians is 50. It was one of the first settlements entered by the Spaniards, and where the first mass ever celebrated in that part of the world was said by the Friar Domingo de las Casas, of the order of St. Domingo ; and is situate very close to the city of Velez.
[CHIPAWAS. See Chepawas.]
CHIPAYA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbisnoprhe of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy of Huachacalla.
CHIPEOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the forests near the river Ucayala. Very little is known of their customs.
[CHIPPAWYAN Fort, in N. America, from whence M‘Kenzie embarked, on the lake of the Hills, when he made his way as far as the N. sea, in 1789.1
[CUJPPEWAY River runs s. w. into Mississippi river, in that part where the confluent waters form lake Pepin.]
CHIPURANA, a river of the province and government of Mainas. It rises in the mountains which are to the s. of Yurimaguas ; runs in a serpentine course from s. to n. and enters the Guallaga on the e. side, in lat. 7° 8' s.
CHIQUALOQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Popantla in Nueva Espana; inhabited by 12 families of Indians, and lying 12 leagues to the n. w. of its capital.
CHIQUIAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.
CHIQUIGUANITAS, a barbarous nation of Indians in former times, but now reduced to the Catholic religion. It is in Perú, to the s. of Lima, in the province of Condesuyos de Arequipa.
CHIQUILIGASTA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucaman, in the district of its capital ; situate to the s. e. of the same.
CHIQUILIXPAN, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zayula in Nueva Espana. It contains 50 families of Indians, and in the mountains in its vicinity are some mines of copper, which have been worked at different times ; but not having produced a benefit proportionate with the expences incurred, they have been abandoned. It is, 15 leagues n. w. of its head settlement.
CHIQUILLANIANS. Sec Index to new matter concerning Chile, chap. IV.
CHIQUIMULA Y SACAPA, a province and alcaldia mayor of the kingdom of Guatemala.
CHIQUINQUIRA, a settlement of the corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, but is healthy ; its situation is delightful, and it abounds in productions. It is watered by a river which runs through the centre of it, the waters of which are unwholesome : at a small distance another river passes through a plain ; this is called Balsa, or Raft, since, before the bridge was thrown across it, it was passed by rafts. It rises from the lake Fuguene, and abounds in most exquisite fish. The settlement, which was formerly but small, is now of great note, and its inhabitants are about 500, besides 70 Indians. It has a good convent of the religious order of S. Domingo, and is noted for the sanctuary of the virgin of its title. Under the large altar, at which is placed this image, there is a small fountain of water, renowned for the curing of infirmities, as is also the earth which is extracted from thence; it being by no means the least part of the prodigy, that although this earth has been constantly taken out for upwards of 200 years, the excavation formed thereby is comparatively exceedingly small. The faith in, and devotion towards this image, are throughout the kingdom very great, and not lesa so with regard to strangers, who visit it in great numbers from far distant provinces. This settlement is nine leagues from Tunja, and 15 to the n. zeJ. of Santa Fe.
CHIQUITI, a river of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from s. w. to n. e. between the rivers Vichi and Cuche, and enters on the s. side into the river of Las Esrneraldas.
CHIQUITOI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is at present destroyed, and the few surviving inhabitants afterwards collected together at the settlement of Santiago de Cao, and it then became merely a small estate or hamlet, preserving its original name, and being inhabited by a few Indians.
CHIQUITOS, a numerous and warlike nation of Indians of Perú, whose country or territory extends from lat. 16° to 20° s. It is bounded w. by the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra ; on the e". it extends itself for upwards of 140 leagues as far as the lake of Los Xarayes ; on the n, as far as the mountains of the Tapacures, the which divide this country from that of Moxos ;