

Here you can see all page revisions and compare the changes have been made in each revision. Left column shows the page title and transcription in the selected revision, right column shows what have been changed. Unchanged text is highlighted in white, deleted text is highlighted in red, and inserted text is highlighted in green color.

7 revisions
CristobalTlatelpa at Feb 01, 2023 11:33 AM


huaJ 10 pesos Yc mocohua tlanextli Ytechpa
YteopanCalltzin Santa Ysabel Yhuan Ytlam[ilegible]
Ca mixpanti la scexa[?] anoso ac saso[ilegible]
nic quimoneltililizque testigos [[Joseph]]
CaictilJlia Yn Escrivano topampa quit[ilegible]
ca no nehuatl Escrivano pasado [ilegible]
nicneltilia Ynic onicmatzayan ypan
Ymixpan Yn testigos omotocaYotique
Yc 17 de Julio ypan xihuitl de 1679 años


huaJ 10 pesos Yc mocohua tlanextli Ytechpa
YteopanCalltzin Santa Ysabel Yhuan Ytlam[ilegible]
Ca mixpanti la scexa[?] anoso ac saso[ilegible]
nic quimoneltililizque testigos [[Joseph]]
CaictilJlia Yn Escrivano topampa quit[ilegible]
ca no nehuatl Escrivano pasado [ilegible]
nicneltilia Ynic onicmatzayan ypan
Ymixpan Yn testigos omotocaYotique
Yc 17 de Julio ypan xihuitl de 1679 años
[Jhuan de res?]