| 8investigate for himself; and that his refusal
would provoke resentment in the United States
; beyond discharging this duty I had no dis-
cretion and could offer no advice. When
he informed me of the objection to another investi-
gator I answered, that my Government was more
acustomed {sic} to ask the consent of other powers
in matters that concerned it; and I presumed
His Majesty could judge whether my Government
or Russia was the power most disinterested in
Turkish affairs
I have stated the salient points of the inteview
and as much as is necessary_
This morning (Sunday) at 11 am a messenger
from the Porte requested my presence there, for an
interview with the Grand Vizier and Minister of
Foreign Affairs. They evidently came from a
session of the Council of Ministers, and at once
asked my opinion whether an appeal to Mr
Cleveland's sense of justice and magnanimity,
asking him to consider their embarassment, and | 8investigate for himself, and that his refusal
would invoke resentment in the United states,
; legend discharging this duty I had no dis-
cretion and could offer no advice. When
he informed me of the objection to another investi-
gation I answered that my Government was more
acustomed {sic} to ask the currency of other powers
in matters that concerned it, and I presumed
His Majesty could judge whether my government
or Russia was the power most disinterested in
Turkish affairs |