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11 revisions
eubanksnathaniel7 at Sep 15, 2021 09:44 PM


[?] [?] for himself, and then his refusal
would invoke resentment the United states,
; [?] discharging this duty I had no dis-
cretion and could offer no advice. When
he informed me of the objection to another investi-
gation I answered that my [Government?] was more
acustomed to ask the [currency?] of other powers
in matters that


[?] [?] for himself, and then his refusal
would invoke resentment the United states,
; [?] discharging this duty I had no dis-
cretion and could offer no advice. When
he informed me of the objection to another investi-
gation I answered that my [Government?] was more
acustomed to ask the [currency?] of other powers
in matters that