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4 revisions | cpmorgan at May 14, 2020 10:13 AM | |
51your energy and acknowledged integrity, will, I think command success in the city to which you are going, and the elegant buildings which you have erected in ____ will remind your friend of you as well as attest the perfection in the profession of architecture. With my best wishes for your prosperity, I am, sir, very truly." I merely introcue this for a purpose, as you will see in the following: Gentlemen, I hope there is not one within the sound of my voice but that is entitled to and worthy of all that is embodied in the above short communication. If so, we have right here good material for a foundation, well laid, to erect [therein?] an association of fellows that would be an honor to any state as soon as it became generally known. Therefore it behooves us to look well to the material, and all interests concerned, and so conduct ourselves in our daily practice as to become worthy of and command the respect of the community, and the confidence of our clients as well as all fellows. We expect to show in our plans and designs, ability, to insure success in our profession, | 51your energy and acknowledged integrity, will, I think command success in the city to which you are going, and the elegant buildings which you have erected in ____ will remind your friend of you as well as attest the perfection in the profession of architecture. With my best wishes for your prosperity, I am, sir, very truly." I merely introcue this for a purpose, as you will see in the following: Gentlemen, I hope there is not one within the sound of my voice but that is entitled to and worthy of all that is embodied in the above short communication. If so, we have right here good material for a foundation, well laid, to erect tere |