bring about more unanimity between ourselves. To be more social meeting and exchanging views and ideas, and by so doing improve ourselves for our own individual as well as the universal good of the profession we represent.
My aim was an ambitious one - to elevate our profession by first elevating ourselves, and to do this, we would work together as one, and to do this successfully, we should have to and would lay aside prejudice and selfishness. I thought my views and aims echoed the voices of all present at our first convention and I hope they do today as my ambition aims for the good of this association are so high now as then. Gentlemen perhaps it would not be out of place to introduce in this paper a synopsis of a short communication that happened to come under my observation.
It gave me something to think and reflect upon, which I have done. It is as follows: "Mr. ______, Dear Sir: I take the occasion of your departure from _____ to express my regrets that you deem from _____, where your family are so well and favorably known and respected. Your thorough knowledge of scientific and decorative architecture, with
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