the had in Bosque, they retrograded, became demoralized and were defeated, losing the territory. They had captured in Bosque in what I consider a very unprofessional manner.
Our Association met again one year ago - our second annual meeting - elected officers; well, that was about all we accomplished, I am sorry to say, and I think I will not say anything more about it. We have met again, our third annual meeting, and I hope we have come together for a purpose and that purpose is to work, work until we work our association out of the bog, for it seems to me we are bogged.
The question is, how are we to accomplish it. I can't see unless we go to work like men representing a good cause. I recognize we all have and are having our trials and tribulations and it is enough to have them with our clients and those who serve under use, without having them between ourselves by our own negligence, thoughtlessness, and I might add selfishness with our brother in the practice of our profession.
The object I had in view when I entered into the organization of this association was to, as far as in my power, cultivate and
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