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But what is ability worth without integrity? Hence we must practice strict integrity as well as exhibit science or ability in our plans and designs, before we can expect to become successful in our and worthy members of this our adopted and honored profession.

Not many months ago I overheard an architect make the following remark in connection with the architects of Texas: "I consider Mr. ______ the squarest and fairest architect that is practicing the profession is this state." A brother architect asked the question, "Is he more so than Mr ____?" The reply was, "Yes, I think he is." At another time I happened to hear the following from another architect: "We, Mr ____ and myself have been practicing in ________ (stating the time and place, and it takes to figures to write the time), and he has never crossed my track once." At another time I saw a little written by a gentleman that is acknowledged to be one of the shining lights of country: "In the law," when he said in recommendation of one, "he is an exemplary man." All three referring to the one and same party.

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