
Here you can see all page revisions and compare the changes have been made in each revision. Left column shows the page title and transcription in the selected revision, right column shows what have been changed. Unchanged text is highlighted in white, deleted text is highlighted in red, and inserted text is highlighted in green color.

4 revisions
trm2796 at May 10, 2019 09:14 PM


106. žuwa kwaʔa
107. kwi mdika lawa
108. žuʔu te žakwi
109. mda bi tida šiʔi te bita
110. oi oida meʔe kititata yukwa kwaʔa žutsa
111. ouma kitiwa
112. še ma yukwa kami sa idu kanitsa žutsa
113. seʔe de čitebila
114. timu tuta
115. tisa satu nami