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3 revisions
jgo384 at Oct 09, 2018 03:53 PM




16. Don Pedro Valdes, who was the first who
was invested with the captainship-general of the
island, which he executed until 1601.

17. Don Gaspar Ruiz de Pereda, until 1608.

18. Sancho de Alquiza, until 1616.

19. Don Francisco Venegas, until 1620.

20. The Doctor Damian Velazquez, until 1625.

21. Don Juan Bitriande Biamonte, until 1630,
when he was removed to the presidency of Panama.

22. Don Francisco de Kiano y Gamboa, until

23. Don Alvaro de Luna y Sarmiento, until

24. The Colonel Don Diego Villalva, until

25. The Colonel Don Francisco Gelder, until

26. The Colonel Don Juan Montana, until

27. The Colonel Don Juan de Salamanca, until

28. The Colonel Don Rodrigo de Flores, until

29. The Colonel Don Francisco Orejo Gaston,
until 1664.

30. The Colonel Don Francisco Ledesma, until

31. The Colonel Don Joseph de Cordoba, until

32. Don Diego Antonio de Viana, until 1687.

S3. The Colonel Don Severino Manzaneda,

until 1689.

34. Don Diego de Cordoba, until 1695.

35. The Colonel Don Pedro Benitez> until 1704.

36. The Brigadier Don Pedro Alvarez, until

37. Don Laureano de Torres, until 1708.

38. Don Luis Chacon, until 1712.

39. I’he Brigadier Don Vicente Raja, until

40. The Brigadier Don Gregorio Guazo, until

41. The Brigadier Don Dionisio Martinez de la
Vega, formerly colonel of the regiment of Galicia,
until 1724.

42. Don Diego Penalosa, until 1725.

43. The Brigadier Don Juan Francisco Guemes
y Horcasitas, formerly colonel of the regiment of
Granada, in 1734, until 1746, when he was pro-
moted to the vice-royalty of Mexico.

44. The Brigadier Don Francisco Antonio
Tineo, captain of the regiment of Spanish guards,
an ofBcer of singular accomplishments ; he entered
in the aforesaid year, and died a few days after his

45. The Brigadier Don J uan Francisco Cagigal,
of t-he order of Santiago ; he was governor of the
garrison of Cuba at the time that he was nominated,
through the death of the predecessor, in 1747 ; he
was intermediate viceroy of Mexico, in 1756.

46. The Brigadier Don Juan de Prado, in-
spector of the infantry, nominated in 1760 ; in his
time the English besieged and took the Havana ;
he was deposed from his situation, and made a
member of the council of war, in 1763.

47. Don Ambrosio Funes de Villalpando, Count
of Rida, a grandee of Spain, of the order of San-
tiago, lieutenant-general of the royal armies ; no-
minated to take possession of the place which had
been surrendered by the English in the treaty of
peace, and to fortify the post of the Cabana, which
he effected, and returned to Spain in 1765.

48. The Brigadier Don Diego Manrique ; he
died the same year, a short time after his arrival.

49. Don Pasqual de Cisneros, lieutenant-gene-
ral of the royal armies, twice intermediate go-

50. Don Antonio Maria Bucareli Bailio, of the
order of San Juan, lieutenant-general of the royal
armies, in 1766 ; promoted to the vice-royalty of
Mexico in 1771.

51. The Marquis de la Torre, knight of the
order of Santiago, lieutenant-general ; he came
over here in the same year, being at the time go-
vernor of Caracas, and ruled until 1777, when he
returned to Spain.

52. The Lieutenant-general Don Diego Joseph
Navarro, who had been captain of grenadiers of
the regiment of Spanish guards, and found* him-
self exercising the government of the garrison of
Tarragena in Cataluua, when he was nominated
to this, and in the same year that he left the former
place ; this he kept until 1783, when he returned
to Spain.

53. Don Joseph de Espeleta, brigadier and in-
spector of the troops of America ; nominated as
intermediate successor in the aforesaid year.

Cuba, with the dedicatory title <rf Santiago,
a capital city of the' former island (Cuba), founded by
Diego Velazquez in 1511, with a good port de-
fended by a castle, called the Morro, as is that of
the Havana. It is the head of a bishopric suffra-
gan to the archbishopric of St. Domingo, erected^
in 1518. It has a convent of the religious order
of St. Domingo, and another of St. Francis ;
it was at first populous and rich, and even at one
time contained 2000 house-keepers, but since that
a commerce was established in the Havana,
through the excellence of its port, and that the
captain-general and the bishop have fixed their.

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