left the government, in the year 1655, to the suc-
25. Don Martin de Muxica, knight of the order
of Santiago, a renowned officer, and one who had
gained much renown in the armies of Ital}^ and
26. Don Pedro Porter de Casanate, A. D.
27. Don Francisco Meneses Bravo de Sarabia,
who led from Spain a body of troops, in order to
subdue the Indians; this he accomplished; and
in the year 1664 rebuilt the cities which had been
destroyed in 1599 : his government lasted until
the year 1668, when he was deposed by the vice-
roy of Peru.
28. Don Angel Peredo, knight of the order of
Santiago ; he was appointed as an intermediate
governor upon the deposition of his antecessor,
and governed during the following year, 1669.
» 29. Don Juan Enriquez, native of Lima, knight
of the order of Santiago, governed until the year
30. Don
31. Don
32. Don
33. Don Juan Andres de Ustariz, native of Se-
villa, until the year 1715, when was elected,
34. Don Gabriel Cano dc Aponte, brigadier-
general of the royal armies, in whose time the
Araucanos again declared war, when he obliged
them to renew the peace ; died A.D. 1728.
35. Don Juan de Salamanca, colonel of the mi-
litia of that kingdom ; he was an intermediate go-
vernor, and at his death,
36. Don Joseph de Santiago Concha, Marquis
de Casa Concha, kinght of the order of Calatrava,
chief auditor of the royal audience of Lima, nomi-
nated by the viceroy.
37. Don Alonso de Obando, Marquis de Obatido,
vice-admiral of the royal armada ; appointed by
the viceroy, the Marquis de Villa Garcia, as inter-
mediate successor, until the year 1736.
38. Don Joseph Manso de Velasco, Count ot
Snperunda, knight of the order of Santiago ; he
was at that time captain of the grenadiers of the
regiment of Spanish guards, and ranked as briga-
dier; well recommended by his valour and ex-
ploits, when he was appointed to this presidency
in the aforesaid year ; he governed until the year
1746, when he was promoted to the viceroyalty of
39. Don Domingo Ortiz de Rozas, knight of
the order of Santiago, was at that time governor of
Buenos Ayres, and Avas elected to this presidency
in the aforesaid year ; he founded several toAvns,
on which account the king gave him the title of
Conde de Poblaciones ; governed until the year
1754, when returning to Spain, he died.
40 Don Manuel Arnat y J unient, knight of the
order of San Juan, colonel of the regiment of dra-
goons of Sagunto, of the rank of brigadier, ap-
pointed to this presidency ; which he filled until
the year 1761, when he was promoted to the vice-
royahy of Peru.
41. Don Mateo de Toro de Zambrano y Urueta,
appointed as intermediate successor by the former,
upon his departure from Lima, until the arrival of
the right successor,
42. Don Antonio Guill, formerly colonel of the
regiment of infantry of Guadalaxara, and then
ranked as brigadier, being governor and captain-
general of the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; promoted
to this presidency in the aforesaid year, 1761, and
exercised it until his death, in 1768.
43. Don Mateo de Toro Zambrano y Urueta, the
second time of his being nominated as intermediate
successor by the audience in the vacancy, until
was nominated by the viceroy of Peru,
44. Don Francisco Xavier de Morales, knight
of the order of Santiago, brigadier of the royal
armies, who being captain of the grenadiers of the
regiment of the royal Spanish guards, was made
general of the militia in Peru, and Avas nominated
as intermediate successor by the viceroy to this
presidency, Avhich he enjoyed till his death in the
year 1772.
45. The aforesaid Don Mateo de Toro Zam-
brano y Urueta, then Count of La Conquista, knight
of the order of Santiago, and lieutenant-colonel of
the royal armies, nominated for the third time by
the royal audience during the vacancy, until ar-
rived the right successor,
46. Don Agustin de Jauregui, knight of the
order of Santiago, brigadier of the royal armies,
Avho had been colonel of the regiment of dragoons
of Sagunto ; Avas appointed to this presidency
A.D. 1773, and enjoyed it until 1782, Avhen he
Avas promoted to the viceroyalty of Peru.
47. Don Ambrosio de Benavides, brigadier of
the royal armies, was nominated in the same year,
Chap. 1. Origin and language of the Chilians.
— Conquest o f the Peruvians^ and state of Chile
before the arrival of the Spaniards.— What were
then its political establishments^ government, and
1. Language.— 2. Original state.— 3. Divided into
free and subjugated.— Agricidture.—b. Civi-