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4 revisions | kmr3934 at Oct 01, 2018 12:43 PM | |
341shore of the river Maranon, near the port of Cu- CAUIANA, an island of the N. sea; situate in CAUIJA, a lake of the province and govern- CAUINAS, an ancient and barbarous nation of CAUIUSARI, a river of the province and go- CAUJUL, a settlement of the province and cor- CAUMARES, a barbarous nation inhabitingthe CAUN, a settlement of the missions which were CAUO, or Couvo, a river of the province and CAUOS, a barbarous nation of Indians who in-- CAUQUE, a settlement of the kingdom and CAUQUENES, a river of the kingdom and CAUQUICURA, an ancient and large province CAUQUIS, a nation of Indians of the kingdom CAURA, a large and copious river of the pro- Caura, a settlement of the jurisdiction of the CAURANTA, a settlement of the province and CAURE, a small river of the province and go- CAURI, a settlement of the province and cor- CAURIMPO, a settlement of the province and CAUSAN, a river of the ])rovince and colony CAUTE, a small river of the island of Cuba, CAUTEN, a large river of the kingdom of Translation | 341shore of the river Maranon, near the port of Cu- CAUIANA, an island of the N. sea; situate in CAUIJA, a lake of the province and govern- CAUINAS, an ancient and barbarous nation of CAUIUSARI, a river of the province and go- CAUJUL, a settlement of the province and cor- CAUMARES, a barbarous nation inhabitingthe CAUN, a settlement of the missions which were CAUO, or Couvo, a river of the province and CAXJOS, a barbarous nation of Indians who in-- CAL'QUE, a settlement of the kingdom and CAUQUENES, a river of the kingdom and CAUQUICURA, an ancient and large province CAUQUIS, a nation of Indians of the kingdom CAURA, a large and copious river of the pro- Caura, a settlement of the jurisdiction of the CAURANTA, a settlement of the province and CAURE, a small river of the province and go- CAURI, a settlement of the province and cor- CAURIMPO, a settlement of the province and CAUSAN, a river of the ])rovince and colony CAUTE, a small river of the island of Cuba, CAUTEN, a large river of the kingdom of Translation |