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6 revisions | c.e.schmidt4 at Sep 11, 2018 12:14 PM | |
2myself have had direction during which period the great majority of our pupils have been moslems. The French schools just across the way from our residence have at the present time Moslem children. [Neither] is Beirut destitute of Christian schools with Moslem pupils. Notably there is Miss Taylor's, a school of excellent [] exclusively for Moslems and []. Only Egyptian schools have mutli [] of Moslem pupils. I made the point- in conversation with the predecessor of the present Valy, who is now the Valy of Beirut, that is as much as our schools are official and regular and the word Moslem [] being in the school Cade of the Empire, it would be explain for us to [] Moslems the excellent advantages of our schools; that for us to do so would give [] ground of complaint; and if property | 2 |