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8 revisions
paigesmith at Sep 10, 2018 07:24 PM


to give you the following confidential facts before.
Handy Boy has informed Sir Peter, and the latter(?) the Com
mittee offically, that he (in other words His Majesty, as Handy
Boy told me on the morning when the Prince of Bovaira visited
me in the Museum, that "the Trade for the presentation of antiquities
to us had been granted by the [...]) had given me all
the antiquities for our Committee, as were not desirable to the
Imperical Museum. This statment, I think, must be the
basis for our action. As you know, I intereseted Mr. Curmuri(?)
the agent of your Legation, with authority for shipping our antiques
ther[e](?), as soon as the Trade(?) necessary for their passing ([..])
the Custom House, had been granted. Confidentially he informed
me several times (^since), that Halil(?) Boy (Handy's [..]) always
told him, the tablets(?) [..] could not yet be shipped, on this Custom
House Trade had not yet been issued. He (Curmuri(?)) is in
despairs and does not know, how long this delay will last.