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8 revisions
MyMilestoneCard at Dec 03, 2024 11:51 PM


Muy il[lustrisimo] señor

Recibida en Madrid por
mano de Fray [...] de la vera
cruz en dos de octu[bre] de 1571

De fray Juan de san roman
agustino de
de 1571

por cumplir el mandado de vuestra merced enbio el original que firmaron
los padres segun las informaciones que a su merced? inbie en la flota
passada en las quales dava relacion de lo que se nos pidio con toda
verdad y fidelidad y aunque en ellas se anñadio y se quito algunas cosas
quando se tres la razon del original a fin todo va a parar [...] y agora
inbio de nuebo otras cosas conforme a lo que su merced pide destas? actas
y capitulos y los pueblos que tenemos a cargo y sus estancias y lo que
distan a las cabeҫeras lo qual todo se dize muy especificam[en]te

In order to comply with your grace's command, I am sending the original that was signed by the fathers according to the information that your grace sent to the past fleet, in which I gave an account of what was requested of us with all truth and fidelity, and although some things were added and removed in them, when the reason for the original is reviewed, everything will end [...] and now I am sending other things again in accordance with what your grace requests of these acts and chapters and the towns that we are in charge of and their estancias and how far they are from the capitals, all of which is stated very specifically.
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MyMilestone Card


Muy il[lustrisimo] señor

Recibida en Madrid por
mano de Fray [...] de la vera
cruz en dos de octu[bre] de 1571

De fray Juan de san roman
agustino de
de 1571

por cumplir el mandado de vuestra merced enbio el original que firmaron
los padres segun las informaciones que a su merced? inbie en la flota
passada en las quales dava relacion de lo que se nos pidio con toda
verdad y fidelidad y aunque en ellas se anñadio y se quito algunas cosas
quando se tres la razon del original a fin todo va a parar [...] y agora
inbio de nuebo otras cosas conforme a lo que su merced pide destas? actas
y capitulos y los pueblos que tenemos a cargo y sus estancias y lo que
distan a las cabeҫeras lo qual todo se dize muy especificam[en]te

In order to comply with your grace's command, I am sending the original that was signed by the fathers according to the information that your grace sent to the past fleet, in which I gave an account of what was requested of us with all truth and fidelity, and although some things were added and removed in them, when the reason for the original is reviewed, everything will end [...] and now I am sending other things again in accordance with what your grace requests of these acts and chapters and the towns that we are in charge of and their estancias and how far they are from the capitals, all of which is stated very specifically.
Also to know more about this just visit MyMilestone Card