thanks be extended to the retiring President, J. J. Kane, for his just and pleasant ruling and also to out retiring secretary for his [?] interest in the welfare of our association. Adopted.
W. H. Tyndall A. O. Watson
On motion of W. C. Dodson, the thanks of the association were unanimously voted to E. J. Heiner for his many and courterous attentions which had contributed so largely to pleasure of visting architects.
On motion of Nat'l Tobey, the convention adjourned to meet at Waco, Texas the third Tuesday in January 1889.
Schedule of charges and professional practice of architects as usual and proper and endorsed by the Texas State Association of Architects.
For full professional services (including suspension) 5 percent upon the cost of the work except for such work as hereinafter otherwise mentioned.
In case of the abandonment of the work the charge for partial service is as follows:
preliminary studies, one percent, preliminary studies, general drawings and specifications, two and one half percent.
Preliminary studies, general drawings, specifications and details, three and one half percent.
For dwelling or resident buildings and all work costing less than $5000 7 percent, divided as follows: for preliminary studies 1 1/2 percent, for preliminary studies, general drawings. Specifications, 4 percent, for preliminary studies, general drawings, specifications and detail drawings 5 percent
In the event of abandonment or indefinite suspension of work, the architect is entitled to the full percentage for his service and upon every duplicate of his work. He may, howevery, make special agreement in such cases with his client in settlement.
For monumental and decorative work and designs for furniture, a special rate in excess of the above.
For alterations and additions, an additional charge
to be made for surveys and measurements.
An additional charge to be made for alternations or additions in cowtracks or plans, which will be valued in proportion to the additional time and service employed. Necessary traveling expenses to be paid by the client.
Time spent by the architect in visiting, for professional consultation and in accompanying travel whether by day or night will be charged for whether or not anny commission either for office work or supervising work is given. The architect's payments are exclusively due as his work is completed, in order of the above classifications. Until an actual estimate is received the charges are based upon the proposed cost of the works and the payments are received as installment of the entire fee, which is based upon the actual cost.
The arcitect bases his professional charge upon the entire cost (to the owner) of the building when completed in cluding all fixtures necessary to render it fit for occupation and is entitled to additional compensation for
the furniture or other articles designed, elected or purchased by the architect.
If any material or work used in the construcition of the building be already upon the ground or come in possession of the owner without [expense?] to him. The value of said material or work is to be added to the sum actually expended upon the buildings before the architects commission is completed.
Supervision of Works
The supervision or superintendence of an architect (as distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence which may be secured by the employment of a clerk of the works, mean such inspection by the architect or his deputy of a building or other work in process of erection, completion or alteration, as he finds necessary to ascertain whether it is being executed in [conformity?] with his design and specifications, or directions, and to enable him to decide when the successive installments
or payment provided for in the contract or agreement are due or payable. He is to determine in construction emergenices to order necessary changes and to define the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications and he has authority to stop the progress of the work and order its removal when not in accordance with them.
Clerk of the works
On buildings where it is deemed necessary to employ a clerk of the works, the remuneration of said clerk is to be paid by the owner or owners, in addition to any commissions or fees due architect. The selection or dismissal of the clerk of the works is to be subject to the approval of the architect.
Extra Services
Consultation fees for professional advice are to be paid in proportion to the importance of the questions involved at the discretion of the architect.
None of the charges above enumerated cover professional or legal services connected with negotiations for [?], disputed [?] walls, right of light.