Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



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Section 1.

Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Texas:

That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice architecture within the limits of this state without first having obtained a license so to do in the manner hereafter provided.

Section 2.

The governor of this state shall within (30) thirty days from the approval of this act appoint a board of examiners of architects to be composed of five members of the Texas State Association of Architects who shall have been engaged in the honorable practice of their profession at least seven years and shall be so selected that different sections of the state shall be represented. The term of office of the members of said board first appointed shall be two for one year and three for two years respectively and their seccessors shall be appointed for a term of two years.

Section 3.

Said board of examiners of architects shall organize within sixty (60) days from the approval of this act and shall procure a seal and books of record in which all proceedings of said board shall be kept. Said records shall be kept in the archives of

Last edit over 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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of the secretary of state, and the said board shall have the power to administers oaths and to solicit and receive testimony on all matters relating to its duties. Said board shall hold its meetings at the state capital at least twice a year and at such times as it may elect and due notice shall be published of the time and place of such meetings of said board and three members shall for a quorum.

Section 4.

Said board of examiners of architects shall receive application for licenses and act upon them as follows: all architects who are at the time of the passage of this act members of the Texas State Association of Architects, and shall produce a state mint to that effect under seal of the secretary of said association and if at a meeting of said board held thirty days or more after such application [they?] be found competent and no good objection be made to the granting of a license said board shall issue to each of said person license to practice architecture within the limits of this state without subjecting him to further examination.

Section 5.

The said board shall

Last edit over 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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examine all applicants for licenses who comply with the following conditions, vig: (A) All who are engaged in the practice of architecture at the time of the passage of this act and not members of the Texas State Association of Architects, or who may desire to practice the profession of architecture hereafter in the state of Texas. (B) Any graduate of a university, scientific or technical college of architecture.

Section 6.

All nominations shall be made directly by said board and shall extend over the entire field of the construction of buildings with special reference to a test of the knowledge of the candidate of the strength of materials, and of his ability to make practical application of such knowledge in the ordinary professional work of the architect and should also seek to determine his knowledge of the laws of sanitation as applied to buildings.

Section 7.

A license to practice architecture within the limits of this state shall be issued by said board to each candidate (including architects from other states) who has fulfilled the above

Last edit almost 5 years ago by cpmorgan
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conditions and whose fitness to assume the duties and responsibilities of an architect shall have been demonstated to said board by the examination to which said candidate has been subjected.

Section 8.

If any architect be accused of gross carelessness or recklessness in the discharge of his duties and after giving due hearing to the accused and his accusers, said board shall find him guilty of such offense, his license may be temporarily withdrawn or entirely revoked, as may seem proportionate to the gravity of the offense.

Section 9.

The fee to be paid for a license shall be $50, which shall be paid into the treasury of the state.

Section 10.

The members of said board shall serve without compensation but their actual expenses incured in the discharge of their duties shall be paid out of the state treasury general fund.

Section 11.

Any person who shall be engaged in the planning or supervision of the erection of buildings of presenting plans for competition shall be regarded as an architect within the

Last edit almost 5 years ago by cpmorgan
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provisions of this act, and shall be held to comply with the same; but nothing contained in this act shall prevent the students or employees of those lawfully practicing as architects, under license of said board, from acting under instruction or spervision of their employers.

Section 12.

Any person performing the duties of an architect in this state, without first complying with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than $100, and not more than $500, and cost of prosecution, for each and every offense, and shall stand committed until such fine + costs are paid. Said fine to be paid into the state treasury. But the penalties of this act shall not apply until six months after its approval. Nor shall the penalties of this act apply to well known architects of other states who may visit our state for temporary competition or public or private buildings, in person, or in case any work may be awarded to such an architect, he shall be compelled to procure a license to practice. The same

Last edit almost 5 years ago by cpmorgan
Displaying pages 61 - 65 of 150 in total