Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings





as other licensed architects, of the state, in case he remains or intends to superinted such work. In case such architect fails to take out such license, he shall be liable to all the fines and penalties of this act.

On motion of Nat'l Tobey the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P.M.


Wednesday - Afternoon Session

The convention was called to order by the president at 2 P.M.

The auditing committe reported the statement of the treasurer correct, and on motion of E. J. Heiner the report was received.

To the Texas State Association of Architects:

At a session of the Executive Committee, held at Houston, January 17th 1888, the following architects were admitted fellows of this Association - viz:

A. B. Bristol, Dallas, Cortez Clark, Dallas, A. O. Watson, Austin, [Gary?] M. Tozer, Dallas, Albert Ullrich, Dallas, George W. Stewart, Dallas, George E. Dickey, Houston,

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


The committee also report that our secretary, S. A. J. Preston, has removed his residence to Los Angeles, Cal. and that through some inadvertance our minutes, papers, seal [?] were sent to him at the place. As soon as the fact was known the Executive Committe wrote to Mr. Preston for all property belonging to the Association and have received everything except the impresssion seal and the copy of Roberts Rules of Order, which we are assured will be sent at once.

We also report that our legislative bill, which was presented to the twentieth legislature, was defeated, and we recommend that a new bill be formulated with all offensive features eliminated and the same be presented to our association at its next annual meeting for [?] and perfection, with the view of its presentation to the twenty-first legislature.

Respectfully, W. C. Dodson Ch'm Ex. Com.

The report of S. A. J. Preston was referred to the Auditing Committee.

The Executive Committee reported favorably to the resolution

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offered by architect E. J. Heiner in reference to the schedule of charges.

On material of architect E. J. Heiner that the amendment be adopted, a lively discussion arose by all members present, and upon calling the roll, a tie vote was declared. The president voting in the affirmative the amendment was adopted.

The Auditing Committee upon the report of secretary Preston recommended that secretary Larmour inform him of his error in his report.

The committee on the amendments and revision of the constitution and by-laws reported that on account of the absence of one of the committee that they be allowed further time.

Mr. W. C. Dodson moved that the report of the committee on amending the constitution and by-laws be received and that the committee be continued and president J. J. Kane fill the place of Mr. Nixon on said committee, to report at our next regular meeting - Carried.

Moved by W. W. Larmour, that

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we now proceed with the election of officers for the ensuing year and the place of meeting and that the president appoint a committee of three members to nominate the officers.

The president appointed architects Heiner, Tobey, and Tyndall committee on nominations.

The committee reported the following members for nomination;

President, W. C. Dodson, Waco

First-Vice President James Wahrenberger San Antonio

Second-Vice President Cortez Clark, Dallas

Executive Committee _ J. J. Kane Fort Worth. Chairman, Nat'l Tobey, Dallas. A. O. Watson, Austin, W. H. Tyndall, Galveston, S. P. _ Herbert, Waco. _

Secretary, W. W. Larmour. Waco

Treasurer, E. J. Heiner, Houston

The report of the committee was received and the secretary was insturcted to cast one ballot for each of the officers.

On motion of E. J. Heiner the ballot was declared unanimous.

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Last edit 6 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


After a lively discussion between Messers, Heiner, Dodson, Tobey, and W. W. Larmour, Waco was selected as the next place of meeting.

The following resolution was offered by E. J. Heiner and adopted:

Resolved. That the thanks of this association be and are hereby extended to the Dallas and Galveston News and the Houston Post for their advocacy of employment of Texas architects in connection with the work upon the capitol building.

Moved by E. J. Heiner that $7500 or so much [?] as may be necessary be appropriated to pay the current expenses and for publishing the annual report of the secretary and 1000 copies of [?] regulating the practical of architecture.

The following resolution was offered by A. O. Watson and adopted:

Resolved. That the thanks of this association be tendered the press for the interest manifested in the proceedings of this association.

Resolved. That a vote of

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