After a lively discussion between Messers, Heiner, Dodson, Tobey, and W. W. Larmour, Waco was selected as the next place of meeting.
The following resolution was offered by E. J. Heiner and adopted:
Resolved. That the thanks of this association be and are hereby extended to the Dallas and Galveston News and the Houston Post for their advocacy of employment of Texas architects in connection with the work upon the capitol building.
Moved by E. J. Heiner that $7500 or so much [?] as may be necessary be appropriated to pay the current expenses and for publishing the annual report of the secretary and 1000 copies of [?] regulating the practical of architecture.
The following resolution was offered by A. O. Watson and adopted:
Resolved. That the thanks of this association be tendered the press for the interest manifested in the proceedings of this association.
Resolved. That a vote of
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