Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



Needs Review


the chair appointed the following architects as a committe on contracts. Geo. E Dickey, A.O. Watson, Nat'l Tobey on motion of J.J. Kane of Fort Worth. Mr [E. T. Refield?] was admitted as an honorary member by the association.

The following resolution was offered by J. J. Kane of Fort Worth

Resolved - By the Texas State Association of Architects that the Galevston Journal of Commerce and Building records be adopted as the official organ of the assoc.


Wednesday Evening

The association was called to order at 2 P.M. President W.C. Dodson [?] the chair.

The auditing comm. reported the statements of the Treasurer correct and on motion of Bush McDonald the report was received.

The comm. on uniform contract between clients and architects submitted their report together with a form of contract and on motion of J.J. Kane seconded by James Wahrenberg the report and uniform contract was adopted and the committe continued

J.J. Kane chairman Executive Committee submitted the following report

Last edit over 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


To the president and members of the Texas State Association of Architects


The executive committee beg leave to report that we have held our annual meeting and [transacted?] all the business that came before our committee. We find the annual report of the secretary correct and very satisfactory.

The [sec'y?] [motions?] of W. J. Clayton and W. W. Dudley was received.

We also elected as members of the assocition Geo. T. King, El Paso; Burt McDonald, Austin; M. M. McQurik, Dallas; Geo. J. Kane, Fort Worth; and J. R. Gordon, San Antonio.

We find the affairs of the association in a healthy and prosperous condition and a bright prospect for the future.

J. J. Kane Chairman Executive Committee

Moved by Nat'l Tobey that the report be received and ordered filed. Carried.

On motion of J. J. Kane of Fort Worth that $70.00 or as much thereof as may necessary be appropriated to pay the amount expenses and for publish 500 copies of the annual report of the secretary. Motion prevailed.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


22 Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention

Moved by Nat'l Tobey that the report be received and ordered filed. Carried.

On motion of J. J. Kane of Fort Worth, that $75 or so much thereof as may be neccesary be appropriated to pay the current expenses and for publishing 500 copies of the annual report of the Secretary. Motion prevailed.

On motion of Jas. Wahrenberger. That the Executive Committee in conjunction with the President of the Association be authorized to employ a suitable person to aid in properly presenting before our legislative bodies "a bill," entitled an act to regulate the practice of architecture in the state of Texas. Motion prevailed.

Mr. Jas. Wahrenberger presented the following resolution:

Resolved. That a committee of three be appointed by the President to form a code of rules to govern members of the association in taking part in architect competition and to report at the next annual meeting. Seconded by Geo. E. Dickey. Carried.

The President appointed the following members as the committee:

Jas. Wahrenberger, J. J. Kane, W. W. Larmour.

The following resolution was offered by Burt McDonald, of Austin

Resolved. That the Secretary be requested to procure one of the groupe pictures of some of the architects and that a copy be sent to Mr. R. C. McLean, of the Inland Architect. Adopted.

On motion of J. J. Kane of Fort Worth, that a committee of three members be appointed by the chair to make nominations for officers for the ensuing year.

W. W. Larmour offered the following substitute that the election be made by open ballot. The amendement prevailed.

The result of the ballots was as follows.

For President, W. C. Dodson. Vice-President, Jas Wahrenberger. Second Vice-President, Nat'l Tobey. Executive Committee - J.J. Kane, Chairman; A. O. Watson, Sam P. Herbert, Geo E. Dickey, Geo. W. Stewart. Secretary, W. W. Larmour. Treasurer, Eugene T. Heiner.

In the ballot for holding the next meeting, Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston and San Antonio were placed in nomination. San Antonio receiving the majority of votes cast, if was selected as the place for the next annual meeting.

The following resolution was offered by Geo. E. Dickey.

Resolved. That a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. Lane Orand for the use of the New McClelland hotel parlors and courtesies extended. Motion prevailed unanimously.

J. J. Kane offered the following resolution:

Resolved. That the thanks of this Association be tendered "The Day," of Waco, for their kindness in publishing the proceedings of our meeting. Carried.

Resolved. That the President shall appoint a committee of five members whose duty it shall be to endeavor to arrange with the railroads for excursion rates for architects attending the next convention.

The President appointed the following members as the committee.

Jas. Wahrenberger, Geo. E. Dickey, Frank W. Kane, W. W. Larmour, Burt McDonald.

Resolved. That the thanks of this Association be and are hereby tendered to the President and Secretary for their able services rendered during the past year. Carried.

The following resolution was offered by Sam P. Herbert:

Resolved. That the press throughout the state be tendered the thanks of this association for courtesies shown. Carried.

Moved by A. O. Watson that the T. S. A. A. now adjourn to meet at San Antonio the third Tuesday in January, 1890. Motion prevailed.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


Officers 1890-91

President .................. James Wharenberger ..... San Antonio Vice-President .......... Nathaniel Tobey ............. Dallas Second Vice-Pres't .... Geo. E. Dickey ................ Houston Treasurer* ............... Albert Ullrich ................ Dallas Secretary ................. Geo. W. Stewart .............. Dallas

Executive Committee

J. J. Kane, Fort Worth, Chairman.

M. McQuirk, Dallas W. W. Larmour, Waco S. B. Haggart, Fort Worth J. Larmour, Austin

* Albert Ullrich was appointed Treasurer in lieu of G. M. Tozer, who withdraws from the practice of architecture.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review



of the

Fifth Annual Convention

of the

Texas State Association of Architects

Held in the

Board of Trade Hall, Dallas, May 13 and 14, 1890

Tuesday, May 13, 1890.

The meeting was called to order at 5 o'clock p. m., by President James Wahrenberger, of San Antonio.

In the absence of the Secretary, W. W. Larmour, of Waco, Geo. W. Stewart, of Dallas, was appointed Secretary pro tem.

The roll call showed ten members present. The reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting were on motion dispensed with, as the same were in the hands of each member of the association.

The President explained that the regular convention was to be held in San Antonio on the third Thuesday in January, but owing to the small number of members in attendance, the Executive Committee deemed it best after some preliminary work to adjourn to meet in Dallas on the 13th of May.

He also suggested that owing to the lateness of the hour of assembling, caused by the non-arrival of members of the association, only a short session would be held that evening.

J. J. Kane, Chairman of the Executive Committee, remaked that he had no report to offer, and did not think that a night session would be necessary as the Committee had not been able to meet he could not make any report, and moved that the Executive Committee meet on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock and the regular meeting convene at 10 o'clock. Carried.

Moved by Geo. E. Dickey, seconded by A. Ullrich, that the Convention adjourn until 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Carried.

Wednesday Morning Session.

The convention was called to order at 10:45 a. m., the Preisdent in the chair.

The roll-call showed the following members present: A. B. Bristol, G. E. Dickey, S. B. Haggart, Frank W. Kane, J. J. Kane, M. McQuirk, G. W. Stewart, G. M. Tozer, Nat'l Tobey, Albert Ullrich, James Wahrenberger.

The President, James Wahrenberger, then delivered his annual address as follows:

The Address.

Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects:

Before proceeding with the regular order of business, permit me to address a few remarks to you gentlemen here assembled as representatives of an important and noble profession. I feel confident that our actions and deliberation will be of such a dignified and harmonious character, as becomes the nature of our occupation, and that the best motives, kind feelings, and a spirit of true fellowship will govern us in all our discussions for the benefit of our association and of the profession in the state. And after completing our labors may we all return to our homes with many pleasant recollections of this, our annual convention.

Important questions may be brought before us for consideration and discussion, upon which depends to a great degree the future standing and welfare of our profession, and let no member of this Association hesitate to express his views fully and without reserve upon all points in this connection; as the interchange of ideas and personal experiences can only be of great benefit in devising measures to be taken for the future welfare of the profession.

I desire furthermore to impress upon your minds the fact that it is of the utmost importance that more attention be paid to the affairs of the association by its members, and that its meeting be better attended than heretofore. In a comparatively new field, where the nature of our

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