News of Street and Road Building Activity
in the South Briefly Told
before in the history of the country has
the South seen such active preparations being
made and now underway in some parts for
nent road building of all sorts. For years the South
has lagged in this respect, but the people are now
speaking in no unmistakable terms, through the bal-
lot, that they must have bond issues to carry on the
good work.
This magazine is giving as briefly as it can the
news of this activity, strictly confining itself to the
South, though all states in all parts of the country
are waking up.
Road and Street Construction.
Wayne. Ark.—Cross County Commrs., Parkin, St.
Francis and Tyronza Road Dist.; construct road from
St. Francis County line to Poinsett
County line; sold
$1,050,000 bonds; Newell Construction Co., Contr..
Louis, Mo.
Washington, D. C.—District Commrs., 509 District
Bldg.; grade, improve and pave streets, roads, ave-
nues and alleys; bids until Sept. 15.
Washington, D. C.—District Commrs., 509 Dis-
trict Bldg.; pave roadways; bituminous macadam;
bids until Sept. 8.
Pensacola, Fla. —Escambia County Commrs.; con-
roads; vote Sept. 29 011 $2,000,000 bonds.
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. —Town; improve streets,
water-work and sewer system ; vote on $60,000 bonds :
contemplated. Address The Mayor.
Myers, Fla. —Crescent Beach Road & Bridge
incptd.; capital $25,000 ; B. E. Tinstman. Prest,;
J. W. Blanding, Secy.; V. G. Winderquist, Treas.
Kissimee, Fla.—Osceola County Commrs.; con-
stuct 9-ft, road, hard-surfaced with asphalt; brdges;
voted $BOO,OOO bonds.
Tampa, Fla.—City Commrs. Public Works, 11. C.
Gordon, Chrmn.; pave Plymouth St.; 3370
sq. yds.;
asphalt blocks; bids until Sept. 7.
Hazard, Ky.—Perry County, A. M. Gross, Judge;
construct road between Hazard and Lothair.
Hickman, Ky.—Fulton County Commrs.; coijf
struct hard-surfaced roads; vote in December on
$4OO 000 bonds.
Hindman, Ky.— Knott County Commrs.; con-
struct 6 mi. Hindman to Whitesburg road.
Lecompte, La.—Town ; construct 4500 tin. ft. side-
walk and curbing; bids until Feb. 16. 1921
; changed
date from Aug. 17 : J. L. White, Engr.
Minden, La.—Webster Parish Police Jury; im-
prove roads; voted 5-mill tax levy.
Rockville, Md.—State Roads
Corasn., 601 Garrett
Bldg., Baltimore ;
construct .36 mi. Beallsville-Dick-
erson road, Montgomery County; M. J. Grove Lime
Co., Contr.. Frederick Md.
Baltimore, Mo.— City; repair 3y 2 mi. old road
at Loch Raven; Frederick D. Corozza, Contr., 805
Calvert Bldg.
Baltimore, Md. —State Roads Comsn., 601 Garrett
Bldg., Baltimore; construct 2)Vz
mi. Philadelphia
road; $9302.70; American Paving & Contracting Co.,
Upper Marlboro, Md. —State Roads Comsn.. 601
Garrett Bldg., Baltimore; construct .50 mi. State
Highway through Mt. Rainier; concrete; Prince
George’s County, Contract P-21; bids until Sept. 7.
Carrollton, Miss.—Carroll County Commrs., J.
R. Bingham in charge; construct 30 mi. highway;
Jno. M. Harbert Engineering Co., Engr., Indianola,
Meridian, Miss.—Lauderdale County. Geo. A.
Gray, Chrmn. Beat 4, Goods Roads Comsn.; construct
Hickory and Meridian
road; 43,200 eu. yds. excava-
tion, and Jackson highway, 32,cu. yds. excavation;
bids opened Sept. 3; changed date from
Aug. 3.
Bethany, Mo. —City; pave 4 blocks 17th St.; bids
until Sept. 6 ; O. Stratton, City Engr.
Ilarrisonville, Mo.—State H'gtway Dept., Jef-
ferson City, Mo.; construct 19 mi. Harrisonville-
Belton road, 24 ft. wide, Cass County; Federal-aid
Project 20; bridges; bids
opened Sept. 1.
Mound City, Mo.—City; pave 4 blocks Nebraska
St.; concrete; Reinert Bros., Contrs.. 1208 N. sth St,
Madrid, Mo.—New Madrid County Commrs.;
unprove 19.3 mi. State road. Section
A, Project S; E.
Prendergast, Contr., St, Louis, Mo.
Oregon, Mo.—Holt County Commrs.; pave 66V2
mi. Mound City-Oregon road, 18 ft. wide; concrete;
Engineering Co., Engr., American Natl.
Bank Bldg., St. Joseph. Mo.
Savannah, Mo.—Andrew County Commrs.; grade
26 mi. North and South
Road, 18 ft, wide; Leslie-
Engineering Co., Engr., American Natl. Bank
Bldg., St. Joseph. Mo.
Spiingfield, Mo. Green
County Commrs :
prove 50 mi. road; $260,000: H. P. Mo'berlv, Div.
St. Joseph. Mo.—Board Pub'ie
Works; pave Ma
rion and 15th Sts., and Goff Ave.; W. K. Seitz. Engr
Nashville, N. C.—Town, L. T.
Vaughn. Clk. ; p-ve
1/4 mi.
street; $125,000 available; preparing plans
and specifications; Mees &
Mees, Conslt. Engr.. 310
Trust Bldg., Ohorlotte. Supersedes recent item.
Ada, Okla.—City Commrs.; pave streets in Dist.