


Status: Needs Review

October, 1920. THE CONCRETE AGE [ 11
The Concrete Age And Its Promotion Work.
Every month, for fifteen years, The Concrete Age has been the sole missionary in the
South, preaching the gospel of concrete fireproof construction. It has printed thousands of
pages of text, and thousands of illustrations to d:ive home its arguments.
Every month, for fifteen years, The Concrete Age has likewise been relentless in advocat-
ing the building of concrete roads. It has devoted a vast amount of space and thousands of pic-
tures to this subject and today this work is bearing fruit in the assured building of the Dixie
Highway and other great road systems.
For fifteen years, The Concrete Age has had its leading articles copied by the big papers
of the South, where they reached millions of readers and in this way doubled its power and
influence in pleading for concrete fireproof buildings and concrete roads.
For fifteen years the paper has not only covered the fourteen Southern States, but the
Middle-West as well. It has been a power in its particular field and has contributed millions
worth of new business to those who seek trade f:om the concrete industry.
Mr. Advertiser, have you fully appreciated the ceaseless efforts and influence of this
paper? We are rendering missionary work which creates new business for your products
every month, and The Concrete Age deserves your patronage and support. Give us this, in
full measure, and enable us, through your help, to largely increase the practical influence the
paper is exerting in your behalf.
6 to 11; $850,000; will invite new bids; Johnson <y
Benham, Conslt. Engr., Firestone
Bldg.. Kansas City,
Purcell, Okla. —City; pave streets in residence
section; $200,000; Johnson & Benham, Conslt. Engrs..
Firestone Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
Tulsa, Okla.—City; construct 7000 sq. yds. pav-
ing; one-course concrete; $40,000 available; bids
Sept. 15; C. E. Griggs, City Engr.
Anderson, S. C. —Anderson County Commrs.; con-
struct 20 mi. Andeson-Abbeville and 25 mi. Ander-
son-Greenville roads; C. H. Moorefield, Sngr., Colum-
bia, S. C.
Camden, S. C.—Kershaw County Commrs. ;
struct 30 mi. Camden-R’dgeway road; C. M. Moore-
field, Engr.. Columbia, S. C.
Columbia, S. C. —City; pave
Main St.; 19,000 sq.
yds. roadway; 6100 sq. ft. sidewalk; Atlantic Bitu-
lithic Co., Contr., Richmond, Va.; F. C. Wyse, City
Engr., ColumVa, S. C.
Columbia, S. C. —Richland County Permanent
Roads Comsn., 1202V2 Main St.; construct 15.125 mi.
Two Notch
road; 43,265 cu. yds. sand-clay surfacing;
bids opened Sept. 3.
Lexington, S. C. —Lexington County Supvrs., C.
E. Corely, Supvr.; construct Columbia-Newberry
road; 15,616 cu. yds. topsoil surfacing; bids until
Sept, 11; J. D. Gregory. Div. Engr., 120214 Main St.,
Columbia, S. C.
Newberry. S. C.—Newfierry County Commission-
ers ; improve roads; voted $400,000 bonds.
Spartanburg, S. C.—Spartanburg County Com-
mrs. ; construct 18 mi. road; C. H. Moorefield, Engr.,
Columbia S. C.
York, S. C.-—York County Commrs.; construct
15 mi. road; C. 11. Moorefield, Engr., Columbia, S. C.
Amarillo, Tex.—Potter County, R. C. Job ison,
Judge; grade Highway No. 5; $20,774.97; F. F. Kel-
ler & Son, Contrs., Raton, N. M.; rejected bids for
graveling and surfacing 25 mi.
Highways 13 and 33.
Angelton, Tex.—Brazoria County Commrs.; grade
and surface 5.73 mi. Highway 36; contract to S. T.
Stratton and M. Palmer, Freeport Tex.
Clarksville, Tex.—Red River County Commrs.;
grade, surface and drain 10.341 mi. Highway 5 B
from Bowie County line to English; P. Y. Creager.
Coleman, Tex.--Coleman County Commrs.; con-
struct 42.17 mi. road in Precinct 2; crushed rock or
gravel; A. Smith, Contr.. Santa
Anna, Tex.
Dallas, Tex.—Dallas County Commrs.; construct
sidewalks and gutters on 1 mi. Harwood St.; invite
bids; rescinded former contract; G. Fairtrace, Engr.
Fort Worth, Tex.—City Comsn.; pave 1 mi. Oor>
merce St.

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