1920-10 The Concrete Age 33, no. 1

Concrete Age


Needs Review


The CONCRETE AGE REPRESENTING THE INTRESTS OF MODERN PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION Entered as second-class matter October 10, 1919 at the Post-office at Dalton, Ga., under the A2 of Congress of March 3, 1879. VOL. XXXIII. MONTHLY DALTON and Atlanta, OCTOBER, 1920. $1.00 Per Year. No. 1

Adjustable Poured Block and Concrete Log Molds Pour your block in adjustable, non-sweat, true to size metal molds and you'll have a dense, waterproof, flint - hard product that will sell itslef. Mo'ds make standard 8x8x16 units and 8x8 blocks of any length up to 8-ft., with air courses up and down, along the sides and around the corners, making a complete insulated air course.

The same molds that form the standard block can be used for pouring the logs. Out n the country, house built of concrete logs, poures in adjustable metal molds, are mighty popular,

Ask for Catalog and Exclusive Territory.

Ray County Concrete Mfg. Co. Richmond, Mo. FRANK CREASON, Manager. W. A. MULLIN, Engineer.

SEPTIC TANKS Scientifically Designed for Suburban Sanitation Write for Circular. E.J. NOBLETT MFG. CO. Chattanooga, Tenn.

IRON PIPE RAILINGS When in the market for Pipe Railing for Stairs, Bridges or Retaining Walls, send us your drawing. We can quote you prices that will be worth considering. Dept.R. PIPE RAILING CONSTRUCTION CO., Long Island City, New York

You Are Out of Wire. We Have Full Stock. Wire Ties for Reningorcing Steel. Send In Your Orders Now. Thousands Using Them.

Bates Valve Bag Co. 7310 So. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO,ILL.

Alabama Hewn Oak Timber Trade T Mark Reg U.S.A THE S.K. TAYLOR LUMBER COMPANY MOBILE, ALA.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


2 THE CONCRETE AGE October, 1920,

SAUERMAN DRAGLINE CABLEWAY EXCAVATORS are widely used in developing local deposits of road gravel The cost of road construction begins not with the actual work on the road —but with the first move which is made to get materials ready for the job. Sand and gravel producers, highway contractors and road commissioners in all parts of the country have proved the great saving which can be affected by installing the Sauerman Dragline Cableway Excavator when materials are to be rushed for a big job of road work. Write today for literature describing the wide adaptability of this excavator which accomplishes the DIGGING, CONVEYING, ELEVATING and DUMPING of sand and gravel all in one continuous operation, and requires but one man to operate. SAUERMAN BROS. 1136 Monc.dr.ock Block, Chicago, 111. Cableway Excavators Cableway Accessories Power Scrapers ART WORK IN CONCRETE Start a Business of Your Own. New lines, Methods and products. Concrete Marble, Granite and Sanitary Flooring, Etc. FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS ART STONE CO. WAYNESBORO, PA. Lock Box 400 < r iV-v-#; ?VU ,* >%< M 4r i '’‘w *: % 1 a** : Diagram Showing Typical Cableway Installation LOADING BlfPfp^LV/ Here is a Glazing Composition that will /J ! I Adhere tightly to iron, steel, wood, glass, stone or concrete, make an elastic joint tight yet definitely flexible, preventing glass from cracking. Guaranteed to withstand heat, cold, rain or extreme climate conditions, without chipping or peeling. KUHLS’ ELASTIC GLAZING COMPOSITIONS is used ior bedding and glazing all classes of glass construction and i? unequalled for securely setting floor or wall tile. Also supplied in shades to match for pointing up stone work, terracotta, granite, etc. Literature on application giving your nearest dealer, or make application to your owr. H. B. FRED KUHLS Sole Manufacturer 415 Third Ave. BROOKLYN, N, Y-

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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3 October, 1920. THE CONCRETE AGE Bale Your Empty Cement Sacks WITH A ROWE SACK BALER

Makes neatest, lightest bales; works fastest; takes up least space; nothing to get out or order. Price Only $15.50 F. O. B. Galesburg. Order direct from this advertisement. ROWE MFG. CO. Galesburg, Ill., U. S. A.

Clean Your Sacks Handy Sack Baler Co. and bale them up right. We do it quick and easy. Write us. Handy Sack Bailer Co. 600 S. Second St., E. Cedar Rapids, lowa Machinery Covers are cheap insurance Even though your equipment isn’t laid up for long spells, it should be covered over the weekend to prevent tampering and theft of parts. Sound construction and careful treatment give U S. T. & A. tarpaulins long wear. They stand rough handling. Absolutely waterproof. Estimates on plain and waterproof coverings will be cheerfully sent you. An ounce of covering is worth dollars in repairs. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. 227 N. Desplaines St. Chicago, Ill.

A TYPICAL CONCRETE HIGHWAY The Concrete road will be giving good service when the bond issue matures —and for years thereafter. Every mile of Concrete road is a permanent link in a completed county highway system. In no other way can any county hope to complete its road-building scheme. Maintenance of existing roads of other types will soon absorb all possible revenue. Concrete roads mean no mud, no dust, low cost of maintenance and permanence. WRITE FOR COPY OF “CONCRETE HIGHWAYS' WE WILL SEND IT WITHOUT CHARGE Dixie Portland Cement Company James Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE.

Buy Kramer Equipment —and profit most from the big 1920 Block and Brick demand Never have the opportunities for the Concrete Block and Brick anufacturers been so great. The man who uses Kramer Equipment can turn out a high grade product with, speed. He is the fellow whose manufacturing cost will be least and his profits most. Investigate. Prices on request. Kramer Automatic Tamper Co. Kelley Street, Peoria Heights PEORIA, ILL.

Quality Higher Than the Price The X-L All Face Down Block Machine is the only Foot Lever Machine on the market. The X-L-All has stood the test for 16 years. Over 4,000 now in use. The X-L-All Block Machine is made with either .foot or hand lever. We furnish a complete outfit with each machine for making Rock or Plain face blocks. Our Prices will surprise you. Send for Catalogue today. BURRELL MFG. & SUPPLY HOUSE Box Y-86 Kankakee, Ill.

Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


October, 1920 TH E CONGEET E AGE 4 No Up-to-Date Builder x can afford to be without a reliable Transit or Level. Our 1920 Model “STERLING” CONVERTIBLE LEVEL may cost a little more at the start, but its suecial features will save enough valuable time to more than repay the- additional outlay. Free examination privilege. Easy payment plan. Our Illustrated Pamphlet C contains valuable information on the selection of up-to-the-minute Leveling Equipment. Write today for your copy. WARREN-KNIGHT CO., 136 N. Twelfth St, Philadelphia Vest Pocket Manual of Adjustments Free. Wet Mix Concrete Men, Attention! “MlAdamite” is something new. Nothing like it on the market. Absolutely prevents cement from sticking to the forms and product comes out with a smooth, glossy surface, resembling the work of a trowel. Saves more than the price of other oils in labor. Gallon lots $1.25 per gallon. Five gallons or more, $l.OO per gallon. Money back if not satisfied. McADAM CEMENT WORKS 315 E. sth Street Aledo, Illinois AUSTIN Self-Feeding Wagon Loader Not a so-called selffeeding loader, but a real labor saver for rapid and efficient handling of material in concrete road and building construction, excavation work, quarry, storage and reclaiming plants and coal and material yards. • Note the steel feeding arms. In the view they are extended to outside radius of 6 ft. They dig into the material, gather it up and pull it into the elevator buckets. They cut a swath wide enough for the machine to pass through. F. C. AUSTIN MACHINERY CO. NEW YOksv OFFICE 30 Church St. Railway Exchange, Chicago Southern Sales Agents, GRAVES MACHINERY CO., Atlanta, Ga. The IMPROVED Rapid Floor Surfacer Several sizes. Extra 2-disc attachment can be removed making a 2-disc machine. will surface right up to the wall or baseboard without the use of Edge Roller. Just the machine you would want for surfacing all kinds of floors, whether old or new. Will smooth down rapidly and easily all oints or warped edges. Perfect results guaranteed. More than 20,000 in use. Send for our free trial offer. M. L. SCHUETER 225-27 W. Illinois St. CHI : O, ILL. Phone Main 2349 Made in several size*. Dustless —Non-Slippery—Always Serviceable—Lowest Maintenance The use of concrete for road and street construction is increasing rapidly throughout the country. The expeience of those communities which have built concrete highways has proven beyond question that concrete not only gives the most substantial construction, but also solves the perplexing question of maintenance because Concrete Practically Eliminates Maintenance. With sand and gravel or crushed rock available locally throughout the South, and Portland Cement—manufactured here at .home, the cost of Concrete roads is very low. Concrete roads are an INVESTMENT—not an EXPENDITURE. Send for our Booklet. “CONCRETE HIGHWAYS.’’ Free on request. Standard Portland Cement Company J. I. McCANTS, Sales Mgr. Birmingham, Ala. CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


October, 1920. THE CONCRETE AGE 5 LOOK HERE! The demand for Ohio Concrete Roofing Tile is greater than ever this year. The man who is equipped to meet this demand in his locality will control a highly profitable and clean cut business of his own. A single 2 machine unit of Ohio Tile Machines will manufacture all the regular and special shapes required for any roof,—and with a net profit of over $5O a day for you! Write at once if you want information. CTki OHIO TILE MACHINERY™ WILLOUGHBY, OHIO (Near Cleveland) SILO HARDWAREWe are in a position at all tim.., to furnish silo accessories of all descriptions for any make silo—we carry a full and complete stock on hand and can make immediate delivery from our warehouse on carload or small shipments. Our goods are made from the best material obtainable—and are '-uaranteed. Secure our inducements before placing your orders. We aim to give satisfaction. Prompt service and a square deal assured on all orders largo or small. A trial order will convince you. If you are just beginning to manufacture or build silos—let us help you get started right-—-we will be more than pleased to aid you in any way possible. SMITH SILO HARDWARE CO, We can furnish any quantity SILO Rods Lugs Wood or Steel Doors Door Spreaders Reinforcements Reinforcing Steel, Twisted or Deformed Galv. Iron Chutes Metal Roofs Cement Stave Machines, Moulds, Etc. 11th and Market Sts. Des Moines, lowa FOR SALE OR LEASE. A complete concrete products plant, consisting of two “Ideal’ ? block machines, 800 staple post molds, mixer and conveyor, motor driven. Switch track to build ng. Ten acres of abandoned cement tunnels with an even temperature of 55 degrees Fah. the year around, for curing and storing. The plant is located on a one acre plat in the wealthiest farming community in the state. For particulars, address, Portland Cement Products Company, Utica, Illinois. Speed and low-cost in building hollow walls— vour bid low enough to get the business—high enough to make good money—and the speed gets you away to the next job in a hurry. That’s how the Acme System works. In building the one-story house (shown above) at Phillipsburg, N. J., on the Ingersoll-Rand property, 3 men erected all the form work in one day, and 5 men poured the entire walls above grade in 9 hours, carrying the concrete in buckets up a ladder. With this system, s'mple wood forms are built 12 ft. high or higher. Ribs inside the airspace in the wall give strength—they act as pilasters. Write for full details and. explanation of other Acme advantages. Acme Hollow Wall Go., Madera, Calif.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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