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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



>v1io inhabit the woods lying near the river Cucliigara, bomided by the nation of the Cunmnaes, It is but little known.

CUMBA, a settlement of tlie province and corregimicnto of Luya and Chillaos in Peru.

CUMBAL, a settlement of the province and j corregimknlo of Pastos in the kingdom of Quito.

CUMBAL, a very lofty mountain of this province (Pastos), always covered with snow ; from it rises the river Carlosama, which runs e. and the Mallama, which runs n. In Lat. .54° n.

CUMBAYA, a settlement of the kingdom of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of Las Cinco Leguas de su Capital.

CUMBE. See Chumbe.

CUMBERLAND, Bay of, on the most «. coast of America. Its entrance is beneath the polar circle, and it is thought to have a communication with Batlin’s bay to the n. In it are several islands of the same name. The bay was thus called by the English, according to Martiniere, who, however, makes no mention of the islands.

Cumberland, a port of the island of Cuba, anciently called Guantanamo; but the Admiral Vernon and General Werabort, who arrived here in 1741 with a strong squadron, and formed an encampment upon the strand, building at the same time a fort, gave it this name in honour to the Duke of Cumberland. It is one of the best ports in America, and from its size capable of sheltering any number of vessels. The climate is salutary, and the country around abounds in cattle and provisions. Here is also a river of very good fresh water, navigable for some leagues, and named Augusta by the said admiral. It is 20 leagues to the e. of Santiago of Cuba, in lat. 20° 71. and long. 75° 12' w.

Cumberland, another bay, of the island of Juan Fernandez, in the S. sea. It lies between two small ports, and was thus named by Admiral Anson. It is the best in the island, although exposed to the n, wind, and insecure.

Cumberland Cumberland, an island of the province and colony of Georgia, in N. America, near 20 miles distant from the city of Frederick. It has two forts, called William and St. Andrew. The first, which is at the s. extremity, and commands the entrance, called Amelia, is well fortified, and garrisoned with eight cannons. There are also barracks for 220 men, besides store-houses for arms, provisions, and timber.

[Cumberland, a harbour on the e. side of Washington’s isles, on the n, is, coast ofN. Ame-

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rica. It lies s. of Skitikise, and n. of Cummashawaa.J

[Cumberland House, one of the Hudson’s bay company’s factories, is situated in New South Wales, in N. America, 158 miles e. n. e. of Hudson’s 'house, on the s. side of Pine island lake. Lat. 53° 58' 7i. Long. 102° w. See Nelson River.]

[Cumberland, a fort in New Brunswick ; situated at the head of the bay of Fundy, on the e. side of its n. branch. It is capable of accommodating 300 men.]

[Cumberland, a county of New Brunswick, which comprehends the lands at the head of the bay of Fundy, on the bason called Chebecton, and the rivers which empty into it. It has several townships ; those which are settled are Cumberland, Sackville, Amherst, Hillsborough, and Hopewell. It is watered by the rivers Au Lac, Missiquash, Napan Macon, Memrarncook, Petcoudia, Chepodi^, and Herbert. The three first rivers are navigable three or four miles for vessels of five tons. The Napan and Macon are shoal rivers ; the Herbert is navigable to its head, 12 miles, in boats ; the others are navigable four or five miles.]

[Cumberland, a town of New Brunswick, in the county of its own name. Here are coal mines.]

[Cumberland, County, in the district of Maine, lies between Y ork and Lincoln counties ; has the Atlantic ocean on the s. and Canada on the w. Its sea-coast, formed into numerous bays, and lined with a multitude of fruitful islands, is nearly 40 miles in extent in a straight line. Saco river, which runs s. e. into the ocean, is the dividing line between this county and York on the s.w. Cape Elizabeth and Casco bay are in this county. Cumberland is divided into 24 townships, of which Portlatid is the chief. It contains 25,450 inhabitants.]

[Cumberland County`, in New Jersey, is bounded s. by Delaware bay, 7i. by Gloucester county, s. e. by cape May, and w. by Salem county. It is divided into seven townships, of which Fairfield and Greenwich are the chief; and contains 8248 inhabitants, of whom 120 are slaves.]

[Cumberland, the «. easternmost township of the state of Rhode Island, Providence county. Pawtucket bridge and falls, in this town, are four miles 71. e. of Providence. • It contains 1964 inhabitants, and is the only town in the state which has no slaves.]

[Cumberland County, in Pennsylvania,, is

Last edit over 6 years ago by jgo384



Ostimiiri in Nueva Espana ; situate 45 leagues from the river Chico.

CUMPLIDA, an island of Paraguay, in the province and government of this name. It issues from an arm thrown out on the w. side of the river, and forms the lake Jayba.

CUMPLIDA, another island, of the Itenes or Guapore, in the province and country of Las Amazonas.

CUMPLIDO, Cayo, an inlet of the N. sea, near the coast of the island of Cuba, the Cayo Romano, and the Cayo de Cruz.

[CUNCHES, Indians of Chile. See index to additional history respecting that country, chap.

CUNDAUE, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.


Cundurmarca|CUNDURMARCA]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

CUNEN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CUNGAYO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraez in Peru.

CUNGIES, a barbarous nation of Indians, who inhabit the «. of the river Napo, between the rivers Tambur to the e. and the Blanco, a small river, to the w. These infidels are bounded n. by the Ancuteres, and dwell near to the Abijiras and the Icahuates.

[Cuniue|CUNIUE]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuenca in the kingdom of Quito ; in the district of which are many estates, as those of Pillachiquir, Guanacauri, Tianorte, Pugni, Tambo de Marivina, Alparupaccha, and Chinan.

CUNIUOS, a barbarous and ferocious nation of the province and country of Las Amazonas, to the c. of the river Ucayale, and to the s. of the Maranon. It is very numerous, and extends as far as the mountain of Guanuco, and the shore of the river Beni. These Indians are the friends and allies of the Piros, and were first converted by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, the missionaries of the province of Maynas ; but in 1714 they rose against these holy fathers, and put to death the Father Bicter, a German, and the Licentiate Vazquez, a regular priest, who accompanied the said mission.

[Cuntuquita|CUNTUQUITA]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya ; annexed to the curacy of Coaza.

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CUNUMAL, San Geronimo de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Olto.

[Cunuri|CUNURI]], a settlement of the province and government of Guayana, one of those belonging to the missions held there by the Capuchin fathers. It is on the shore of the river Y uruario, near the settlement of San Joseph de Leonisa.

CUNURIS, a river of the same province as the above settlement (Guyana). It rises in the mountain of Oro, or of Parima, and runs s. until it enters the Maranon, in lat. 2° SO' s. It takes its name from the barbarous nation of Indians who live in the woods bordering upon its shores.

CUPALEN, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Gualeguay and Saspoy.

CUPANDARO, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuiceo in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the lake. It contains 33 families of Indians, who have the peculiarity of being very white and good looking ; they live by fishing in the same lake. The settlement is two leagues from its capital.

CUPE, a large and abundant river of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Fir me. It rises in the mountains in the interior, runs many leagues, collecting the waters of other rivers, and enters the Tuira.

CUPENAME, a river of the province and government of Guayana, or country of the Amazonas, in the part of the Dutch colonies.

CUPl, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Toro.

[CUPICA, a bay or small port to the s. e. of Panama, following the coast of the Pacific ocean, from cape S. Miguel to cape Corientes, The name of this bay has acquired celebrity in the kingdom of New Granada, on account of a new plan of communication between the two seas. From Cupica we cross, for five or six marine leagues, a soil quite level and proper for a canal, which would terminate at the Embarcadero of the Rio Naipi ; this last river is navigable, and flows below the village of Zatara into the great Rio Atrato, which itself enters the Atlantic sea. A very intelligent Biscayan pilot, M. Gogueneche, was the first rvho had the merit of turning the attention of government to the bay of Cupica, which ought to be for the new continent what Suez was formerly for Asia. M. Gogueneche proposed to transport the cacao of Guayaquil by the 4 c

Last edit over 6 years ago by jgo384
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