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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



lar way by a river of its name. It abounds in large alligators and mosquitoes, which render its navigation very troublesome. Its shores are covered with beautiful trees, which are inhabited by a variety of birds and apes of several species, which make an incredible chattering and noise. It was by this river that the pirate John Morgan came when he took and sacked Panama in 1670. It was discovered by Hernando de la Serma in 1527, when he called it the river of Lagartos, but its mouth was before discovered by Lope de Olano in 1510. Here are found, at certain seasons, a very small fish of the size of a pin, called titles, and these are so abundant, that putting into the water a large basket, it is certain to be drawn out full ; they are fried, and make very savoury fritters.

CHAGRE, with the dedicatory title of San Lorenzo, a settlement of the same province and kingdom ; situate upon the top of a mountain at the entrance or mouth of the former river. It has for its defence a strong castle, which was built by the order of Philip 11. by the famous engineer J uan Bautista Antoneli. This was taken by the pirate John Morgan, after having made a glorious defence, in 1668, when the settlement was burnt and sacked ; and in 1740 it was taken by the English, commanded by Admiral Vernon, who entirely destroyed it ; its loss in that war being supplied by two strong batteries, which hindered the English from making a breach, for the third time, when they came with three frigates of war : but they were driven back by Captain Don Juan de Hermida, who was formerly captain of the regiment of Granada. In 1752 this castle was rebuilt, in the most perfect manner, by the lieutenant-general and engineer Don Ignatio de Sala, governor of Cartagena, who came hither for this purpose by order of the king. In this fortress several personages of distinction' have been held prisoners, ami amongst others the Marquis of La Mina, ])resiilent, governor, and captain-general of the kingiUmi in 1694. Is 13 leagues from Portobelo.

CHAGUANES, an island of the river Orinoco, formed at its entrance into the sea by various canals or arms, is large and inhabited by Indians of the Mariussa nation.

CHAGUARAMA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, situate on the confines of the province of Cumana, near the river Manapire.

CHAGUARAMA, a bay on the coast of the province of Cumaná, on the n. e. side ; being formed by the island of Trinidad, and by the mouths of

the channels of the Orinoco as far as the gulf Triste.

CHAGUAREM, a small river of the province and government of Venezuela, which runs s. and enters that of Los Aceytes.

CHAHUALTEPEQUE, Santiago de, a settlement of the district and alcaldía mayor of Mexilcaltzingo in Nueva España. It contains 138 families of Indians, and is three leagues from its capital.

CHAHUANTLA, a small settlement or ward of the alcaldía mayor of Guauchinango in Nueva España ; annexed to the curacy of Naupan.

CHAIALA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chayanta or Charcas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pocoata.

CHAILLON, Cabo de, a cape on the e. coast of lake Superior, in New France.

CHAINAR, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán ; situate on the shore of the river San Miguel.

CHAIPI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of the corregimiento of Pullo ; in which was venerated, ever since the time of the conquest, a beautiful image of the Virgen del Rosario, which, with the temple, was burnt a few years since, and the parishioners being much afflicted at their loss, the Marquis of Selva Alegre, president of Quito, sent them another equal to the first : at the celebration of the festival people assemble from all the neighbouring districts.

CHAIUIN, a river of the province and government of Valdivia in the kingdom of Chile, which runs s. e. and enters Valdivia near its entrance into the sea.

CHALA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cumaná in Peru.

Chala, with the distinction of Alta, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in the same kingdom , situate on the shore of the river Chicama.

CHALA, another, with the addition of Baxa, in the same kingdom and province; situate near the former.

CHALA, a large and beautiful valley on the sea shore, in the province and corregimiento of Cumaná.

CHALA, a small port, frequented only by fishermen, in the same province and corregimiento.

CHALACOS, a settlement and asiento of the silver mines of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huancabamba.

==CHALALA, a large river of the Nuevo Reyno

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miles and a half e. ofirondequat or Rundagut bay, and SO e. from Niagara falls. The setlleincnts on Chenessee river from its month upwards, are Hartford, Ontario, Wadsworth, and Williamsburgh. The last mentioned place, it is probable, wili soon be the seat of extensive comineice. There will not be a carrying place between New York city and Williamsburgh Avhen tiie w. canals and locks shall be completed. The carrying places at present areas follows, viz. Albany to Schenectady, 16 miles ; from the head of tiie Mohawk to Wood creek, one ; Oswego lalls, two ; Chenessee falls, two ; so that there are but 2 1 miles land carriage necessary, in order to convey commodities from a tract of country capable of maintaining several millions of people. The famous Chenessee flats lie on the borders of this river. They arc about 20 miles long, and about four wide; the soil is remarkably rich, quite clear of trees, producing grass near 10 feet high. Tliese flats are estimated to be worth 200,000/. as they now lie. They arc mostly the property of the Indians.)

CHENGUE, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the sea-coast. It was sacked by William Gauson in 1655, who also destroyed and plundered circumjacent estates.

(CHEPAWAS, or Chipeways, an Indian nation inhabiting the coast of lake Superior and the islands in the lake. They could, according to Mr. Hutchins, furnish 1000 warriors 20 years ago. Otlier tribes of this nation inhabit the country round Saguinam or Sagana bay, and lake Huron, bay Puan, and a part of lake Michigan. They were lately hostile to the United States, but, by the treaty of Greenville, August 3. 1795, they yielded to them the island De Bois Blanc. See Six Nations.)

(CHEPAWYAN Fort is situated on a peninsula at the s. w. end of Athapescow lake, lat. 58° 40' n. long. 110° 25' Ji>. in the territory of the Hudson bay company.)

CHEPEN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in Peru.

CHEPETLAN, a settlement of the head settlement, and alcaldía mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva España. It contains 203 families of Indians, who live by tiie making and selling of chocolate cups. Two leagues to the n. n. 70. of Tenango.

(CHEPEWAS, of Leach Lake, Indians of N. America, claiming the country on both sides of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Crow-wing river to its source, and extending w. of the Missis-

sippi to the lands claimed by the Sioux, with whom they still cop.tend for dominion. They claim also, c. of the Mississippi, the country extending as far as lake Superior, including the waters of the St. lamis. Tliis country is thickly covered with timber generally, lies level, and generally fertile, though a considerable proportion of it is intersected and broken up by small lakes, morasses, and small swamps, particularly about the heads of the Mississipi and river St. Louis. They do not cultivate, but live principally on the wild rice, which they procure in great abundance on the borders of Leach lake and the banks of the Mississipi. Their number has been considerably reduced by W'ars and tlie small-pox. Their trade is at its greatest extent.)

(Chepewas, of Red Lake, Indians of N. America, who claim the country about Red Lake and Red Lake river, as far as the Red river of lake Winnipie, beyond which last river they contend with the Sioux for territory. This is a low level country, and generally thickly covered with timber, interrupted with many swamps and morasses. This, as well as the other bands of Chepewas, are esteemed the best hunters in the ti. to. country ; but from the long residence of this band in the country they now inhabit, game is become scarce ; therefore their trade is supposed to be at its greatest extent. The Chepewas are a well-disposed people, but excessively fond of spirituous liquors.)

(Chepewas, of River Pembena, Indians of N. America, who formerly resided on the e. side of the Mississippi, at Sand lake, but were induced by the N. W. company to remove, a few years since, to the river Pembena. They do not claim the lands on which they hunt. Tiie country is level, and the soil good. The w. side of the river is pi incipally prumVs, or open plains ; on the e. side there is a greater proportion of timber. Their trade at present is a very valuable one, and will probably increase for some years. They do not cultivate, but live by hunting. They are welldisposed towards the whites.)

CHEPICA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the coast, between the port of Huasco and the point of Pajaros.

CHEPILLO, a small island of the S. sea, in the gulf of Panamá, and at the mouth or entrance ofthe river Bayano, is somewhat more than two leagues distant Irom the continent; three miles in circumference, and enjoys a pleasant climate, although subject to intense heat. It was formerly inhabited by the Indians, of whom there

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vernment of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from 7i. to s, and enters tlie Chinchipe on the n. side, somewhat lower than where this latter is entered by the Naraballe, and near a small settlement of Indians.

CHERNAL, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Chile, in the district of the province and ccrregimiet7tn of Copiapó. Lat. 27° 27'.

CHEROKEE, a settlement of North Carolina, where there is a fort built by the English on the shore of the river of its name, and at the mouth of the Agiqua.

Cherokee, a large river of the above colony and province, called also Hogohegee and Callamaco. It rises in the county of Augusta, and takes its name from a numerous nation of Indians ; runs V). for many leagues, forming a curve, and enters the Ohio near the fourches of the Mississippi. Near to this river are some very large and fertile plains ; and according to the account rendered by the Indians, there are, at the distance of 40 leagues from the Chicazas nation, four islands, called Tahogale, Kakick, Cochali, and Tali, inhabited by as many other different nations of Indians. (Cherokee was the ancient name of Tennessee river. The name of Tennessee was formerly confined to the fourteenth branch, which empties 15 mites above the mouth of Clinch river, and 18 below Knoxville.)

Cherokee, the country of the Indians of the nation of this name in North Carolina. It stands w. as far as the Mississippi, and w. as far as the confines of the Six Nations. It was ceded to the English by the treaty of Westminster, in 1729. (This celebrated Indian nation is now on the decline. They reside in the n. parts of Georgia, and the s. parts of the state of Tennessee ; having the Apalachian or Cherokee mountains on the e. which separate them from North and South Carolina, and Tennessee river on the n. and w. and the Creek Indians on the s. The present line between them and the state of Tennessee is not yet settled. A line of experiment was drawn, in 1792, from Clinch river across Holston to Chilhove mountain ; but the Cherokee commissioners not appearing, it is called a line of experiment. The complexion of the Cherokees is brighter than that of the neighbouring Indians. They are robust and well made, and taller than many of their neighbours ; being generally six feet high, a few are more, and some less. Their women are tall, slender, and delicate. The talents and morals of the Cherokees are held in great esteem. They were formerly a powerful nation ; but by continual wars, in which it has been their destiny lo be engaged with the n. Indian tribes, and with the whites, they are now reduced to about 1500 warriors ; and they are becoming weak and pusillanimous. Some writers estimate their numbers at 2500 warriors. They have 43 towns now inhabited.)

Cherokee, a settlement of Indians of this nation, in the same country as that in which the English had a fort and establishment, at the source of the river Caillon ; which spot is at present abandoned.

CHERREPE, a port of the coast of Peru, and of the S. sea, in the province and corregimienlo of Saña, is open, unprotected, and shallow ; and consequently frequented only by vessels driven to it through stress, and for the sake of convenience. It is in lat. 7° 70' s.

CHERRITON, a port of the coast of the province and colony of Maryland, within the bay of Chesapeak, behind cape Charles.

(CHERRY Valley, a post-town in Otsego county, New York, at the head of the creek of the same name, about 12 miles >/. e. of Coopersfown, and 18 s. of Canajohary, 61 w. of Albany, and 336 from Philadelphia. It contains about 30 houses, and a Presbyterian church. There is an academy here, which contained, in 1796, 50 or 60 scholars. It is a spacious buildit)g, 60 feet by 40. The township is very large, and lies along the e. side of Otsego lake, and its outlet to Adiqnatangie creek. By the state census of 1796, it appears that 629 of its inhabitants are electors. This settlement sutlered severely from the Indians in the late war.)

(CHESAPEAK is one of the largest and safest bays in the United States. Its entrance is nearly e. n. e. and s. s. between cape Charles, lat. 37° 13' and cape Henry, lat. 37°, in Virginia, 12 miles wide, and it extends 70 miles to the ??. dividing Virginia and Maryland. It is from 7 to IS miles broad, and generally as much as 9 fathoms deep ; affording many commodious harbours, and a sale and easy navigation. It has many fertile islands, and these are generally along the c. side of the bay, except a few solitary ones near the xo. shore. A number of navigable rivers and other streams empty into if, the chief of which are Susquehannab, Fatapsco, Patuxent, Pofowmack, Rappahannock, and A^ork, which are all large and navigable. Chesapeak bay'- afibrds many excellent fisheries of herring and shad. There are also excellent crabs and oysters. It is the resort of swans, but is more particularly remarkable for a species of wild duck, called camashac/c, whose flesh is entirely free from any fishy taste, and is admired by epicures for its richness and delicacy. In a coinnierciul point of view, this bay is of im--

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Cotagaitilla, Escara, Chacnacocha, Chequelti, Colnaca, Calccha, Tomola, Tumula, Estarca,




Ingenio del Oro

Nueva Cbocaya, Talina,












And in the district of Tarija,

Tarija de Vieja, La Concepcion,

San Bernardo de Tarija, Berraeo.

The district of Tarija is a territory full of quehradas and craggy mountains, as far as the punas and lofty plains of Escayache and Tacsora, where there are two salt lakes. It is composed of four fertile valleys lying on the skirts of hills, and in these are found human bones of a prodigious size, petrified, shin-bones of a yard and a quarter long, and teeth larger than a fist. In the midst of one of these valleys is the town of San Bernardo de Tarija, which is the capital of the province. Its repartimiento used to amount to 82,350 dollars, and its alcavala to 558 dollars per annum. For the settlements of this district, see above.

Chichas, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Salamanca.

Chichas, a river of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Xuxuy, which divides this city from that of the capital of San Miguel.

(CHICHESTER, Upper and Lower, two townships in Delaware county, Pennsylvania.)

(Chichester, a small township in Rockingham county, New Hampshire, about 35 miles n. w. of Exeter, and 45 from Portsmouth. It lies on Suncook river, was incorporated in 1727, and contains 491 inhabitants.)

CHICHIBACOA, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and government of Santa Marta, and kingdom of Tierra Firrae ; 80 leagues to the w. of that city.

CHICHICAPA, a settlement and capital of the alcaldia mayor of the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and was anciently the real of the most esteemed silver mines; but is at present much fallen of, the working of the mines having been for

the most part abandoned from the want of hands, in as much as the natives have given themselves up to the trade of cochineal, in which its territory abounds : it produces also much seed and maize. Its jurisdiction includes some of the finest and richest provinces. It consists of five head settlements of districts, to which are subject as many other. Its capital contains 430 families of Indians, and some of Spaniards, Muslees, and Mulattoes. Ninety leagues s. e. of Mexico. The other settlements are.

Zimitlan, Tepezimatlan, La Magdalena, Atzozola.

Rio Hondo or Thequila,

San Agustin de Losi-



Cozan tepee,

CHICHICATEPEC, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana, is of a cold temperature, contains 26 families of Indians, and is seven leagues to the s. e. of its capital.

CHICHICOAUTLA, St. Francisco de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Metepeque in Nueva Espana. It contains 91 families of Indians.

CHICHIMEQUILLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Zitaquaro, and alcaldia mayor Maravatio, in the bishopric of Mechoacan and kingdom of Nueva Espana. It contains 84 families of Indians, and is a quarter of a league to the s. of its head settlement.

CHICHIQUILA, a settlement of the head settlement of Quinuxtlan, and alcaldia mayor of San Juan de los Llanos, in Nueva Espana. It contains 180 families of Indians.

CHICHOI, a settlement of the province and kingdom of Guatemala.

CHICHOPON, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Xuambos.

CHICIBICHE, a point of the coast of the province and government of Venezuela, opposite the island of Aves.

(CHICKAHOMINY, a small navigable river in Virginia. At its mouth in James river, 37 miles from point Comfort, in Chesapeak bay, is a bar, on which is only 12 feet water at common flood tide. Vessels passing that may go eight miles up the river; those of 10 feet draught 12 miles ; and vessels of six tons burden may go 32 miles up the river.)

(CHICKAMACOMICO Creek, in Dorchester county, Maryland, runs s. between the towns of Middletown and Vienna, and empties into Fishing bay.)

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(CHICKAMAGES, a part of the Cherokee nation of Indians, known by this name, inhabit five villages on Tennessee river. See CHICCAMOGGA.)

CHICKAMINE, a river of the province and colony of Virginia.

(CHICKASAW Bluff is on the e. bank of the Mississippi, witiiin the territories of the United States, in lat. 35 n. The Spaniards erected here a strong stockaded fort, with cannon, and furnished it with troops, all in the space of 24 hours, in the month of June 1795. It has since been given up, .according to the treaty of 1796.)

(Chickasaw, a creek which falls into the Wabash from the c. a little below Post St. Vincent.)

(Chickasaw, a river which empties into the Mississippi, on the e. side, 104 miles from the mouth of Margot, and 67 s. w. of Mine au Fer. Tlie lands here are of an excellent quality, and covered with a variety of useful timber, canes, &c. This river may be ascended during high floods upwards of SO miles with boats of several tons burden.)

(Chickasaws, a famous nation of Indians, who inhabit the country on the e. side of the Mississippi, on the head branches of the Tombigbee, Mobile, and Yazoo rivers, in the n. zo. corner of the state of Georgia, and n. of the country of the Chactaws. Their country is an extensive plain, tolerably well watered from springs, and of a pretty good soil. They have seven towns, the central one of which is in lat. 34° 23' «• long. 89° 30' w. The number of souls in this nation has been formerly reckoned at 1725, of which 575 were fighting men. There are some Negroes among the Chickasaws, who either were taken captive in war, or ran away from their masters, and sought safety among the Indians. In 1539, Ferdinand de Soto, with 900 men, besides seamen, sailed from Cuba with a design to conquer Florida. He travelled n. to the Chickasaw country, about lat. 35° or 36° ; and three years after died, and was buried on the bank of Mississipi river.)

CHICLAIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in Peru, in which there is a convent of the religious order of St. Francis.

CHICO, Rio, a settlement and garrison of the province and government of Sonora ; situate on the shore of the river Yaqui.

Chico, a river of the province and government of Panamá in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. of the istmo, or isthmus, near the settlement of Chepo ; and runs s. ze. and enters the sea in the bay or gulf of Panama.


Chico, another river of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru. It runs to the e. of the jurisdiction of the city ofXuxuy,

Chico, a small island, called Morro, near the coast of the province and government of Santa Marta ; opposite this city, and not far from another island, distinguished by the name of Morro Grande.

CHICOANTEPEC, a settlement of the province and alcaldla mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHICOLAPA, a settlement of the head settlement, and alcaldla mayor of Coatepec, in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of its capital. It contains 187 families of Indians, who celebrate every Friday throughout the year a teanguis or fair, at which are sold cattle and other productions of the country. At these times it is a place of general rendezvous for the inhabitants of all the contiguous provinces ; and this fair has, from the great concourse of people usually assembling here, obtained the title of the famous teanguis of S. Vicente de Chicolapa. It is extremely fertile and pleasant, and surrounded by several very small settlements or wards.

CHICOMESUCHIL, a settlement and head settlement of tlie alcaldia mayor of Yxtepexi of the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana, is of a hot temperature, and contains 300 families of Indians, who exercise themselves in the making scarlet cloths and cotton garments.

CHICOMI, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Tampico in Nueva Espana. It contains 45 families of Indians, and lies 10 leagues to the s. of its capital.

CHICOMOCELO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa. in the kingdom of Guatemala ; [having a cave very narrow at the entry, but spacious within, with a stagnant lake, which is, however, clear, and is two fathoms deep towards the banks.]

CHICONAUTA, St. Tomas de, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Ecatepec in Nueva Espana; annexed to the curacy of its capital; from whence it is distant one league to the n. n. e. It contains 160 families of Indians.

CHICONCUAC, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tezcuco in Nueva Espana. It contains 123 families of Indians, and six of Spaniards. It produces a good proportion of grain, seeds, and cattte, from the fleeces of which they derive great emolument, as also from the coarse stuffs manufactured of the same. It is one league to the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUASO, a settlement of the head

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