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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


mules, poultry, cheese, and salt meats. It has likewise some mines in its district, which are not altogetlier neglected, though the advantages derived from them would be immensely increased, if the number of labourers were greater. It is governed by a lieutenant nominated by the governor of Santiago de Veragua. [Lat. 8° 12' n. Long. 80“ 40' a;.l

ALAQUES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito.

ALAQUINES, a branch of the head settlement of the district of Tamazunchale, and alcaldia mayor of Valles, in Nueva España, situate on the shore of a large river which divides this jurisdiction from that of Guadalcazar.

ALARA, a river of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Granada. It rises at the foot of the sierra of Guamoco, and s. of the town of this name; runs and enters the Cauca.

[ALASKE, a long peninsula on the n. w. coast of America, formed by Bristol bay and the ocean on the n. w. and n. and by the ocean and the waters of Cook’s river on the s. and s. e. At its extremity are a number of islands, the chief of which, in their order westward, are, Oonemak, Oonala.sha, and Ocumnak, which form part of the chain or cluster of islands called the Northern Archipelago. Captain Cook, on his return in 1779, passed through the channel e. of Oonemak island. See North-avest Coast of America.]

ALATAMALIA, a large river of the province and government of Florida. It runs nearly due e. and enters the sea opposite the Georgean isles. [This river, Avliich is navigable, is more properly of Georgia. It rises in the Cherokee mountains, near the head of a western branch of Savannah river, called Tugulo. In its descent through the mountains it receives several auxiliary streams ; thence it Avinds, with considerable rapidity, through the hilly country 250 miles, from Avhcnce it throAvs itself into the open flat country, by the name of Oakmulgee. Thence, after meandering for 150 miles, it is joined by the Oconee, which likewise has its source in the mountains. After this junction it assumes the name of Alatamalia, Avhen it becomes a large majestic river ; and flow'ing Avith a gentle current through forests and plains 100 miles, discharges itself into the Atlantic by several mouths. The n. channel glides by the heights of Darien, about 10 miles above the bar, and after several turnings, enters the ocean between Sapelo and Wolf islands. The s. channel, which is esteemed the largest and deepest.

after its separation from the >?. descends gently,, taking its course between MDntosh and Broughton islands, and at last by the w. coast of St. Simon’s sound, betAveen the s. end of the island of that name, and the n. end of Jeky! island. At its confluence with the Atlantic it is 500 yards Avide.]

ALAUSI, a province and small corregimiento or district of the kingdom of Quito ; bounded «. by the province of Riobamba, n. w. by Chimbo, s. by Cuenca, w. by the district of Yaguache, and e. by that of Macas. It is Avatered by the rivers Uzogoche, Gussuntos, Pinancay, Alausi, and others of less note. It abounds in mountains, the most lofty of Avhich are tOAvard the©.; the country is pleasant, and yields liberally every kijid of fruit and grain that are common either to America or Europe. It contains many sugar mills, and the sugar is the best intlie kingdom. The air here is mild and healthy, and the climate cannot be said to be inconveniently hot. It is governed by the corregidor, who resides in the capital.

Alausi, the capital of the above province. It has in its district some mineral fountains of hot water, established with suitable conveniences by some families of consideration residing there. Its trade consists in cloths, baizes, and cotton garments, Avhich are wrought in its manufactories. It has a very good parish church, and a convent of the order of St. Francis. [Lat. 2“ 12' «. Long. 78° 39' ©.]

[ALBANS, St. a township in Franklin county, Vermont, on lake Champlain, opposite N. Hero island, Avith 256 inhabitants.]

ALBANIA, or Albany, a county of the province and colony of New York. It contains a certain number of plains fertile in grain, in AA'hich, and in planks of pine, its principal commerce consists. The Avinter is extremely cold, and the river Hudson is generally frozen for 100 miles, so a* to bear immense burthens. The gveat cpiautity of snow that falls at this season is useful, not only because it covers the grain, and keeps it from pe rishing by the frost, but because, when it melts, it so increases the waters of the river, as to facilitate thereby the transportation of the productions of the country.

[Albany County Lies Between Ulster And Saratoga ; Its Extent 46 Miles By 28|ALBANY County lies between Ulster and Saratoga ; its extent 46 miles by 28. By the state census, .fan. 20, 1796, the number of electors in this county were 6087, and the number of towns 11.]

Albania, or Albany, the capital of the above county, founded by the Dutch in 1608, together with tiiat of Orange, on the sliorc of the E 2

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rodeleon



Granada ; situate in a beautiful and delightful country. Its temperature is hot, it abounds in cacao, maize, yucas, and plantains, and has some neat cattle and gold mines. The inhabitants amount to 100 families, and it is annexed to the curacy of its capital.

(CHAPEL Hill, a post-town in Orange county, N. Carolina ; situated on a branch of Newhope creek, which empties into the n.w. branch of Cape Fear river. This is the spot chosen for the seat of the university of N. Carolina. Few houses are as yet erected ; but a part of the public buildings were in such forwardness, that students Avere admitted, and education commenced, in January 1796. The beautiful and elevated site of this town commands a pleasing and extensive view of the surrounding country : 12 miles s. by e. of Hillsborough, and 472 s.w. of Philadelphia. Lat. 35° 56' n. Long. 79° 2' w.)

CHAPEU, Morro del, or Del Sombero, a mountain of the kingdom of Brazil, between the rivers Preto and Tocantines, close to the gold mines of La Navidad.

CHAPIGANA, a fort of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Firme, built upon a long strip of land, or point, formed by the great river of Tuira. There is also a small fort of the same name in a little gulf, and nearly closed at the entrance, behind the fort of San Miguel, in the S. sea.

CHAPIMARCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Ancobamba.

CHAPUARE, a river of the province and government of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito, rises in the mountains of Cacao, which are upon the shore of the river Madera ; runs w. forming a curve, and enters the latter river, just where the Ytenes and Marmore also become united.

CHAPULTENANGO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHAPULTEPEC, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Corjoacan in Nueva España ; situate on the skirt of a mountainous eminence, on which are the castle and palace Avhich were the residence of the viceroys until they made their public entries into Mexico. Here are beautiful saloons and charming gardens, bedecked with all sorts of delicate flowers ; also a wood of branching savins, which was filled Avith stags and rabbits, and an abundant supply of water to render the soil fertile ; although, independently of a large and deep pool, it is also intersected by several streams, which, through canals, are carried to supply the s. part of

the city of Mexico. Its inhabitants amount to 40 families of Indians, in the district of the parish of a convent of St. Francis, with certain families of Spaniards and Mustecs, embodied with the parish of Vera Cruz of Mexico ; from Avheuce this is distant one league to the w. s.w.

Chapultepec, with the dedicatory title of San Juan, another settlement of the district and head settlement of Tlacoluca, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in the same kingdom ; founded between four mountains, the skirts of Avhich form a circle round it. It contains 100 families of Indians, including those of the settlement of Paztepec, close to it. Although its population was formerly thought to amount to 500 families, no cause can be assigned for the present diminution ; notAvithstanding the elder people affirm, that this is a judgment of God for their having caused so many sorrows and anxieties to the poor curate, who had laboured so hard and with such zeal to convert them from their idolatry : certain it is, they are now extremely humble and docile. It is tAvo leagues n. e. of its capital.

Chapultepec, another, with the same dedicatory title of San Juan, in the head settlement of the town of Marquesado, and alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas. It contains 25 families of Indians, Avho occupy themselves in the cultivation of cochineal, wheat, maize, fruits, woods, coal, lime-stone, and timber. It is a little more than a mile to the s. u\ of its capital.

Chapultepec, another, with the dedicatory title of San Miguel, in the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuernavaca,

Chapultepec another, with the same dedicatory title as the former, in the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Metepéc. It contains 168 families of Indians.

CHAPULUACAN, a settlement of the jurisdiction and alcaldia mayor of Valles in Nueva Espana ; situate on the skirt of a very lofty sierra ; is of a mild temperature, and produces maize, cotton, bees-Avax, and honey, and large cattle. It is annexed to the curacy of Tamzunchale, contains 58 families of Indians, and lies 38 leagues from its capital.

Chapuluacan, another settlement of the head settlement of Colotlán, and alcaldia mayor of Mextitlan, in Nueva Espana, contains 140 families of Indians, and is two leagues from its head settlement.

CHAQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

Chaqui, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Porco in the same kingdom.

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Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934




figure, with four bastions, built wfili stockades. There were, some years since, about 2000 white inhabitants and 7000 slaves. They cultivate Indian corn, tobacco, and indigo; raise vast quantities of poultry, wliich they send to New Orleans. They also send to that city squared timber, staves, &c.]

COUQUECURA, a settlement of Indians of the province and corregimiento of Itata in the kingdom of Chile; situate on the coast.

COURIPI, a river of the province of Guayana==, in the F rench possessions.

COUSSA, a settlement of the English, in S. Carolina ; situate on the shore of the river of its name.

Coussa, another settlement, in the same province and colony, on the shore of a river of the same denomination. This river runs n. w. and enters the Albama.

COUSSARIE, a river of the province of Guayana, in the part possessed by the French. It enters the Aprouac,

COUSSATI, a settlement of Indians of S. Carolina ; situate on the shore of the river Albama.

COUUACHITOUU, a settlement of Indians of S. Carolina, in which the English have an establishment and fort for its defence.

COUUANCHI, a river of the province and colonj'^ of Georgia, which runs e, and enters the Ogeclii.

COUUANAIUUINI, a river of the province of Guayana, in the part which the French possess.

(COVENTRY, a township in Tolland county, Connecticut, 20 miles e. of Hartford city. ’’ It was settled in 1709, being purchased by a number of Hartford gentlemen of one Joshua, an Indian.)

(Coventry, in Rhode Island state, is the n. easternmost township in Kent county. It contains 2477 inhabitants.)

(Coventry, a township in the n. part of New Hampshire, in Grafton county. It was incorporated in 1764, and contains 80 inhabitants.)

(Coventry, a township in Orleans county, Vermont. It lies in the n. part of the state, at the s. end of lake Memphremagog. Black river passes through this town in its course to Memphremagog.)

(Coventry, a township in Chester county, Pennsylvania.)

(COW AND Calf Pasture Rivers are head branches of Rivanna river, in Virginia.)

(COWE is the capital town of the Cherokee Indians ; situated on the foot of the hills on both sides of the river Tennessee. Here terminates the

great vale of Cowe, exhibiting one of the most charming, natural, mountainous landscapes that can be seen. The vale is closed at Cowe by a ridge of hills, called the Jore mountains. The town contains about 100 habitations. In the constitution of the state of Tennessee, Cowe is described as near the line which separates Tennessee from Virginia, and is divided from Old Chota, another Indian town, by that part of the Great Iron or Smoaky mountain, called Unicoi or Unaca mountain).

COWETAS, a city of the province and colony of Georgia in N. America. It is 500 miles distant from Frederick, belongs to the Creek Indians, and in it General Oglethorp held his conferences with the caciques or chiefs of the various tribes composing this nation, as also with the deputies from the Chactaws and the Chicasaws, who inhabit the parts lying between the English and French establishments. He here made some new treaties with the natives, and to a greater extent than those formerly executed. Lat. 32° 12' n. Long. 85° 52' w. (See Apalachichola Town.)

(COWS Island. See Vache.)

(COWTENS, a place so called, in S. Carolina, between the Pacolet river and the head branch of Broad river. This is the spot where General Morgan gained a complete victory over Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, January 11, 1781, having only 12 men killed and 60 wounded. The British had 39 commissioned officers killed, wounded, and taken prisoners ; 100 rank and file killed, 200 wounded, and 500 prisoners. They left behind two pieces of artillery, two standards, 800 muskets, 35 baggage waggons, and 100 drago"on horses, which fell into the hands of the Americans. The field of battle was in an open wood.)

COX, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of San Joseph, near the e. coast.

Cox, another settlement in the same island, distinct from the former, and not far distant from it.

COXCATLAN, S. Juan Bautista de, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the a/caMa mayor of Valles in Nueva Espana ; situate on the bank of a stream which runs through a glen bordered with mountains and woods. It contans 1131 families of Mexican Indians, SO of Spaniards, and various others of Mulattoes and Jlfustees, all of whom subsist by agriculture, and in raising various sorts of seeds, sugar-canes, and cotton. Fifteen leagues from the capital.

Coxcatlan, another settlement and head settlement of the alcddia mayor of Thehuacan in the


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