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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


mules, poultry, cheese, and salt meats. It has likewise some mines in its district, which are not altogetlier neglected, though the advantages derived from them would be immensely increased, if the number of labourers were greater. It is governed by a lieutenant nominated by the governor of Santiago de Veragua. [Lat. 8° 12' n. Long. 80“ 40' a;.l

ALAQUES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito.

ALAQUINES, a branch of the head settlement of the district of Tamazunchale, and alcaldia mayor of Valles, in Nueva España, situate on the shore of a large river which divides this jurisdiction from that of Guadalcazar.

ALARA, a river of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Granada. It rises at the foot of the sierra of Guamoco, and s. of the town of this name; runs and enters the Cauca.

[ALASKE, a long peninsula on the n. w. coast of America, formed by Bristol bay and the ocean on the n. w. and n. and by the ocean and the waters of Cook’s river on the s. and s. e. At its extremity are a number of islands, the chief of which, in their order westward, are, Oonemak, Oonala.sha, and Ocumnak, which form part of the chain or cluster of islands called the Northern Archipelago. Captain Cook, on his return in 1779, passed through the channel e. of Oonemak island. See North-avest Coast of America.]

ALATAMALIA, a large river of the province and government of Florida. It runs nearly due e. and enters the sea opposite the Georgean isles. [This river, Avliich is navigable, is more properly of Georgia. It rises in the Cherokee mountains, near the head of a western branch of Savannah river, called Tugulo. In its descent through the mountains it receives several auxiliary streams ; thence it Avinds, with considerable rapidity, through the hilly country 250 miles, from Avhcnce it throAvs itself into the open flat country, by the name of Oakmulgee. Thence, after meandering for 150 miles, it is joined by the Oconee, which likewise has its source in the mountains. After this junction it assumes the name of Alatamalia, Avhen it becomes a large majestic river ; and flow'ing Avith a gentle current through forests and plains 100 miles, discharges itself into the Atlantic by several mouths. The n. channel glides by the heights of Darien, about 10 miles above the bar, and after several turnings, enters the ocean between Sapelo and Wolf islands. The s. channel, which is esteemed the largest and deepest.

after its separation from the >?. descends gently,, taking its course between MDntosh and Broughton islands, and at last by the w. coast of St. Simon’s sound, betAveen the s. end of the island of that name, and the n. end of Jeky! island. At its confluence with the Atlantic it is 500 yards Avide.]

ALAUSI, a province and small corregimiento or district of the kingdom of Quito ; bounded «. by the province of Riobamba, n. w. by Chimbo, s. by Cuenca, w. by the district of Yaguache, and e. by that of Macas. It is Avatered by the rivers Uzogoche, Gussuntos, Pinancay, Alausi, and others of less note. It abounds in mountains, the most lofty of Avhich are tOAvard the©.; the country is pleasant, and yields liberally every kijid of fruit and grain that are common either to America or Europe. It contains many sugar mills, and the sugar is the best intlie kingdom. The air here is mild and healthy, and the climate cannot be said to be inconveniently hot. It is governed by the corregidor, who resides in the capital.

Alausi, the capital of the above province. It has in its district some mineral fountains of hot water, established with suitable conveniences by some families of consideration residing there. Its trade consists in cloths, baizes, and cotton garments, Avhich are wrought in its manufactories. It has a very good parish church, and a convent of the order of St. Francis. [Lat. 2“ 12' «. Long. 78° 39' ©.]

[ALBANS, St. a township in Franklin county, Vermont, on lake Champlain, opposite N. Hero island, Avith 256 inhabitants.]

ALBANIA, or Albany, a county of the province and colony of New York. It contains a certain number of plains fertile in grain, in AA'hich, and in planks of pine, its principal commerce consists. The Avinter is extremely cold, and the river Hudson is generally frozen for 100 miles, so a* to bear immense burthens. The gveat cpiautity of snow that falls at this season is useful, not only because it covers the grain, and keeps it from pe rishing by the frost, but because, when it melts, it so increases the waters of the river, as to facilitate thereby the transportation of the productions of the country.

[Albany County Lies Between Ulster And Saratoga ; Its Extent 46 Miles By 28|ALBANY County lies between Ulster and Saratoga ; its extent 46 miles by 28. By the state census, .fan. 20, 1796, the number of electors in this county were 6087, and the number of towns 11.]

Albania, or Albany, the capital of the above county, founded by the Dutch in 1608, together with tiiat of Orange, on the sliorc of the E 2

Last edit about 6 years ago by rodeleon


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the river Marailon has its rise in tins lake ; its real origin being in the lake Lauricociia, as may be seen under that article.

CHINCHERO, a settlement of the province and correghniado of Calca y Lares in Perú. The cemetery of its church is composed of some large, thick Avails of Avrouglit stone, well fitted together, and having in them certain niches similar to sentry boxes ; so that they appear as having formerly belonged to some fortress.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in the same kingdom.

Same name, a lake in the province of Cuzco, five leagues distant from this city.

CHINCHILCA, as others will have it, a river of the district of Guadalabquien and kingdom of Chile ; it runs n. n. w. and enters the river Callacalla.

CHINCHIPE, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.

Same name, a river of this province, which rises from the mountain desert or paramo of La Sabanilla. It Avashes the city and territory of Valladolid, and on its c. side receives the rivers Nnmballa, Vergel, Patacones, Sangalla, San Francisco, and Nambacasa ; and on its zs. side those of Palanda, Simanchi, Namballe, and Guancabamba ; when, being sAA'^elled to a considerable size by all of these, it enters the Maranon on the n. shore, to the w. w. of the settlement of Tompenda.

CHINCHIRU, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Cuzco in Peru, from whence it lies two leagues to the n.

CHINCHULAGUA, a very lofty desert mountain or paramo, covered with eternal snow, in the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito. It lies five leagues to the n. of Tacunga, Avith a slight inclination to the n. c.

CHINCONTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olintla, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a delightful defile or narroAV tract, watered by various rivers. Eight leagues from its head settlement.

CHINCOTEAG, a small island near the coast of the N. sea, in the province and colony of Maryland, between the Cedar isle and the river Siwanscut.

CHINGA, a fortress of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of the six Avhich were held by the %ipas or kings of Bogota, against the Punches nation, who border upon their country ; 10 leagues to the s. w. of Bogota.

CHINGOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Gongor.

CHINI, a small island of the S. sea; situate close to the coast of the province and government of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala, within the gulf ofNicoya, and in the innermost part of it.

CHINIJO, a settlement of the missions which Avere held by the religious order of St. Augustin, in the country of the Gran Paititi, of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CHINIPAS, a settlement of the missions of the province and government of Cinaloa.

Same name, some sierras of this province.

CHINGUINTILEA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Aneo.

CHINU, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom ofTierra Firme ; founded in the sahanas, and formed by a re-union of other settlements, in 1776, by the G'oA^ernor Uon Juan Piraiento.

CHIPACO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chavin de Pariarca.

CHIPALO, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of those Avhich enter the great river Magdalena.

CHIPALZINGO, a settlement and head ettlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Tixtlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 353 families of Indians, and of Spaniards, Mustces, and Mnlattoes, and lies three leagues from the sett lemcn!, of Zurnpango.

CHIPAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru.

CHIPANGA, a river of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom oi Quito. It rises in the sierra, Avhich divides the district of Macas from the province of Mainas, runs from n. to s. and enters the Morona.

CHIPAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Ubaque in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a mild temperature, and abounds in fruits and seeds peculiar to a warm climate. It consists of 150 housekeepers, and of as many Indians. It is so infested with snakes, that it is impossible to find any part of it clear of them. Eight leagues .9. . of Santa Fe, in the road which leads to San Juan de los Llanos.

CHIPASAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Guatavita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, lying 24 leagues to the s. e. of Santa Fe, and close to the settlement of Chaqueta, in the road Avhich leads to San Juan dc

Last edit about 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson


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papas; likewise in cattle, from the fleeces of which great quantities of woven clotlis are made. Its 'population amounts to 150 house-keepers and 100 Indians. Four leagues to the s. w. of its capital, and near to the settlement of Turmeque.

CHIROBIO, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It runs e. and enters the sea opposite the island Tarata.

CHIRTA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Yambrasbamba.

CHIRU, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of Penonome in the kingdom and government of Tierra Firme ; situate on the shore of the S. sea, upon an extensive plain.

Same name, a river of this jurisdiction, which rises in the mountains of Penonome, and enters the S. sea near the settlement of Anton.

Same name, a very small island of the same jurisdiction, close upon the coast, and called El Farallon.

CHISAHALO, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito.

==CHISCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate at the foot of the Snowy sierra^ and therefore of a cold and unpleasant temperature. Its productions correspond with those of a similar climate ; it contains about 80 Indians, with a very few whites. Thirty-two leagues n. e. of Tunja.

CHISGAS, Paramo de, a very lofty mountain covered with eternal snow, in the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, between the rivers Apure and Sinaruco.

CHISLOCA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chichas and Tarija in Peru ; belonging to the district of the former. It is annexed to the curacy of Tupisa.

CHISME, a settlement of the head settlement of Puxmecatan, and alcaldia mayor of Villalta. It contains 71 families of Indians, and lies 18 leagues from its capital.

CHISPAS, Punta de las, a point on the s. coast and w. head of the island of St. Domingo, in the territory possessed by the French ; lying between the settlement and parish of the English, and the point of Burgados.

CHISQUE, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Atabillos Altos.

CHISQUILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chachapoyas in Peru.

[CHISSEL, a fort in the state of Tennessee, two miles and a half from English ferry, on New river, 43 from Abingdon, and 107 from Long island, on Holston.]

CHITA, a province and corregimienlo of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, and vice-royalty of Santa Fe. It was formerly called Chisca. It is bounded w. by the province of Bogota, and n. by the country bt the Laches Indians, or province of Cochuy, and e. and s. by the llanuras of the Orinoco. It was discovered by George Spira, a German, and he was the first who entered it with his companions in 1535. This territory is fertile, abounds in wheat and maize, the grain of which is extremely large, as also in other seeds, and has goats and neat cattle in plenty. It is of an hot and unhealthy temperature, and has palms similar to those of Palestine and Barbary, producing excellent dates. The capital is of the same name. This is situate at the foot of the mountains of Bogota ; it is a large settlement, and was formerly entitled a city. Its inhabitants consist of upwards of 700 whites and about 200 Indians. Twentyfour leagues to the n. e. of Tunja.

Same name, another settlement, which is the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, contains 90 families of Indians, and is three leagues and a half to the s. of its capital.

CHITAGA, Punta de, a bridge in the province and government of Merida, to the s. of the city of Pamplona, and upon the river of this name.

CHITANOS, a barbarous nation of Indians; bounded by that of the Chiscas, but distinct from it, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. They inhabit the woods to the n. e. of the mountains of Bogota and the shores of the rivers Ele, Cuiloto, and Arauca ; are an intractable and. cruel people, and dreaded by all their neighbours. In 1535, having joined company with the Jiraras, they took and destroyed the city of Las Palmas.

CHITARAQUE, a settlement of the corregimienlo and jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, it is of an hot but healtliy temperature, produces yucas, maize, plantains, cotton, and great quantities of sugar, from which are made fine and much esteemed conserves.

CHITAREROS, a barbarous and brutal nation of Indians of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, who inhabit the mountains in the vicinity of Pamplona ; they are mixed with some families of the Laches. This nation is extremely numerous, and pass a wandering life without any fixed abode ; they go entirely naked, and are much given to sensual gratifications ; some of them have embraced 2

Last edit about 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson




much incommoded by mosquitos ; so that its population is much reduced, and those that remain apply themselves to the cultivation of sugar-canes, maize, yucas^ and plantains.

COLONCHE, a small settlement of Indians, of the district and jurisdiction of Santa Elena, in the government of Guayaquil, and kingdom of Quito ; situate on the s. shore of a river, from whence it takes its name, in lat. 1° 56' s. The said river rises in the mountains of the district, and enters the S. sea, opposite the island of La Plata.

Colonche, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast of the province and government of Guayaquil.

COLONIES OF THE English. See the articles Virginia, Carolina, New England, New York, Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia ; of the J3utch, see Surinam, Berbice, Corentin, CuRAZAo ; of the Portuguese, San Gabriel; of the French, Cayenne, St. Domingo, Martinique; of the Danes, St. Thomas. (See general Tables of Dominions, &c. in the introductory matter.)

COLOPO, a large river of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from s. e. to n. w. at an almost equal distance between the rivers Esmeraldas and Verde, and runs into the S. sea, in the bay of San Mateo, in lat. 58' n.

COLOR, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and captainship of Sergipé in Brazil. It lies between the rivers Real and Ponica.

COLORADA, Punta, a point on the coast of the N. sea, and in the province and government of Venezuela, to the e. of the cape San Roman.

COLORADA, a river of tlie jurisdiction and alcaldta mayor of Penonomé, in the government of Panama, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. and enters the Pacific near the settlement of Anton.

COLORADO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, and s. s. e. of the same.

Colorado, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the shore of the river of its name.

Colorado, a river of the province and corre^imiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile. It rises in its cordillera, to the n. runs e. and spends itself in various lakes, on account of the level of tlie country. The geographer Cruz errs in making it enter the river Maipo.

Colorado, another, a large river of the pro-: vince and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.

Colorado, another, a small river of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, which enters the great river Magdalena before you come to the town of Tamalameque.

Colorado, another, in the province and government of Louisiana, near the road wliich leads to Mexico. It runs s. e. in a very large stream, and enters the sea in the bay of San Bernardo.

Colorado, a cape or point of land of the s. coast of St. Domingo, in the part possessed by the French, between the bays of Tondo and Puer. .

Colorado, a mountain of the province and government of Tucumán, on the shore of the river Salado, and to the s. of the settlement of Nuestra' Sefiora de Buenas Costumbres. ;

COLORADOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito, who inhabit some moun-, tains of the same name, very craggy and rugged, abounding in animals and wild beasts, such as bears, lions, tigers, deer, squirrels, monkeys, and marmosets. These Indians, although the greater part of them are reduced to the Catholic faith by the extinguished company of the Jesuits, are given to superstition ; they are divided into two parts, the one called the Colorados of Angamarca, since tlieir principal settlement bears this title, and the other the Colorados of St. Domingo ; they now, belong to the province and government of Esmeraklas, and live retired in the woods, and upon the banks of the rivers Toachi and Quininay, where the missionaries of the religion of St. Domingo of Quito exercise their apostolical zeal. The principal settlement of this place, being situate on the w. shore, is called St. Domingo. The commerce of these Indians, and by which they subsist, is in carrying to Guayaquil, the province by which they are bounded , w dod for making canoes and rafts, sugar-canes, achiote, and agi pepper, and bringing back in exchange cattle, fish, soap, and other necessary eft'ects.

COLOSO, a settlement of the province and government ©f Cartagena ; situate on the shore of the river Pechelin, to the s. s. w. of the town of Maria, to the jurisdiction^of which it appertains.

COLOTLAN, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Mextitlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 240 families of Indians, and is three leagues to the w. of its capital.

COLOTLIPAN, a settlement of the head set-

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Airihuanca, Curasco, Chuquibatnba, Vilcabamba, Mamara, Turpay, Aquira, Llaqua,









COTACACHE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Otavalo in the kingdom of Quito.

COTACACHE, a mountain of this province and kingdom, the top of which is eternally covered Avith snow. From its summit runs the river Cayapas.

COTAGAITA, Santiago de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija. Twenty-nine leagues from Potosi.

COTAGAITILLA, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed to the curacy of the capital.

COTAHUASSI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.

COTAHUAU, an ancient province of Peru, at the foot of the cordillera of the Andes, and to the w. of Cuzco. It is one of those which were conquered by Mayta Capac, fourth Emperor.

COTAHUIZITLA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan in Nueva Espana. It is of a hot temperature, contains 28 families of Indians, who are busied in making mats, which they cs\\ petates. It belongs to the curacy of Atlatlauca, the capital of the alcaldia mayor of this name; being distant 10 leagues from its capital.

COTAPARAZO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Guailas in Peru.

COTA-PINI, a settlement of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito.

COTAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yauyos in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Arma in the province of Castro Vireyna.

(COTEAUX, Les, a town on the road from Tiburon to port Salut, on the 5. side of the s. peninsula of the island of St. Domingo, 13f leagues e. by of the former, and four n.w, of the latter.)

COTICA, a river of Guayana, in the part possessed by the Dutch, or colony of Surinam. It runs n. until it comes very near the coast, making many turns, and then changing its course e. enters the Comowini. At its mouth is a fort to defend its entrance, called Someldick.

COTIJA, Valley of, of the alcaldia mayor of

Tinguindin in Nueva Espana. It is more than two leagues in circumference, and in it live 205 families of Spaniards. It is of a mild temperature, and abounds in seeds. Seven leagues to the w. of its capital.

COTLALTA, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tuxtla in Nueva Espana. It contains 140 families of Indians, and three or four of Spaniards. It abounds greatly in tamarinds, of which are made excellent conserves.

COTOCHE, a cape of the coast of Yucatán, opposite that of San Antonio, in the island of Cuba ; between these lies the navigation leading to this island from Nueva Espana.

COTOCOLLAO, a settlement of the kingdom of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of the Cinco Leguas de la Capital; being situate just where the beautiful llanura or plain of lilaquito or Rumi-Pampa terminates. Its territory extends to n. w. upon the skirt of the mountain Pichincha, and is bounded on the n. by the settlement of Pomasque. It is of a somewhat cold and moist temperature ; and in it is the county of Selva Florida, of the house of Guerrero Ponce de Leon, one of the most ancient and illustrious of the kingdom.

COTOE, a settlement of the province and gavernment of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Lampun.

COTOPACSI, a mountain and desert, or paramo, of the province and corregimiento of Tacunja in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. and onefourth to s. e. It is of the figure of an inverted truncated cone, and is in height 2952 Parisian feet above the level of the sea : on its summit, which is perpetually covered with snow, is a volcano, which burst forth in 1698, in such a dreadful manner as not only to destroy the city of Tacunja, with three fourths of its inhabitants, but other settlements also. It likewise vomited up a river of mud, which so altered the face of the province, that the missionaries of the Jesuits of Maynos, seeing so many carcases, pieces of furniture, and houses floating down the Maranon, were persuaded amongst themselves that the Almighty had visited this kingdom with some signal destruction ; they, moreover, wrote circular letters, and transmitted them open about the country, to ascertain Avhat number of persons were remaining alive. These misfortunes, though in a moderate degree, recurred in the years 1742, 1743, 1760, 1768. From the e. part of this mountain the Napo takes its rise; and from the s. the Cotuche and the Alagues, which, united, form the river San Miguel, and afterwards, with others, the Patate ; to this the Chambo joins itself, which afterwards degenerates.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934
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