Pages That Mention Larecaja
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
AIANABE, a settlement of Indians of S. Carolina, situate on the shore of the river Buffle-noir.
AIAPANGO, the head settlement of the district of the akaldia mayor of Chaleo in Nueva Espana. It contains 100 families of Indians, and is annexed to the curacy of Amecaraeca, at two leagues to the s. of its capital.
AIAPATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya in Peru, and very opulent, on account of its silver mines. The sands on the banks of the rivers here have been known so richly impregnated with this metal, that lumps of it have been at different times picked up. It is the most considerable population in the province, and the temperature is so salutary, that it is very common to meet with persons of 90 years of age, and many also of 100.
AIAPEL, a town of the province and government of Antioquia, in the new kingdom of Granada, situate on the bank of a large lake or swamp of the same name, and which is formed from the waters of the rivers Cauca, San Jorge, and others. In its district are the lavaderos, or washing places for gold, of La Cruz, San Mateo, Thuansi, Can, Ure, Man, San Pedro, and La Soledad.
AIARANGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chancay in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Paccho.
AIARI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Mayoc.
AIATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.
AIATASTO, a large river of the province and government of Tucuman, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, on the banks of which are some pasture grounds of the same name, upon which are fed 40,000 head of neat cattle, and 6000 of horses for breeding.
AIATEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Atitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Villalta, in Nueva España. It contains 45 families of Indians, and is 17 leagues from its capital.
AIAUl, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Virreyna in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Huaitara.
AIAUIRI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lamoa in Peru. In its vicinity are some forts, which were built by the Indians in the time of their gentilism, and now in a state of great dilapidation. There is a lake of warm water here, the bottom of which has never yet been found. The water always keeps at one height, so that it is presumed that it finds its way out through some subterraneous channel. There is also another warm
water spring at two leagues distance, which is very noxious, and, as it runs, has the property of petrifying, in like manner as the spring of water in Guancavelica.
Aiauiri, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yauyos in Peru.
AIAUTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Teutila in Nueva España, of a warm temperature, and inhabited by 100 Indian families, who support themselves by cultivating and selling the vaynilla plant. Nine leagues s. of its capital.
AICAROPA, a small river Of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalucia. It rises in the country of the Armocotos Indians, runs from e. to w. with a slight inclination to the s. and enters the Caura.
AICHES, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Las Texas, in Nueva España, sitzate in the way which leads to Mexico.
AICIACHIA, a settlement of the missions which belonged to the Jesuits, in the province of Taraumara and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, 40 leagues w. s. w. of the town and real of the mines of Chiguagua.
AIECTIPAC, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Yxteapan, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva España. It contains 21 Indian families, and is three leagues e. of its head settlement.
AIENCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuenca, in the kingdom of Quito, annexed to the curacy of Paccha.
AIGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.
AIGAME, a settlement and real of mines of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.
==AILES, a river of the province and government of Louisiana. It runs s, e. between the rivers Canot and Noyre, and empties itself into the Mississippi.
AIMARAEZ, a province and corregimiento of Peru, bounded n. w. and w. by the province of Andahuailas, of the bishopric of Guamanga, s. by Parinacocha of the same, s. e. by Ghumbivilcas, and e. by Cotabamba. It is 40 leagues in length from «. to s. and 26 in width from e. to ti). including in its figure on the w. side the last mentioned province. It js one of the most uneven soils in the kingdom, being full of lofty sierras and snowy mountains. It is on this account that its climate is very cold, excepting, however, in some vallies, where it is more temperate, and where, on some small sloping grounds, the inhabitants sow seed and grain, and cultivate fruit trees and cane plantations,
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rection to be drowned in the lake Yaguarcocha, which from thence takes its name, and signifies the lake of blood, with which it was quite polluted ; tlie Indians stating, .according to their traditions, that no less than 20,000 people were thus sacrificed. Part of this province is at present comprehended in that of Ibarra, and part in that of Otavalo.
CARAP, a small river of the province and government of Guayana. It rises between the Acamon and the Agualey, and taking its course between these two, enters the Caroni on the e. side.
CARAPAICURA, a small river of the province and government of Cumana. It rises in the serranla of I mataca, runs and enters the Cuyuni on the n. side.
CARAPANATUBA, a river of the province of Guayana, in the part belonging to the Portuguese. It runs s. s. e. and enters the mouth of the Maranon before you come to the town and fort of Macapa.
CARAPATO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Sicasica. It is but small, rises to there), of the settlement of Caracoto, runs n. and enters the Cliuquiavo.
(CARAPEGUAY, a parish of the province and government of Paraguay, situate near a small river, 11 leagues 5. e. of Asuncion. Lat. 25° 45' 31" s. Long. 57° 16' 56" w.)
CARAPO, asettlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana, one of those belonging to the missions of the Catalatxian Capuchin fathers.
CARAPO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the new kingdom of Granada ; it rises in the country of the Chiricoas Indians, runs n. and enters the Meta.
CARAPU, a small river of the province and government of Guayana ; it rises near the lake Jeupa, runs from s. to n. and enters the Paragua.
CARAPUCHO, Morro de, a mountain on the coast of Peru, in the province and corregimiento of Carangas.
CARAQUES, Bay of, on the S. sea-coast, and in the province and government of Guayaquil. It is close to cape Pasao, and near the equinoctial line. There was a settlement here, bearing the same name, the ruins of which are still visible.
CARAQUET, a small island of the gulf of St. Lawrence, on tlie coast of Nova Scotia or Arcadia, by the Orphan’s bank.
CARARA, a small river of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil; it runs n. and enters the sea between the settlement of Senamboca and the island of San Juan.
CARARE, a large river of the new kingdom of Granada. It rises in the valley of Alferez, to the n. of the city of Tunja, runs from s. ton. and joining the Zarbe, enters the large river of Magdalena. On the e. side, near the narrow pass which forms its shores, the French have constructed a fort to guard against invasion from the infidel Indians.
CARARI, a strait of the large river Magdalena, formed by great rocks. There was formerly here a fort, which has been moved to a place at some little distance. The course of the waters in the above strait is so rapid as to render it sometimes impossible for vessels and canoes to pass through it.
==CARAS=, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Andajes.
CARASA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in Peru.
CARASANI, asettlement of the province and corregmiento of Larecaja in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Combaya.
CARATE, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast.
CARATES, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo. It rises in the mountains of Lonia, runs s. w. and after many windings, enters the great lake of Maracaibo.
CARAVELAS, Mouth of the, the entrance of a bay on the n. coast of the island of Cuba.
CARAUELE, Point of the, an extremity of the coast looking to the e. in the island of Martinique, one of those two which run into the sea in the above direction.
Carauele, a small island of the N. sea, situate near the n. e. coast of the island of Martinique, on the n. side of Carauele point.
CARAUELI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cumana in Peru.
CARAUELLES, a river of the province and captainship of Puerto Seguro in Brazil. It rises at the foot of the « Fria, and describing a small circle, runs s. e. and according to Cruz, e. and enters the sea opposite the island of Pajaros.
CARAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.
CARBET, a settlement of the island of Martinique, one of the Antilles ; situate on the n. s». coast, Avith a good port. It Avas a curacy of the regular order of Jesuits, now abolished.
Carbet, two very high mountains of the above island. They are full of sharp points similar to those on Montserrat in Cateluila. They are near the coast, lying towards the n. w. part ; and the French call them Pitons de Carbet.
Carbet, a point on the e. coast of the island
[boyes. or pretended magicians, sacrifices and worship ; wounding themselves on such solemnities with an instrument made of the teeth of the agouti, which inflicted horrible gashes ; conceiving, perhaps, that the malignant powers delighted in groans and misery, and were to be appeased only by human blood,]
Caribe, a settlement of the same province and government ; situate on the windward coast of the cape of Tres Puntas. In its district are 26 plantations, 15 of cacao, and the rest of vines and maize, which yield but indifferently, from a want of water; although they find means of supplying this in some degree by the rain. The community consists of 1070 souls ; and is five leagues distant from the settlement of Carupano.
(CARIBEANA, now called Paria or New Andalucia, which see.)
CARIBES, a barbarous and ferocious nation of Indians, who are cannibals, inhabiting the province which by them is called Caribana. They are divided under the titles of the Maritiraos and Mediterraneos : the former live in plains and upon the coast of the Atlantic, are contiguous to the Dutch and French colonies, and follow the laws and customs of the former, with whom they carry on a commerce. They are the most cruel of any that infest the settlements of the missions of the river Orinoco, and are the same as those called Galibis. The Mediterraneos, who inhabit the s. side of the source of the river Caroni, are of a more pacific nature, and began to be reduced to the faith by the regular order of the abolished society of the Jesuits in 1738, The name of Caribes is given not only to these and other Indians of the Antilles, but to all such as are cannibals. See Caribe.
(CARIBOU, an island towards the e. end of lake Superior in N. America, n. w. of Cross cape, and s. w. of Montreal bay.)
CARICARI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Toledo.
Caricari, also called Laguacina, a point of land on the coast of the province and government of the Rio del Hacha.
CARICHANA, a settlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana ; one of the missions of the Rio Meta, which was under the care of the society of Jesuits, of the province of Santa Fe. It is situate on the shore of the Orinoco, by the torrent of its name ; and is at present under the care of the religious order of Capuchins.
Carichana, Torrent of, a strait of the river
Orinoco, formed by different islands, some covered by, and some standing out of, the water, so that the navigation is very difficult and dangerous. It is near the mouth of the river Meta.
CARIJANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Camata.
=CARILLON==, a fort belonging to the French, in New France.
(CARIMBATAY, a parish of the province and government of Paraguay ; situate a little to the n. w. of the town of Curuguaty. Lat. 24° 33' 35". Long. 55° 57' w.)
Carimbatay, a river of the above province and government, which runs w. and enters the Xexuy near the town of Curuguato.
CARIMU, a small river of the province and colony of the Dutch, in Surinam ; one of those which enter the Cuium on the s. side.
CARINIS, a small river of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil. It rises in the country of the Aritus Indians, runs e. and enters the Guiriri.
CARIOCOS, a lake of the country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese territories, on the shore of the river. It is formed by the Topinambaranas, which, according to Mr. Bellin, makes this sheet of water before it enters the former river.
CARIPE, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate in the middle of a serranía; one of the missions in that province belonging to the Aragonese Capuchin fathers.
CARIPORES, a settlement of S. America, to the n. of Brazil and of the river of Las Amazonas : although of barbarian Indians, it deserves particular mention, on account of its virtuous and pacific customs, so different from the brutality and sloth of the surrounding nations. These Indians are handsome, lively, bold, valorous, liberal, honest, and affable, and in short the most polished nation of Indians in all America ; they esteem honour, justice, and truth; are enemies to deceit, eat bread made of cazave, which they have a method of preserving good for three or four years. They do not scruple to eat the flesh of some ugly snakes found in their woods, but are not cannibals ; neither do they revenge upon their prisoners taken in war the cruelties they experience from their enemies.
CARIUITOS, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae.
(CARIY, a parish of the province and govern-