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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





Villas. It contains 34 families of Indians, who cultivate and trade in grain, pulse, coal, and the bark of trees. A little more than two leagues to the w. with a slight inclination to the s. of its head settlement.

Agustin, San, another setttlement of the province and government of Tucuman in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river Tercero (third river.)

Agustin, San, another settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Vera Paz in the kingdom of Guatemala.

Agustin, San, another of the province and government of Popayan in the kingdom of Quito.

Agustin, San, another of the province and government of Buenos Ayres in Peru, on the shore of the river Ibiquay.

Agustin, San, another of the province and alcaldia mayor of Culiacan in Nueva España, situate near the town of Rosario.

Agustin, San, a point or cape of the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Pernambuco, between the port Antonio Vaz and the river Tapado. One hundred leagues from the bay of Los Miiertos ; [300 miles n. e. from the bay of All Souls. Lat. 8° 38' s. Long. 35° 11' tc.]

Agustin, San, another point or cape of the coast of the province and government of Rio de Hacha, and kingdom of Tierra Firme, close to the lake of San Juan, on the e. side.

Agustin, San, a river of the province and government of Antioquia, in the new kingdom of Granada. It runs from s. to n. and afterwards, with a slight inclination to the w. enters the river S. Juan, of the province of Choco.

Agustin, San, a small island of the gulph of California, or Red Sea of Cortes ; situate in the most interior part of it, and near upon the coast of Nueva España, opposite the bay of San Juan Baptista.

[ AGWORTH, a township in Cheshire county. New Hampshire, incorporated in 1766, and contains 704 inhabitants ; eight miles e. by n. from Charlestown, and 73n. w. by a), from Portsmouth.]

AHOME, a nation of Indians, who inhabit the shores of the river Zuaque, in the province of Cinaloa, and who are distant four leagues from the sea of California : they were converted to the Catholic faith by father Andres de Rivas, a Jesuit. Their country consists of some extensive and fertile plains, and they are by nature superior to the other Indians of Nueva España. Moreover, their Heathenish customs do not partake so much of the spirit of barbarism. They abhorred polygamy, and held virginity in the highest estimation : and thus, by way of distinction, unmarried girls wore

a small shell suspended to their neck, until the day of their nuptials, when it was taken off by the bridegroom. Their clothes were decent, composed of wove cotton, and'they had a custom of bewailing their dead for a whole year, night and morning, with an apparently excessive grief. They are gentle and faithful towards the Spaniards, with whom they have continued in peace and unity from the time of their first subjection. The principal settlement is of the same name, and lies at the mouth of the river Fuerte, on the coast of the gulph of California,* having a good, convenient, and well sheltered port.

AHORCADOS, Point of the, on the shore of the large lake of Los Patos, of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil.

Ahorcados, some small islands or points on the coast of the S. sea, in the district of Santa Elena, of the province and government of Guayaquil, close to the mouth of the river Colonche.

AHUACATEPEC, San Nicolas de, another settlement of the above head settlement and alcaldia mayor.

AHUACATES, Santa Maria de, a branch of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Cuernavaca in Nueva España.

AHUACATLAN, Santa Maria de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of San Francisco del Talle, and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec, in Nueva España. It is of a cold temperature, inhabited by 51 families of Indians, and distant three leagues s. of its head settlement.

Ahuacatlan (Zochicoatlan), another settlement of’the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan in Nueva España. It is of a cold temperature, situate on a small level plain, surrounded by hills and mountains. It contains 13 families of Indians, and is seven leagues to the n. of its capital.

Ahuacatlan, with the dedicatory title of San Juan, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan in Nueva España. Its inhabitants are composed of 450 families of Indians, and 60 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes, including the settlements of the district. Five leagues from its capital, and separated by a mountainous and rugged road, as also by a very broad river, whose waters, in the winter time, increase to such a degree as to render all communication between the above places impracticable.

Ahuacatlan, another, of the head settlement of the district of Olinala, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in the above kingdom. It contains 160 families of Indians, who trade in chia^ (a white medicinal earth), and grain, with which its territory abounds. It lies n, w. of its head settlement.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjgandini




raense advantage to the neighbouring states, particularly to Virginia. Of that state it has been observed, with some little exaggeration, however, that “ every planter has a river at his door.”)

(CHESHIRE county, in New Hampshire, lies in the s. w. part of the state, on the e. bank of Connecticut river. It has the state of Massachusetts on the s. Grafton county on the n. and Hillsborough county e. It lias 34 townships, of which Charlestown and Keene are the chief, and 28,772 inhabitants, including 16 slaves.)

(Cheshire, a township in Berkshire county, Massachusetts ; famous for its good cheese ; 140 miles fi. w. from Boston.)

(Cheshire, a township in New-Haven county, Connecticut, 15 miles n. of New-Haven city, and 26 of Hartford. It contains an Episcopal church and academy, and three Conffreffational churches.)

(CHESNUT HILL, a township in Northampton county, Pennsylvania.)

(Chesnut Creek, a branch of the Great Kanhaway, in Virginia, where it crosses the Carolina line. Here, it is said, are iron mines.)

(Chesnut Ridge. Part of the Alleghany mountains, in Pennsylvania, are thus called, s. e. of Greensborough.)

CHESSOT, a town of the province and colony of North Carolina ; situate on the shore of the river Euphasee.

(CHESTER, a township in Lunenburg county, Nova Scotia, on Mali one bay, settled originally by a few families from New England. From hence to Windsor is a road, the distance of 25 miles.)

(Chester, a small plantation in Lincoln county, Maine, nine miles from Titcomb. It has eight or nine families.)

(Chester, a township in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, adjoining Westfield on the e. and about 20 miles n. w. of Springfield. It contains 177 houses, and 1119 inhabitants.)

(Chester, a large, pleasant, and elegant township in Rockingham county. New Hampshire. It is 21 miles in length ; and on the w. side is a pretty large lake, which sends its waters to Merrimack river. It was incorporated in 1722, and contains 1902 inhabitants, who are chiefly farmers. It is situated on the e. side of Merrimack river, 14 miles n. w. of Haverhill, as far w. of Exeter, 35 tflTby s. of Portsmouth, six n. of Londonderry, and 306 from Philadelphia. From the compact part of this town there is a gentle descent to the sea, which, in a clear day, may be seen from thence. It is a post-town, and contains about 60

houses and a Congregational church. Rattlesnake hill, in this township, is a great curiosity; it is half a mile in diameter, of a circular form, and 400 feet high. On the side, 10 yards from its base, is the entrance of a cave, called the Devil’s Den, which is a room 15 or 20 feet square, and four feet high, floored and circled by a regular rock, from the upper part of which are dependent many excrescences, nearly in the form and size of a pear, which, when approached by a torch, throw out a sparkling lustre of almost every hue; It is a cold, dreary place, of which many frightful stories are told by those who delight in the marvellous.)

(Chester, a township in Windsor county, Vermont, w. of Springfield, and II miles w. by s. of Charlestown, in New Hampshire, and contains 981 inhabitants.)

(Chester, a borough and post-town in Pennsylvania, and the capital of Delaware county; pleasantly situated on the w. side of Delaware river, near Marcus hook, and 13 miles n. e. of Wilmington. It contains about 60 houses, built on a regular plan, a court-house, and a gaol. From Cliester to Philadelphia is 20 miles by water, and 15 n. e. by land ; here the river is narrowed by islands of marsh, which are generally banked, and turned into rich and immensely valuable meadows. The first colonial assembly was convened here, the 4th of December 1682. The place affords genteel inns and good entertainment, and is the resort of much company from the metropolis duringthe summer season. It was incorporated in December 1795, and is governed by two burgesses, a constable, a town-clerk, and three assistants ; whose power is limited to preserve the peace and order of the place.)

(Chester County, in Pennsylvania, w. of Delaware county, and s. w. of Philadelphia ; about 45 miles in length, and 30 in breadth. It contains 33 townships, of which West Chester is the shire town, and 27,937 inhabitants, of whom 145 are slaves. Iron ore is found in the n. parts, which employs six forges : these manufacture 'about 1000 tons of bar-iron annually.)

(Chester Court-House, in South Carolina, 22 miles s. of Pinckney court-house, and 58 n. w. of Columbia. A post-office is kept here.)

(Chester River, a navigable water of the e. side of Maryland, which rises two miles within the line of Delaware state, by two sources, Cyprus and Andover creeks, which unite at Bridgetown ; runs nearly s. w. ; after passing Chester it runs s. nearly three miles, when it receives South-Eastern creek ; and 15 miles farther, in a s. w. direction, it

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934
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or country of Labrador. It runs s. e, and enters the St. Lawrence.

CODEGO. See Tierra Bomba.

CODEHUE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Rancagna, in the kingdom of Chile, to the e. of the town of Triana.

CODERA, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and government of Venezuela. Lat. 10° S5'. Long. 66° 10'.

[CODORUS, a township in York county, Pennsylvania.]

CODOSA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru; situate on the shore of the river Quarto, and at the head of the sierra of Campanchin.

COELCHO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chiliquia.

COELLO, a settlement of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate on the shore of the large river Magdalena.

COEMAL, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Luya, the capital.

COEURS, Bay of, bay in the island of Martinique, one of the Antilles. It is near the settlement of Carbet.

[COEYMANS, a township in Albany county. New York, 12 miles below Albany. By the state census of 1796, S89 of its inhabitants are electors.]

COFANES, a barbarous nation of Indians of the kingdom of Quito, Avhich began to be converted to the Catholic religion in 1602, through the labour and zeal of the Father Rafael Ferrer, of the extinguished company of the Jesuits, and who was killed by the same Indians. The principal settlement, founded by this martyr, with the dedicatory title of San Pedro, is now almost destroyed, though some few inhabitants still remain. The same is situate between the river of its nasne to the n. and that of Azuela to the s. The above river is large and rapid, anti takes its name from these Indians. It rises in the sierra Nevada, or Snowy, runs from u. to c. and enters the Azuela, in lat. 13° n.

COFFIN-LAND, a small island of the coast of Georgia, and one of those which are called Georgican, at the entrance of the river Ashley.

COFRE, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Aires. It runs s. and enters the sea between the rivers Favor and Del Rosario, opposite the capital.

COGUA, a settlement of the corregimiento of Zipaguira in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a very cold temperature, and abounds in the productions peculiar to its climate, particularly in fire-wood, with which it supplies, for the manufacturing of salt, the settlements of Nemocon and Zipaquira. To this last settlement it is very contiguous ; and it lies nine leagues n, of Santa Fe. Its population is reduced to 70 housekeepers, and as many other Indians.

COHANZY, a river of the province and colony of New Jersey, in the county of Cumberland. It runs s. and enters the sea in the bay of Delaware.

[CoHANZY, or Casaria, a small river, which rises in Salem county. New Jersey, and running through Cumberland county, empties into Delaware river, opposite the upper end of Bombay hook. It is about SO miles in length, and is navigable for vessels of 100 tons to Bridgetown, 20 miles from its mouth.]

COHASSER, a settlement of the province and colony of New Hampshire, to the e. of the lake Champlain.

[COHASSET, a township in Norfolk county, Massachusetts, which was incorporated in 1770, and contains 817 inhabitants. It has a Congregational church, and 126 houses, scattered on different farms. Cohasset rocks, which have been so fatal to many vessels, lie oft' this town, about a league from the shore. It lies 25 miles s. e. of Boston, but in a straight line not above half the distance.]

[COHGNAWAGA, a parish in the township of Johnstown, Montgomery county. New York, on the ay. side of Mohawk river, 26 miles w. of Schenectady. This place, which had been settled near SO years, and which was the seat of Sir William Johnson, was mostly destroyed by the British and Indians, under the command of Sir William in the year 1780; in this action Johnson evinced a want of feeling which would have disgraced a savage. The people destroyed in this ex[)cdition were his old neighbours, with whom he had formerly lived in the habits of friendship ; his estate was among them, and the inhabitants had always considered him as their friend and neighbour. These unfortunate people, after seeing their houses and property consumed to ashes, were hurried, such as could walk, into cruel captivity ; those who could not Avalk fell victims to the toraaliawk and scalping knife. See Caghnaw aga.]

[COllOEZ, or the Falls, in Mohawk river, between two and three miles from its mouth, and 10 miles n. of Albany, are a very great natural curiosity. The river above the falls is about 300 yards wide, and approaches them from the n. w. in a

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson




on the banks of the river of its name, near where this river joins that of Florido. It is garrisoned by a captain, a lieutenant, a serjeant, and 33 soldiers, to guard against the irruptions of the infidel Indians. In its vicinity are the estates of La Cienega, Sapian, and El Pilar. Fifty-eight leagues to the n.n.e. of the city of Guadalaxara.

CONCHUCOS, a province and corresimiento of Peru ; bounded n. by the province of Huamachucos, n. e. by that of Pataz, and separated from thence by the river Marafion, e. and s. e. by the province of Huraalies, and s. by that of Caxatambo. It is 52 leagues in length, and in some parts 20 in width. It is of a very irregular figure, and of various temperature, according to the different situation of its territories ; cold in all the parts bordering upon the cordil/era, mild in some parts, and in others excessively hot. It is 'V-ery pleasant, and it has all kinds of fruits, which it produces in abundance, and in the same manner wheat, barley, and pot herbs. On its skirts are found numerous herds of cattle of every species, and from the wools of some of these are made the cloth manufactures of the country, which meet with a ready demand in the other provinces. The principal rivers by which it is watered are three ; and these are formed by various streams : the one of them enters that of Santa to the zo. and the other two the Marafion. The most s. is called De Miraflores, and the other, which is very large, keeps the name of the province. Here are some mines of silver, which were formerly very rich ; as also some lavaderos, or washing places of gold, of the purest quality, the standard weight of it being 23 carats. Also in the curacy of Llamelin are some mines of brimstone, and a fountain or stream, the waters of which, falling down into a deep slough, become condensed and converted into a stone called Catachi, in the form of columns much resembling wax-candles, of a very white colour. The same substance is used as a remedy against the bloody flux, and it is said, that being made into powders, and mixed Avith the white of an egg, it forms a salve which accelerates in a Avonderful manner the knitting of fractured bones. It comprehends 15 curacies, Avithout the annexed settlements, all of Avhich, the former and the latter, are

as folloAVS :

Huari del Rey, the capital,



San Marcos,

San Ildefonso,

San Christoval, Yunga,











M irgas,






San Luis de Huari,







Conch UCOS,




CONCHUCOS, a settlement of the same province ; annexed to the curacy of Pallasca.

CONCHUCOS, a river of the province and corregimiento of the same name in Peru, Avhich rises in the cordillera. It runs s. and enters the Maranon near the settlement of Uchos in the province of Andahuailas.

CONCON, a port of the coast of the kingdQm of Chile, in the S. sea, and province and corregimiento of Quillota,

(CONCORD, a post-toAvn of New Hampshire, very flourishing, and pleasantly situated on the w. bank of Merrimack river, in Rockingham county, eight miles above Hookset falls. The legislature, of late, have commonly held their sessions here ; and from its central situation, and a thriving back country, it will probably become the permanent seat of government. Much of the trade of the upper country centres here. A liandsorae tall bridge across the Merrimack connects this town Avith Pembroke. It has 1747 inhabitants, and Avas incorporated in 1765. The Indian name Avas Penacook. It was granted by Massachusetts, and called Rumford. Tlie compact part of the town contains about 170 houses, a Congregational churcli, and an academy, which was incorporated in 1790. It is 54 miles w. n. w. of Portsmouth, 58 s. w. of Dartmouth college, and 70 n. from Boston. Lat. 43” 12' n. Long. 71° 31' a?.)

(Concord, in Essex county, Vermont, lies on Connecticut river, opposite a part of the Fifteenmile falls.)

(Concord, in Massachusetts, a post-town, one of the most considerable towns in Middlesex county ; situated on Concord river, in a healthy and pleasant spot, nearly in the centre of the county, and 18 miles n. w. of Boston, and 17 e. of Lancaster. Its Indian name Avas Musquetequid; and it owes its present name to the peaceable manner in which it was obtained from the natives. The first settlers, among whom Avere the Rev. Messrs. Buckley and Jones, having settled- the


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