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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





in beautiful singing birds ; and in its rivers are many sorts of fish of a fine flavour, particularly the patah. It is not without mines of gold, and laba~ deros or washing places, but these are not worked, save by a few day-labourers. In the church of the monks of San Francisco is venerated an image of the most Holy Mary, with the title of La Probezuy painted on a piece of cotton-stuff, adorned with two fine pieces of silver, the natives payitig great devotion to this superb work, from the wonderful things that have been said to have been effected through the prayers offered up to her of whom this is the semblance. This city has been the native place of,

Don Melchor de Salazar, governor of Choco, and founder of the city Toro.

Of the Doctor Don Francisco Martinez Bueno, presbyter and visitor of the bishopric of Popayan ; a man of great literature.

Of the Doctor Don Manuel de Castro y Rada ; a most exemplary curate.

Of the Father Joseph Vicuna, who, after having been a celebrated Jesuit, became a monk in the college of missions for propagating the faith in Popayan, and died whilst preaching to the Andaquies Indians.

Of the Father Estevan de Rivas, who, after having filled the title of jurist with great credit, became a Franciscan monk, and died an exemplary penitent in his convent at Cartagena.

Of the Doctor Don Francisco Felipe del Campo, professor de prima of canons in the university of Santa Fe ; a celebrated orator.

Of the Doctor Don Geronirao de Rivas, treasurer and dignitary of the holy church of Popayan, provisor and ecclesiastical governor of that bishopric.

Of the Doctor Don Joseph de Renteria, assessor of the viceroyalties of Santa Fe and Lima, honorary oidor of the audience of Charcas : all of whom have borne testimony to the clearness and acuteness of their understandings and excellence of their dispositions. But for all the information on these subjects, we have to thank Don Manuel del Carapo, the son of the last mentioned, who resides in this court, and to whom the merits thus severally applied, unitedly belong.

The arms of this city are three imperial crowns with a sun, and its inhabitants amount to about 5000 or 6000 : 25 leagues n. e. of Popayan, in 4° 46' n. lat.

Cartago, another capital city, of the province of Costa Rica, in the kingdom of Guatemala, situate 10 leagues from the coast of the N. sea, and 17 from that of the S. in each of which it has a good port ; it was formerly rich and flourishing, on account of its commerce w ith Panama, Cartagena, Portobclo, and the Havanah ; but it is at the present day reduced to a miserable village of very few inhabitants, and without any commerce. It has, besides the parish church, a convent of monks of St. Francis, and is in 9° 42' s. lat.

Cartago, a river of the same province and government as is the former city : it runs w. and enters the S.sea, in the port of La Herradura.

Cartago, a bay in the province and government of Honduras, inhabited by the infidel Mosquitos Indians.

CARTAMA, a river of the province and government of Antioquia: it rises in the mountains of Choco, traverses the valley to which it gives its name, and running e. enters the Cauca.

CARTEL, a port of the coast of the province and government of Florida, opposite the castle of St. Augustin.

(CARTER, a new county in the state of Tennessee, formed of a part of the county of Washington.)

(CARTERET, a maritime county of New Bera district, N. Carolina, on Core and Pamlico sounds. It contains 3732 inhabitants, including 713 slaves. Beaufort is the chief town.)

Carteret, a district and jurisdiction of S. Carolina, on the sea-coast.

Carteret, a cape or extremity of the coast of the same province, and one of those which form Long bay. See Roman.

(CARTERSVILLE, a town in Powhatan county, Virginia, on the s. side of James rivtr, 4f miles above Richmond.)

CARUALLEDA, Nuestra Senora de, a city of the province and government of Venezuela, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; founded by Francis Faxardo in 1568, and not in 1560, as according to Coleti : it has a small but insecure port. The town is also a miserable place, having suffered much injury, a short time after its foundation, by the violent disturbances caused in its neighbourhood by the Governor Don Luis de Roxas : 80 leagues e. of Coro.

CARUALLO, a settlement of the province and captainship of Paraiba in Brazil, situate near the sea-coast, and on the shore of the river Camaratuba.

CARUGAMPU, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay ; it runs and enters the Parana between the rivers Capuy and Paranay.

CARUJAL, PUNTA DE, a point on the coast of the province and government of Cartagena, called

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CASONA, a river of the province of Guayana : it runs e. and enters the Esquivo,

CASPANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Atacama, and of the archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chiuchiu.

(CASPEAN, or Beautiful, a small lake in Greensborough, Vermont. It has Hazen blockhouse on its w. side. It is a head water of La Moille river.)

CASPIYACU, a small river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito ; it runs from s. s. e, to n. n, w. and enters the Yana at its sources.

(CASQUIPIBIAC, a river on the n. side of Chaleur bay, about a league from Black cape, n. w. by n. in the bottom of Casquipibiac cove, at the distance of about one league from which is the great river of Casquipibiac. It lies about w, from the former, and affords a small cod and salmon fishery.)

(CASSITAH, an Indian town in the w. part of Georgia; which, as well as the Coweta town, is 60 miles below the Horse ford, on Chattahousee river.)

CASTA, San Pedro de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile : it runs n. n. e. and enters the Mames near the sea-coast.

(CASTAHANA, Indians of N. America, who resemble the Dotames, except that they trade principally Avith the Crow Indians, and that they would most probably prefer visiting an establishment on the Yellow Stone river, or at its mouth on the Missouri.)

CASTEENS, a small river of the province of Sagadohook : it runs s. and enters the sea in the bay of Penobscot. On its shore and at its mouth is a settlement of Indians, where the English have a fort and an establishment.

CASTELA, a large and navigable river of the province and government of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito, being formed from those of the Beni and Paravari ; it afterwards unites itself with that oftheYtenes, and changes its name to Madera, which joins the Maranon on the s. side, in lat. 3° 13' 18" s.

CASTELLANOS, Puerto, a port in the large island of San Sebastian, and near the coast of Brazil, and province and captainship of San Vincente.

CASTILLA, Santo Tomas de, a settlement of the province and government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guatemala. Its port is good, and well frequented with vessels.

CASTILLA DEL ORO. See Tierra Firme*

CASTILLO, a river of the province and district of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile : it runs wand joins the Pcrquilabquien to enter the Longamilla.

Castillo, a port of the coast, in the same province and kingdom, between the former river and the port Valparaiso.

Castillo, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the city of Cordova ; situate on the shores of the river Tercero, near the mouth Avhere this enters the Saladillo.

CASTILLOS Grandes, an island of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It is very near the coast, between the cape Santa Maria of the river La Plata and the cape of Las Yncas; the Portuguese have a fort in it.

Castillos Grandes, another island, with the addition of Chicos, to distinguish it from the other in the same province and kingdom, and at a little distance from the above island.

Castillos Grandes, a point of land or extremity of the island of Guadalupe, opposite those of Deseada and of Marigalante.- It is thus called from two castles which it has in it.

(CASTINE, the shire town of Hancock county, district of Maine, is situate on Penobscot bay. It was taken from the town of Penobscot, and incorporated in Feb. 1796. It is named after a French gentleman who resided here ISO years ago, as also)

(Castine River, which is about 14 miles long, is navigable lor six miles, and has several mills at the head of it. It empties into Penobscot bay.)

(CASTLE Island. See Crooked Island.)

(CASTLETOWN, a township in Richmond county, Stateti island, New York, which contains 805 inhabitants, including 114 slaves; 114 of its inhabitants are electors.)

(CASTLETON, a township and river in Rutland county, Vermont, 20 miles s. e. of mount Independence at Ticonderoga. Lake Bombazon is chiefly in this town, and sends its waters into Castleton river, which, rising in Pittsford, passes through this town in a s. westerley course, and fails into Pultney river in the town of Fairhaven, a little below Colonel Lyon’s iron Avorks. Fort Warner stands in thistoAvn. Inhabitants 805.)

(CASTOR’S River, in Newfoundland island, empties in the harbour of St. John’s. Its size is considerable for 15 miles from the sea.)

(Castor, Estanque del, a lake of the province and colony of Virginia, on the shore of the

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(country of the Iroquees Indians. It is handsome and well built, on the margin of the river of the same name, about 12 or 15 miles s. w. from Montreal, and n. of St. John’s fort. It was taken by the Americans, Oct. 20, 1775, and retaken by the British, Jan. 18, 1776. Lat. 45° 26' w.)

CHAMBO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito.

Chambo, a very large river, which rises near the former settlement, and runs with such rapidity that it cannot be forded ; is consequently passed over by means of various bridges made of osiers.

CHAME, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Natá in the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate near a river, and two leagues from the coast of the S. sea. It produces maize, plantains, and other fruits ; swine, fowl, turkeys, and other birds, with which it supplies, by means of canoes, the markets of the city of Panama, from whence it is nine leagues distant.

CHAMELUCON, or Chamaleton, a river of the province and government of Honduras. It runs n. and enters the sea in the gulf of this name, between La Caldera and the river Ulua.

CHAMETLA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Guajuaha in Nueva España. It contains ISO families of Indians.

CHAMETLAN, a province and alcaldia mayor of Nueva España, also called Del Rosario ; bounded n. by the province of Culiacan, s. by that of Xalisco or Sentipac, e. and n. e. by that of Zacatecas and Nueva Galicia, and w. by the S. sea ; is 30 leagues long from e. to w. and 25 wide n. s. ; is of, a very hot temperature, and the greater part of it is a mountainous and rugged country, abounding in. noxious animals and insects, and on this account uninhabitable in the summer and in the rainy season. It was conquered by Don Juan de Ibarra in 1554, has many mines of silver and gold, which were formerly worked, but which at present are all abandoned, as well from their having filled with water, as from the scantiness of the means of the inhabitants to work them. The royal mines, however, are productive of some emolument, and are in fafct the support of the place. It produces some maize, and much tobacco , and cotton, to which article the soil is exactly suited, though not so to wheat, which yields here but sparingly. On the banks of the lakes formed by the sea, is left a thick incrustation of salt in the month of April ; and although the inhabitants spare no pains to collect this valuable commodity, yet abundance of it is lost from the Avant of hands to collect it ere the heats come on, when it very quickly disappears.

Some large cattle are bred here. It is very badly peopled, or, to speak more truly, it is as it were desert, having only three settlements and some estates. It is irrigated by a river which flows down from the sierra Madre, and passes through the capital, the waters of which are made useful for the working of the mines. The same river enters the sea two leagues from the settlement of Chametlan, and has abundance of fish, which are caught with ease, as well upon its shores as in marshes which it forms. Tlie capital, which is the residence of the alcalde mayor, is the real del Rosario.

Chametlan, a settlement of the former alcaldía mayor ; from thence taking its name. It contains only five or six Indians, and some Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes, who, the greater part of the year, live in the estates which they have for the breeding of large cattle, and on the farms for the cultivation of maize and cotton.

CHAMESA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of Nopsa. It is of a cold temperature, and produces the fruits corresponding to such a climate, particularly wheat, which is of the best quality. It contains 100 Avhite inhabitants, and as many Indians, and is a little more than eight leagues from its capital.

CHAMI, San Juan de, a settlement of the province and government of Chocó ; situate in the district of Thatama, near the ruins of the city of San Juan de Rodas, to the w. of the city of Santiago de Arma.

CHAMIANOS, a settlement of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the river Guallaga.

CHAMICUROS, S. Francisco Xavier de, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and government of Mainas, of the kingdom of Quito ; founded in 1670 by the Father Lorenzo Lucero. '

CHAMILPA, San Lorenzo de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuernavaca in Nueva España.

CHAMPANCHIN, Sierra de, a chain of mountains in the province and government of Tucumán, running s, s.e. on the shore of the river Quarto.

(CHAMPLAIN,a township, the most n. in Clinton county, New York, which takes its name from the lake on which it lies. It was granted to some Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees, who were

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COCO, a river of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains of the n. and enters the sea opposite the island of Las Palmas, and gives its name to the territory of a Cacique, thus called.

Same name, a point of the coast of the South sea, and kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the bay of Panama.

COCOLI, a river of the province and government of Honduras. It runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of this name.

COCOLI, a point of the coast, in the same province and kingdom (Honduras).

COCOLOT, a city, which some liave supposed to be in the province of Chaco in Peru, but of the existence of which no proofs are at present to be found.

COCOMERACHI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya. It is 40 leagues to the w. s.zo. of the town 'And real of the mines of Chiguaga.

COCOMICO, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada,

COCONUCO, See Cucunuco.

COCORALE, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate at the w. of the town of San Felipe.

COCORIN, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river Hiagui, between the settlements of Bacun and Comoriopa.

COCOROTE, some copper mines in the province and government of Venezuela, much celebrated.

COCOS, some small islands of the Pacific or S. sea, lying close together, and divided by some narrow channels. They abound in cocoa-trees, and from thence take their name. They are also called Santa Cruz, from having been discovered on the day of the invention of the cross. The climate here is pleasant, but the isles are uncultivated and desert. Lat. 5° n.

Same name, a point of the island of Trinidad, on the e. coast.

COCOSPERA, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate at the source of a river,

COCOTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja, in the jurisdiction of the city of Pamplona, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

COCOTZINGO, S. Geronimo de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuernavaca in Nueva Espana.

COCUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the NueVo Reyno de Granada ; situate at the foot of the sierra Nevada. It is of a cold temperature, but abounds in all kinds of productions, and particularly in wheat, maize, barley, &c. It contains 700 white inhabitants, and 150 Indians. Thirty-two leagues from Tunja, and eight from the settlement of Chita.

COCUISAS, a settlement of the province and government of Cumana in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, It lies to the s. of the city of Cariaco.

Same name, a river of the province and government of Venezuela, being one of those which enter the Gamaiotal, before this runs into that of La Portuguesa.

COCULA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tlajomulco in Nueva Espana. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and is six leagues to the w. of its capital.

COCUPAC, a city and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Valladolid in Nueva Espana, and of the bishopric of Mechoaean. Its situation is in a nook to the n. of the great lake. On the e. and ze. are two lofty mountains, which form so many other entrances, the one to the 5. and the other to the n. Its temperature is rather cold than w'arm ; and although it does not want for fruits, it is but ill supplied with water, the only stream it has not running more than the distance of a stone’s throw before it enters a lake. The inhabitants are thus under the necessity of supplying themselves by wells. The population of this city consists in 45 families of Spaniards, 52 of Mustees and Mulattoes, and 150 of Indians. They occupy themselves in the making of tiles or flags ; and the inferior order are muleteers. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis.

COCUS, Punta de, a point on the e. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between cape Spear and the bay of Tor.

COD, a cape of the coast of New England and province of Massachusetts. It runs for many leagues towards the sea, forming a large semicircle, and afterwards returning, forms the bay of Barnstable. [See Cape Cod, Barnstable, &c.]

CODDINGTON, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of San Juan.

CODEBORE, a small river of New Britain,

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of Atengo, and alcald'ia mayor of Chilapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 27 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

COMALA, another settlement, in the head settlement of Almololoyan, and alcald'ia mayor of Colima. It contains 67 families of Indians, who exercise themselves in the cultivation of the lands. Two leagues to the n. e.- of its head settlement.

COMALAPA, a .settlement of the province and alcald'ia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COMALTEPEC, a settlement and head settlements of the mayor of Villalta, of a hot temperature, with 310 families of Indians. Nine leagues between the e. and ??. of its capital.

COMALTEPEC, another, in the alcald'ia mayor of Tecocuilco. It contains 78 families of Indians, who cultivate nothing but cochineal and maize, and these only in as much as is nece.ssary for their sustenance.

COMANJA, a settlement of the head settlement of Tirindaro, and alcald'ia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 13 families of Indians, and is one league to the s. of its head settlement.

=COMANJA==, another settlement and real of mines in the alcald'ia mayor oi Lagos, of the kingdom and bishopric of Galicia ; the population of which consists of 30 families of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes, and 50 of Indians, who live by the commerce of and labour in the mines, which, although these inhabitants are little given to industry, produce good emolument. This settlement is at the point of the boundary which divides the settlements of this kingdom from the kingdom of Nueva Espana. Seven leagues e. of its capital.

COMAO, a province of the country of Las Amazonas, to the s. of this river, from the mouth of which it is 40 leagues distant, extending itself along the banks of the same; discovered in 1745 by Francisco de Orellana. The territory is level and fertile, and the climate moist and hot. It abounds in maize, and has some plantations of sugar-cane. It is watered by different rivers, all of which abound in fish, as do also its lakes ; and in these an infinite quantity of tortoises are caught. This province belongs to the Portuguese, and is part of the province of Para.

(COMARGO, a town of New Leon in N. America ; situate on the s. side of Rio Bravo, which empties into tlie gulf of Mexico on the w. side.)

COMARU, or De los Angeles, a settle-

ment of the missions held by the Portuguese in the country of the Amazonas, on the shore of the river Negro.

COMARU, another settlement in the province and captainship of Pará, and kingdom of Brazil ; situate on th.e s. shore of the river of Las Amazonas, on a point or long strip of land formed by the mouth of the river Topayos.

COMAS, a settlement of the province and corregmiienio of Xauxa in Peru.

Comas, a lake of the province and government of Venezuela, of an oval figure, between the river Guarico and the jurisdiction which divides this government from that of Cumana.

COMATLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Chixila, and alcald'ia mayor of Villalti. It contains 32 families of Indians, and is five leagues to the n. of its capital.

COMATLAN, another settlement, the head settlement of the district of the alcald'ia mayor of Tequepexpa ; of a hot temperature. It contains 20 families of Indians, who live by cultivating the lands. Fifteen leagues to the s. of its capital.

COMAU, a settlement of the province and captainship of Pará in Brazil ; situate at the mouth of the river Las Amazonas, to the n. n. e. of the town of Macapa.

COMAUUINI, a river of the province and government of Guayana, in the Dutch possessions, on the shores and at the mouth of which they have constructed the fort of Amsterdam. It runs n. and afterwards turning to the s. s. e. enters the Cotica.

COMAYAGUA, or Valladolid, a city and capital of the province of Honduras in the kingdom of Guatemala ; founded by the Captain Alonzo de Caceres, by the order of Pedro de Alvarado. It was at first called Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, and by this title there is still named an hospital which is well endowed and served. Here are also some convents of the religious order of La Merced, and a very good church, erected into a bishopric in 1539. One hundred and ten leagues from the capital Guatemala. Lat. 20° 58' n. Long. 87° 5 P

Bishops who have presided in Comayagua.

1. Don Fray Juan de Talavera, of the order of St. Jerome, prior of his convent of Nuestra Senora del Prado, near Valladolid : being nominated first bishop, he refused the appointment.

2. Don Christoval de Pedraza, elected bishop from the renunciation of the former; at the same time nominated protector of the Indies, and residentiary judge to the conquerors Pedro Alvaredo and Francisco de Montejo, in 1539,

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