Pages That Mention California
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
CONUENTOS, another settlement in thh province and corregimiento of Chillan in the kingdom of Chile.
CONUENTILLO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district of the capital ; situate to the of the same.
(CONVERSATION Point, a headland on the s. side of a bay on the coast of California. Lat. 30' Long. 119°t0.)
(CONWAY, a township in the province of New Brunswick, Sudbury county, on the w. bank of St. John’s river. It has the bayofFundyon the and at the westernmost point of the township there is a pretty good harbour, called Musquash cove.)
(Conway, a township in the ti. e. corner of Strafford county, New Hampshire, on a bend in Saco river, incorporated in J765, and contains 574 inhabitants. It was called Pigwacket by the Indians.)
(Conway, a thriving township in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, incorporated in 1767, and contains 2092 inhabitants. It lies 13 miles n. w. of Northampton, and 115 n.w. by w. of Boston.)
(CONYA, a river in Surinam, or Dutch Guinea, S. America.)
(COOK’S River, in the n. w. coast of N. America, lies n. w. of Prince William’s sound, and 1000 miles n. w. of Nootka sound. It promises to vie with the most considerable ones already known. It was traced by Captain Cook for 210 miles from the mouth, as high as lat. 61° 30' n. and so far as is discovered, opens a very considerable inland navigation by its various branches ; the inhabitants seemed to be of the same race with those of Prince William’s sound, and like them had glass beads ami knives, and were also clothed in fine furs.)
(COOKHOUSE, on the Cooquago branch of Delaware river, is situated in the township of Colchester, New York, 18 miles s. of the mouth of Unadilla river.)
(COOLOOME, an Indian town situated on the w. side of Tallapoose river, a bratich of the Mobile.)
COONI, a settlement of the province and correghniento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Mecapaca.
COOPER, a river of the province and coloiij' of Georgia. It runs s. e. then s. and enters the sea.
(Cooper’s Island, one of the Lesser Virgin isles in the W. Indies, situated s.w. of Ginger island, and uninhabited. It is five miles long, and one broad.)
(Cooper, a large and navigable river which mingles its waters with Ashley river, below Charleston ^ity in S. Carolina. These form a spacious and convenient harbour, which communicates with the ocean, just below Sullivan’s island, which it leaves on the n. seven miles s. e. of the city. In these rivers the tide rises 6| feet. Cooper river is a mile wide at the ferry, nine miles above Charles, town.)
(Cooper’s Town, a post-town and township in Otsego county. New York, and is the compact part of the township of Otsego, and the chief town of the country round lake Otsego. It is pleasantly situated at the s. w. end of the lake, on its banks, and those of its outlet ; 12 miles n. w. of Cherry valley, and 73 w. of Albany. Here are a courthouse, gaol, and academy. In 1791 it contained 292 inhabitants. In 1789 it had but three houses only ; and in the spring 1795, 50 houses had been erected, ofwhich above a fourth part were respectable two-story dwelling-houses, with every proportionable improvement, on a plan regularly laid out in squares. Lat. 42° 36' n. Long. 74° 58' M.] [Cooper’s Town, Pennsylvania, is situated on the Susquehannah river. This place in 1785 was a wilderness ; nine years after it contained 1800 inhabitants, a large and handsome church, with a steeple, a market-house and a bettering house, a library of 1200 volumes, and an academy of 64 scholars. Four hundred and seventy pipes were laid under ground, for the purpose of bringing water from West mountain, and conducting it to every house in town.)
(COOP’S Town, in Harford county, Maryland, lies 12 miles n. w. of Harford, and 22 n. e. of Baltimore, measuring in a straight line.)
(COOS, or Cohos. The country called Upper and Lower Coos lies on Connecticut river, between 20 and 40 miles above Dartmouth college. Upper Coos is the country of Upper Amonoosuck river, on John and Israel rivers. Lower Coos lies below the town of Haverhill, s. of th« Lower Amonoosuck. The distance from Upper Coos, to the tide in Kennebeck river, was measured in 1793, and was found to be but 90 miles.)
(COOSADES, an Indian town on Alabama river, about 60 miles above its mouth, on Mobile river, below M‘Gillivray’s town, and opposite the mouth of the Oakfuskee.)
(COOSA Hatchee, or Coosaw, a river of S. Carolina, which rises in Orangeburg district, and running a 5. m. course, em.pties into Broad river and Whale branch, which separate Beaufort island from the mainland.)
(Coosa|COOSA, or Coosa Hatcha]]==, a river which 3 u
C O R'
upon the loftiest part of that most beautiful lltinura, from which the prospect is so enchanting ; sliewing on one side the sea, on another the river which waters tlie precincts, and on another some shady poplar groves. It is of an extremely benign temperature, and enjoying throughout the year a perpetual spring, being neither incommoded by heat nor cold. It is extremely fertile, and abounds in whatever can conduce to the comfort and convenience of life. The city is tolerably large ; all the streets are drawn at straight lines ; and the houses are disjoined from each other by large gardens, which are all well supplied with water brought by aqueducts from the river. The parish church is very beautiful, and not less so are those of the religious orders of St.. Francis, St. Domingo, St. Augustin, La Merced, San Juan de Dios, and the college which formerly belonged to the regulars of the company of the Jesuits. It has a port, which is convenient ajid much frequented by vessels ; upon the shore of which are caught tunnies, abacoras, and various other kinds of fish ; also many delicate kinds of shell-fish. At a small distance is a very abundant copper mine, from which much metal is extracted and carried to Europe ; and it is of this, as well as of its excellent breed of horses, its wine, oil, tallow, cow-hides, and dried meats, that its commerce is composed ; sending, as it does yearly, four or five vessels loaded with these effects to Lima. Although it has mines of the purest gold, yet these are but little worked. The whole of the town is covered with beautiful myrtles, and of these there is a delightful grove. It was destroyed by the Araucanos Indians in 1547 ; and in 1579 it was attempted to be taken by Francis Drake, who was repulsed by the inhabitants, la 1680 it seemed to be rebuilt only that it might undergo a sacking the same year by the English pirate, Bartholomew Sharps. Its population consists of 500 families of Spaniards and people of colour, and some Indians. Fifteen leagues from the city of Concepcion, and 58 from the capital of the kingdom, Santiago. Lat. 30° s. Long. 71° 18'. [See Chile,]
COQUIMBO, an island of the coast of this province and corregimiento.
COQUIN, a settlement of the province and government of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cayna.
COQUINOCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru.
CORAI, Santa Clara de Cosme, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Huanta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Paucarbaraba.
CORAJAIS, a settlement and village of th« Portuguese in the province and country of Las Amazonas ; situate on the shore of the river Negro.
CORAL, a settlement of the province and c«/j* iainship of Rey in Brazil; situate on the sea-coast, at the mouth of the river Imbau.
(Coral River, in New Mexico, runs a course w. by s. and empties into the head of the gulf of California, close by the mouth of Colorado river.)
(CORAM, a post-town in Suffolk county. Long island. New York, It has about 60 houses, and lies 62 miles e. of New Y ork city, and 10 from Srnithtown.)
CORANI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Ayapata.
CORAS, Santiago de los, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in California ; situate at an equal distance from both coasts. It is composed of Indians of the nation of its name, and is the place where the Father Lorenzo Carranza, a missionary, suffered martyrdom.
Coras, some shoals, lying very little under water, near the coast of the province and coptamship of Marañan in Brazil, at the mouth of a river which is also thus called.
CORAZON DE Jesus, a settlement of the corregimiento and jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Its population i* small, and it is situate in a country mountainous and full of pools, being scanty in vegetable productions, with 200 inhabitants, a miserable race. It is near the settlement of Chiquinquira, and to the s. of Velez.
CORAZON, another, called De Maria, of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of J esLiits, in the province and government of Maynas, of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the river Aguarico.
CORAZON, another, called De Jesus, in the province and government of the Chiquitos Indians in Peru ; situate at the foot of the cordillera of San Fernando, a reduccion of the missions which were held there by the regulars of the company,
CORAZON, another, of the kingdom of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of Las Cinco Leguasde esta Ciudad (the Five Leagues from this City), and in the road which leads down from Guayaquil.
CORAZON, a mountain of the kingdom of Quito, on the s. s. e. part, from the ivhich on the w. flow down the rivers of San Lorenzo and Yaraboya,
COROICO, a settlement of the province and eorregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, where there is a port for small vessels. This river rises in the cordillera of Ancuma, to the s. of the settlement of Palca, and to the e. of the city of La Paz. It runs in a very rapid course to the e. and forming a curve turns n. and enters the w. side of the Beni, in lat. 16° 50' s.
COROMA, a settlement of the province and eorregimiento of Porco in Peru.
COROMANDIERES, some small islands of the N. sea, near the coast of Acadia inN. America, near the coast of Scatari. They are also called Del Infierno, or Devil’s isles.
COROMOTO, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of the river Guanarito, to the s. of the town of Guanaro.
CORON, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huanoquite.
CORONA-REAL, a city of the province of Guayana, and government of Curaana, founded on the shores of the river Orinoco in 1759, by the Rear-Admiral Don Joseph de Iturriaga, for which purpose he assembled together some wandering people of the provinces of Caracas and Barcelona. At present, however, it is as it were desert and abandoned, since its inhabitants have returned to their former savage state of life, having been constantly pursued and harassed by the Charibes Indians, against whom they could no longer maintain their ground, after that the king’s garrison had been withdrawn, and since, owing to the distance at which they were situate from the capital, it was in vain for them to look for any succour from that quarter.
Corona-Real, a large bay in the lake of Maracaibo, on thew. side.
Corona-Real, a rocky isle, or ridge of rocks, close to the n. coast of the island of Guadalupe, between cape St. Juan and the port or bay of Mole.
CORONADOS, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes ; situate very near the island of Carmen, on its n. e. side, which looks to the coast of New Spain.
(CORONDA, a town of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a river forming the island of Santa Fe, about five leagues s. w. of that town, in Lat. 31° 58' 47". Long. 61° 2' a).)
CORONANGO, Santa Maria de, a head settlement of the alcaldia maj/or of Cholula in Nueva Espafia. It contains 94 families of In-
dians, and to its district belong nine other settlements. It lies one league to the n. of its capital.
CORONEL, Puerto del, a port on the coast of the province and corregimiento of Quillota, and kingdom of Chile, between the port of Longotoraa and the river Quilimari.
CORONEL, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises to the ^ . of the city of Nirua, and afterwards unites itself with the Grape, to enter the Tinaco.
CORONEL, a point of the coast of the kingdom of Chile, in the province and corregimiento of Quillota, between the mouth of the river Biobio and the heights of Villagran.
CORONGO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Conchucos in Peru.
COROPA, a spacious country of the province and government of Guayana, which extends itself between the river Coropatuba to the s. w. the Maranon to the s. the Avari to the e. the mountains of Oyacop of the Charibes Indians to the n. and the mountains of Dorado or Manoa to the n.w. The whole of its territory is, as it were, unknown. The Portuguese possess the shores of the Maranon and the sea-coast as far as the bay of Vicente Pinzon ; the Dutch of the colony of Surinam, by the river Esequevo or Esquivo, called also Rupununi, have penetrated as far as the Maranon, by the river Paranapitinga. The mountains, which some have represented as being full of gold, silver, and precious stones, sparkling in the rays of the sun, are merely fables, which, at the beginning of the conquests, deceived many who had gone in search of these rich treasures, and fell a sacrifice to the fatigues and labours which they experienced in these dry and mountainous countries. The Portuguese have constructed here two forts, called Paru and Macapa. Mr. De la Martiniere, with his usual want of accuracy, says that the Portuguese have a settlement called Coropa, at the mouth of the river Coropatuba, where it enters the Maranon ; the Coropatuba joins the Maranon on the n. side, in the country of Coropa, and at the settlement of this name ; this settlement being nothing more than a small fort, and lying in the province of Topayos, on the s. shore of the Maranon, and being known by the name ofCurupa, in the chart published in 1744, and in that of the Father Juan Magnin, in 1749.
COROPATUBA. See Curupatuba.
COROPUNA, a desert of the province of Cuzco in Peru, between the provinces of Parinacocha and Canas or Aruni. It extends more than 12 leagues s. to n. and is troublesome and dangerous to traverse.
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and lies seven leagues to the n. of its head settlement.
CORUTES, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs n. n.'e. and enters the Xexuy, opposite the town of Curuguato.
CORWI, a river of the province and government of French Guinea. It enters the sea close to cape Orange.
COSACURO, a small river of the province and colony of Surinam, or part of Guayana in the Dutch possessions. It runs n. and enters the Cuyuni.
COSANGA, a large river of the province of Quixos in the kingdom of Quito. It runs s. e. then turns its course e. and as it were imperceptibly to the n. and afterwards, in order to receive on the w. the river Bermejo, enters the s. side of the river Coca.
COSAPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, of the archbishopric of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy of Turco.
COSCAOCOAS, a nation of Indians reduced to the Catholic faith, dwelling upon the llanura or level of Cumboso, of the jurisdiction of Lamas. They are few in number, and are bounded by the Amasifucines.
COSCOMATEPEC, San Juan de, a settlement of the head settlement of Yxhuatlan, and alcaldia mayor of Cordoba, in NuevaEspana. It contains 10 families of Spaniards, 35 of Mustees, 75 of Mulattoes, and 196 of Indians. Seven leagues to the n. n. w. of its head settlement ; but the roads here are so rugged and full of steeps and precipices that the sight grows dizzy at looking down them.
COSCOMITLAN, a settlement of the liead settlement and alcaldia mayor of Caxititlas in Nueva Espana, from whence it lies one league and a half to the n. w. In its vicinity is a lake.
COSELA, a settlement and real of the silver mines of the province of Copala, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate to the n. of that of Charcas.
COSEREMONIANOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the province and government of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito ; discovered by Father Cypriano Baraza, a Jesuit. It is, however, but little known.
COSIGUIRACHI, a town of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; one of the most wealthy towns in the kingdom, and of a mild and healthy temperature. Its population is composed of many families of Spaniards and Mustees^ no small number of Mulattoes, and very many Indians. It is 24 leagues to the s. k?. \ to
the s. of the real of the mines and town of San Felipe de Chiguagua.
Cosiguirachi, a settlement and real of the silver mines of the intendancy of Durango in Nueva Espana; of a cdld temperature ; situate in a rough and uneven territory, but being fertile, and abounding in fruits and seeds. (By a very recent memoir of the intendantof Durango, the population of this real was made to amount to 10,700.)
COSMA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Banos.
COSMA, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas, of the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Moro in the province of La Santa.
COSME, San, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Fresnillo in Nueva Espana. It contains a very large number of Spaniards, Indians, Mustees, and Mulattoes, being very close to the city of Zacatecas, lying from thence only seven leagues to the n. and being 10 to the e. of its capital.
COSME, San, another settlement, of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate in the country of the Sobaipuris Indians, on the shore of a river between the settlements of Santa Catalina and San Francisco Xavier.
COSME, San, another, with the surname of Viejo, (Old), a reduccion of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and government of Paraguay ; situate on the shore of the river Parana, between the settlements of Santa Ana and La Candelaria.
COSME, San, another, with the addition of Nuevo, (New), to distinguish it from the former in the same province : also a reduccion of the regulars of the company of Jesuits, on the shore of the Parana, and to the w. of the settlement of Jesus.
COSME, San, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes ; situate very near the coast, in the middle of the canal which is formed by this coast and the island of Carmen, and close to another island called San Damian.
COSPALA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Juchipila in Nueva Espana. It is five leagues to the s. of the head settlement.
COSSA, or COSAIBO, a river of the province and government of Guayana, in the French possessions.
COSSART, a town of the province and colony of N. Carolina ; situate on the shore of the river Jadquin.
COSTA-BAXA, a part of the coast of Brazil, in
vince and government of Buenos Ayres, founded in ]629, in lat. 29° 29' 1" 5.] t])Cruz, Santa, an island oftheN. sea,^one of the Antilles, 22 leagues long and five wide. Its territory is fertile, but the air unhealthy at certain seasons, from the low situation. It has many rivers, streams, and fountains, with three very good and convenient ports. It was for a long while desert, until some English settled themselves in it, and began to cultivate it; afterwards the French possessed themselves of it, in 1650, and sold it the following year to the knights of Malta, from whom it was bought, in 1664, by the West India company. In 1674, it was incorporated with the possessions of the crown by the king of France. Its inhabitants afterwards removed to the island of St. Domingo, demolished the forts, and sold it to a company of Danes, of Copenhagen, who now possess it. It was the first of the Antilles which was occupied by the Spaniards ; is SO leagues
from the island of St. Christopher’s, eight from Puertorico, six from that of Boriquen, and five from that of St. Thomas. It abounds in sugars cane and tobacco, as also in fruits, which render it very delightful. [It is said to produce SO, 000 or 40,000 hhds. of sugar annually, and other W. India commodities, in tolerable plenty. It is in a high state of cultivation, and has about 3000 white inhabitants and 30,000 slaves. A great proportion of the Negroes of this island have embraced Christianity, under the Moravian missionaries, whose influence has been greatly promotive of its prosperity.
The official value of the Imports and Exports of Santa Cruz were, in
1809, imports ^^435,378, exports ^ig84,964.
1810, 422,033, 89,949.
And the quantities of the principal articles im--
ported into Great Britain were, in
Cotton Wool.
Brit. Plant.
For. Plant.
Brit. Plant.
For. Plant.
1809, 297
1810, 31
Santa Cruz is in lat. 70° 44' n. Long. 64° 43' w. See West Indies.]
Cruz, Santa, a small island in the straits ©f Magellan, opposite cape Monday. The Admiral Pedro Sarmiento took possession of it for the crown of Spain, that making the tenth time of its being captured.
Cruz, Santa, a small island of the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Rey, between that coast and the island of Santa Catalina.
Cruz, Santa, a sand -bank or islet near the n. coast of the island of Cuba, and close to the sandbank of Cumplido.
Cruz, Santa, a point of the coast of the province and government of Honduras, called Triunfo de la Cruz, (Triumph of the Cross), between the port of La Sal and the river Tian, SO leagues from the gulf, in lat. 15° 40'.
Cruz, Santa, a port of the coast which lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan. On one side it has the Ensenada Grande, or Large Bay, and on the other the mountain of Santa Ines. Lat. 50° 10' s.
==Cruz, Santa, a river of the coastwhich lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan. It runs into the sea.
Cruz, Santa, a small river of the province and captainship of Los Ilheos in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea between the Grande and the Dulce, opposite the shoals ofS. Antonio.
Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and captainship of Seara in the same kingdom. It rises near the coast, runs n. and enters the sea between the point of Palmeras and that of Tortuga,
Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and government of Maracaybo. It rises in the sierra of Perija, runs e. and enters the great lake on the w. side.
Cruz, Santa, a lake of the province and country of the Chiquitos Indians in Peru, formed from a drain issuing from the side of the river Paraguay, opposite the cordillera of San Fernando.
Cruz, Santa, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes; situate near the coast, between the two islands of Catalana and San Joseph.
Cruz, Santa, a small port of the island of Curacao, in the w. part, opposite the island of Oruba.
Cruz, Santa, a mountain on the coast of the Malvine or Falkland isles.
Cruz, Santa, a cape or point of the coast of thx