Pages That Mention Tunja
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
a settlement founded seven leag'ues from the place called the Puerto, but in 16GS they tied, all of them, to the mountains, although in the same year they returned back again to the settlement.
CHIRIGUANA, a large settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, and the territory is level, fertile, and beautiful. It has besides the parish church a convent or house of entertainment of the religious order of St. Francis.
CHIRIGUANOS, a country and nation of the infidel Indians of the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru, from whence it lies 20 leagues to thes. It is bounded on the e. by the province of Tomina, and s. e. by that of Chuquisaca ; is composed of different settlements, each governed by its captain or cazique, subject, in a certain degree, to the above government. These people, though they refuse to adopt the Catholic religion, are in perfect amity with the Spaniards, trading with them in wax, cotton, and maize. This nation, by the incursions which tliey made, used at first to give frequent alarm to the province, and once had the address to capture the city of Chiquisaca. The Inca Yupanqui endeavoured in vain to subdue them, and neither he nor the Spaniards could avail aught with them ■until they were reduced by the missionaries, the regulars of the extinguished company of the Jesuits ; since that time they have been stedfast in supporting the Spaniards against the other infidels, serving them as a barrier, and having for their own line of defence the river Guapay. They are very valorous, but inconstant and faithless ; they are descended from the nations which are found to the e. of Paraguay ; and fled from thence, to the number of 4000, ^hen avoiding the threatened chastisement of the Portuguese, who were about to inflict condign punishment on them for having treacherously murdered the Captain Alexo Garcia in the time of the King Don Juan 111. of Portugal. They were foi'merly cannibals, and used to fatten their prisoners that these might become better fare ; but their intercourse and trade with the Spaniards has caused them by degrees to forget this barbarous practice, and even to give them a disgust at their savage neighbours, who still continue in the same practices. They are at the present day so greatly increased in numbers, that they are one of the most numerous nations of America ; are besides very neat and clean ; and it is not uncommon for them to rush out of their dwellings in the middle of the night to plunge and wash themselves in a river in the most severe seasons ; their wives too.
immediately after parturition, invariably do the same, and on their return lay themselves on a heap of sand, which they have for this purpose in the house; but the husband immediately takes to his bed, and being covered all over with very large leaves, refuses to take any other nourishment than a little broth made of maize ; it being an incorrigible error of belief amongst them that these ceremonies will be the cause of making their children bold and warlike. They have shewn great power and address in their combats with our troops when these first endeavoured to enter their territories, and they threw themselves in such an agile and undaunted manner upon our fire-arms that it was found necessary, on our part, to insert in the rants a lance-man between every two fusileers : the v are, moreover, so extremely nimble that it is impossible to take them prisoners but by surprise.
CHIRIMICHATE, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises in the sierra opposite the point of Hicacos, and enters the sea in this point.
CHIRINOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.
CHIRIQUI, a district of the province and government of Santiago de Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, the last district of this province ; dividing the government from that of Guatemala, and touching upon the province of Costarica. It is of limited extent ; the country is mountainous, and its climate hot and unhealthy, surrounded on all sides by infidel Indians. Here are bred numbers of mules, which are carried to be sold at Panama and Guatemala ; upon the coast of the S. sea are found crabs which distil a purple colour used for dyeing cotton, which, although it may fade a little, can never be entirely eradicated. They have plenty of swine, and some vegetable productions ; with which they carry on a trade, now fallen much to decay, with the city of Panama. The capital is Santiago de Alanje.
Same name, a river of the above province (Santiago de Veragua), which rises in the mountains on the s. and enters the sea, serving as limits to that province, and dividing it from that of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala.
CHIRIS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Huachos.
CHIRISU, a settlement of the province and corregimieto of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a rather cold temperature, and abounds in wheat, maize, barley, a/berjas, and S M 2
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papas; likewise in cattle, from the fleeces of which great quantities of woven clotlis are made. Its 'population amounts to 150 house-keepers and 100 Indians. Four leagues to the s. w. of its capital, and near to the settlement of Turmeque.
CHIROBIO, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It runs e. and enters the sea opposite the island Tarata.
CHIRTA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Yambrasbamba.
CHIRU, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of Penonome in the kingdom and government of Tierra Firme ; situate on the shore of the S. sea, upon an extensive plain.
Same name, a river of this jurisdiction, which rises in the mountains of Penonome, and enters the S. sea near the settlement of Anton.
Same name, a very small island of the same jurisdiction, close upon the coast, and called El Farallon.
CHISAHALO, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito.
==CHISCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate at the foot of the Snowy sierra^ and therefore of a cold and unpleasant temperature. Its productions correspond with those of a similar climate ; it contains about 80 Indians, with a very few whites. Thirty-two leagues n. e. of Tunja.
CHISGAS, Paramo de, a very lofty mountain covered with eternal snow, in the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, between the rivers Apure and Sinaruco.
CHISLOCA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chichas and Tarija in Peru ; belonging to the district of the former. It is annexed to the curacy of Tupisa.
CHISME, a settlement of the head settlement of Puxmecatan, and alcaldia mayor of Villalta. It contains 71 families of Indians, and lies 18 leagues from its capital.
CHISPAS, Punta de las, a point on the s. coast and w. head of the island of St. Domingo, in the territory possessed by the French ; lying between the settlement and parish of the English, and the point of Burgados.
CHISQUE, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Atabillos Altos.
CHISQUILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chachapoyas in Peru.
[CHISSEL, a fort in the state of Tennessee, two miles and a half from English ferry, on New river, 43 from Abingdon, and 107 from Long island, on Holston.]
CHITA, a province and corregimienlo of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, and vice-royalty of Santa Fe. It was formerly called Chisca. It is bounded w. by the province of Bogota, and n. by the country bt the Laches Indians, or province of Cochuy, and e. and s. by the llanuras of the Orinoco. It was discovered by George Spira, a German, and he was the first who entered it with his companions in 1535. This territory is fertile, abounds in wheat and maize, the grain of which is extremely large, as also in other seeds, and has goats and neat cattle in plenty. It is of an hot and unhealthy temperature, and has palms similar to those of Palestine and Barbary, producing excellent dates. The capital is of the same name. This is situate at the foot of the mountains of Bogota ; it is a large settlement, and was formerly entitled a city. Its inhabitants consist of upwards of 700 whites and about 200 Indians. Twentyfour leagues to the n. e. of Tunja.
Same name, another settlement, which is the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, contains 90 families of Indians, and is three leagues and a half to the s. of its capital.
CHITAGA, Punta de, a bridge in the province and government of Merida, to the s. of the city of Pamplona, and upon the river of this name.
CHITANOS, a barbarous nation of Indians; bounded by that of the Chiscas, but distinct from it, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. They inhabit the woods to the n. e. of the mountains of Bogota and the shores of the rivers Ele, Cuiloto, and Arauca ; are an intractable and. cruel people, and dreaded by all their neighbours. In 1535, having joined company with the Jiraras, they took and destroyed the city of Las Palmas.
CHITARAQUE, a settlement of the corregimienlo and jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, it is of an hot but healtliy temperature, produces yucas, maize, plantains, cotton, and great quantities of sugar, from which are made fine and much esteemed conserves.
CHITAREROS, a barbarous and brutal nation of Indians of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, who inhabit the mountains in the vicinity of Pamplona ; they are mixed with some families of the Laches. This nation is extremely numerous, and pass a wandering life without any fixed abode ; they go entirely naked, and are much given to sensual gratifications ; some of them have embraced 2
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COCO, a river of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains of the n. and enters the sea opposite the island of Las Palmas, and gives its name to the territory of a Cacique, thus called.
Same name, a point of the coast of the South sea, and kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the bay of Panama.
COCOLI, a river of the province and government of Honduras. It runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of this name.
COCOLI, a point of the coast, in the same province and kingdom (Honduras).
COCOLOT, a city, which some liave supposed to be in the province of Chaco in Peru, but of the existence of which no proofs are at present to be found.
COCOMERACHI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya. It is 40 leagues to the w. s.zo. of the town 'And real of the mines of Chiguaga.
COCOMICO, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada,
COCONUCO, See Cucunuco.
COCORALE, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate at the w. of the town of San Felipe.
COCORIN, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river Hiagui, between the settlements of Bacun and Comoriopa.
COCOROTE, some copper mines in the province and government of Venezuela, much celebrated.
COCOS, some small islands of the Pacific or S. sea, lying close together, and divided by some narrow channels. They abound in cocoa-trees, and from thence take their name. They are also called Santa Cruz, from having been discovered on the day of the invention of the cross. The climate here is pleasant, but the isles are uncultivated and desert. Lat. 5° n.
Same name, a point of the island of Trinidad, on the e. coast.
COCOSPERA, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate at the source of a river,
COCOTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja, in the jurisdiction of the city of Pamplona, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
COCOTZINGO, S. Geronimo de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuernavaca in Nueva Espana.
COCUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the NueVo Reyno de Granada ; situate at the foot of the sierra Nevada. It is of a cold temperature, but abounds in all kinds of productions, and particularly in wheat, maize, barley, &c. It contains 700 white inhabitants, and 150 Indians. Thirty-two leagues from Tunja, and eight from the settlement of Chita.
COCUISAS, a settlement of the province and government of Cumana in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, It lies to the s. of the city of Cariaco.
Same name, a river of the province and government of Venezuela, being one of those which enter the Gamaiotal, before this runs into that of La Portuguesa.
COCULA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tlajomulco in Nueva Espana. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and is six leagues to the w. of its capital.
COCUPAC, a city and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Valladolid in Nueva Espana, and of the bishopric of Mechoaean. Its situation is in a nook to the n. of the great lake. On the e. and ze. are two lofty mountains, which form so many other entrances, the one to the 5. and the other to the n. Its temperature is rather cold than w'arm ; and although it does not want for fruits, it is but ill supplied with water, the only stream it has not running more than the distance of a stone’s throw before it enters a lake. The inhabitants are thus under the necessity of supplying themselves by wells. The population of this city consists in 45 families of Spaniards, 52 of Mustees and Mulattoes, and 150 of Indians. They occupy themselves in the making of tiles or flags ; and the inferior order are muleteers. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis.
COCUS, Punta de, a point on the e. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between cape Spear and the bay of Tor.
COD, a cape of the coast of New England and province of Massachusetts. It runs for many leagues towards the sea, forming a large semicircle, and afterwards returning, forms the bay of Barnstable. [See Cape Cod, Barnstable, &c.]
CODDINGTON, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of San Juan.
CODEBORE, a small river of New Britain,
and government of Neyba in the kingdom of Granada. It rises in the paramo or mountain desert ofQuindiu, traverses and waters the valleys of Las Lanzas, and unites itself witli that of San Juan, taking the name of Coello, from a Spaniard of this name having been drowned in it. It then enters the Magdalena.
COMBEJU, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate at the source of the river Curitaba.
COMBERUI, Bay of, on the coast of the province o.i\6. captainship of Rey in Brazil. It lies between the bay of Tasay and the island of Gallo.
COMBES, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of St. George.
COMBINCUMA, a spacious, and but little known country of the kingdom of Quito. It is full of woods, in which there are many wild beasts and snakes of various kinds, and it is watered by many rivers, all of which enter the s. side of the Maranon. Amongst the various nations which inhabit it is that of the Tontones.
COMBITA, a settlement of the province and corregirniento oi Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, and produces the fruits corresponding with its climate. It contains 100 house-keepers, and as many other Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its capital.
COMBLES, Los Cinco, a settlement and parish of the island of St. Christopher, one of the Antilles ; situate on the shore of the n. w. coast, and in the part formerly possessed by the English.
COMBOY, a rocky shoal of the N. sea, to the s. of that of La Vivora.
COMEAPA, a settlement of the province and ulcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.
COMECUERO, a river of the province and government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guatemala. It runs into the gulf which has tlie name of the province.
COMETA, PUNTA DE, a point or cape of the Caico Grande, or Del N. (of the N.) on the n. e. coast.
Cometa, a shoal of rocks, near upon the n. e. coast of the island of Caico Grande, or Del N. and by the former point, from whence it takes its name.
(COMFORT Point is the s. easternmost part of Elizabeth City county in Virginia, formed by James river at its mouth in Chesapeak bay. Point Comfort lies 19 miles w. by n. of cape Henry.] Comfort Point, another point, which is also
of the same coast and province as the former, and within that bay, being one of the points which form the entrance of the river York.
Comfort Point, another, on the s. coast of Hudson’s bay, in the province of this name.
COMICHIGELES, Sierra de, in the province and government of Tucumán, and bounded by the sierra of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile. It runs from 5. s. e. on the shore of the Concara, and in fact follows the course of that river.
COMISARIO, Punta del, a long strip of land which runs into the sea on the coast of the province and government of Cartagena, between this city and the point of S. Bernardo.
COMISTAHUACAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom ol' Guatemala.
COMITLAN, a settlement of the province and' alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.
COMITLAN, another settlement, in the province and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the same kingdom.
(COMMANOES, one of the Small Virgin isles, in the W. Indies, situate to the n. n. e. of Tortilla.)
COMOCAUTLA, San Pedro de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zapotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Xacatlan, in Nueva Espana, three leagues distant from its head settlement.
COMO-LEWU, or Rio de los Sauces, called also Gran Desaguadero. See Sauces.
COMONDU, San Joseph de, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province of California ; situate near the sea-coast, between the settlements of La Concepcion and San Francisco Xavier.
COMONDU, San Joseph de, a bay of this province, between the bay of Concepcion and the island of Carmen.
COMOPORO, a settlement of the government of Maracaibo in the province of Venezuela; situate on the coast of the lake towards the e. part.
COMORI, Crique de, a creek and establishment of the French, in their possessions in Guayana.
COMORIPA, or Comoriopa, as some will have it, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river Hiaqui, between the settlements of Cocoria and Tecoriona.
COMPOSTELA, a province and alcaldia mayor of Nueva Galicia. Its jurisdiction extends from the mouth of the large river San Pedro, as
of a hot and moist temperature, and inhabited by 107 families of Indians ; being 15 leagues n.e. of its capital.
Copan, a river of the province and government of Cumaná. It rises in the serrama of Imataca, runs s. and enters the Cuyuni on the side.
COPANDARO, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement of Tuzantla, and alcaldia mayor of Maravatio, in Nueva Espaha. It contains 34 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues to the s. of its head settlement. In it is a convent of the religious order of St. Augustin, Avhicli is one of the best convents in the kingdom.
COPENAME, a river of the province and government of Guayana, in the Dutch possessions or colony of Surinam. It runs n. and unites itself with the Sarameca at its mouth, to form another mouth, and enter into the sea.
COPER, a small settlement of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, in the road which leads from Santa Fe to Muzo ; situate upon an height, near the mountain Apari, where, upon the descent which is called Cuesta de Macanazos, and at its skirt, runs the river Villaraisar. Near it has been found a mine of earth, esteemed an excellent antidote against poisons.
COPERE, a settlement of the province and jurisdiction of Muzo, in the corregimiento of Tunja, of the N uevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a benign temperature, produces maize, cotton, yucas^ plantains, and the other fruits of its climate. In the territory of this curacy rises the river called Villamisar, memorable for the battle fought there by the Indians and Captain Luis Lanchero, in which the former were routed. It contains 150 housekeepers, and 30 Indians.
COPIA, one of the ancient provinces which were formed by that of Popayan in the time of the Indians ; and bounded by the province of Cartama. At present its limits are not known, since the Spaniards have changed both the divisions and names.
COPIAPO, a province and corregimienlo of the kingdom of Chile ; bounded n. by the province of Atacama, of the archbishopric of Charcas, and kingdom of Peru ; e. by the territory of the city of Rioja, of the province of Tucuman, the cordillera running between ; s. by the province of Coquitnbo, and w, by the Pacific ocean. Its extent is 60 leagues n. s. and from 20 to three e. w. It very seldom rains here ; cattle is therefore scarce, although it nevertheless produces every sort of grain, of excellent quality, and fruits of various kinds. The temperature is very benign throughout the year.
it has many mines of copper, most pure and rich sulphur, loadstone, lapis lazuli, and gold ; some of wliicJi are worked ; and it is not many years ago that some silver mines also were discovered. It produces a kind of small frees, which are planted and cultivated upon the banks of the streams and aqueducts, called jonM/o hobo, and which distil a liquor, which, being prepared over the fire, serves instead of pitch for lining the vessels in which the wine in that kingdom is kept. The conger eel abounds upon the coast, and there is a particular tribe of Indians, called Changes, who are devoted to this kind of fishery, living the whole year upon the coasts, and carrying about their wives and children upon rafts, until they find out a creek likely to afford them what they are in search of: these fish are then bought by the natives, and carried to be sold at the capital of the kingdom, Santiago. Here is also a trade of sulphur, since it is so fine that it needs never to be purified, and is consequently worth three dollars the canlaro [a cantaro is about four gallons]. It abounds no less in nitre, on which account all the waters here are brackish, and there is little indeed that is sweet. This province is very thinly peopled, since it has no other population than such as is found in the capital, which is called, San Francisco de la Selva. Its inhabitants, which should amount to 5000, of all sexes and ages, are dispersed about in country farms. (The province of Copiapo owes its name, according to the Indian tradition, to the great quantity of turquoises found in its mountains. Though these stones ought, with propriety, to be classed amongst the concretions, as they arc only the petrified teeth or bones of animals, coloured by metallic vapours, we may place them amongst the precious stones. The turquoises of Copiapo are usually of a greenish blue ; some, however, are found of a deep blue, which are very hard, and known by the name of the turquoises of the old rock. The amazing fertility of the soil of this province has given rise to assertions, which, on the first blush, might appear fabulous. Mr. Sanson, of Abbeville, in his Geography, asserts that its valleys frequently yield 300 for one. See Chile.)
Copiapo, a port of the above province and corregimiento.
Copiapo, a settlement of the same.
Copiapo, a mountain, in which there is a volcano, which at different times has occasioned much mischief, and is in lat. 26°. (This mountain consists entirely of a marble, striped with bands of various colours, which have a very beau3 u 2