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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





vince and government of Buenos Ayres, founded in ]629, in lat. 29° 29' 1" 5.] t])Cruz, Santa, an island oftheN. sea,^one of the Antilles, 22 leagues long and five wide. Its territory is fertile, but the air unhealthy at certain seasons, from the low situation. It has many rivers, streams, and fountains, with three very good and convenient ports. It was for a long while desert, until some English settled themselves in it, and began to cultivate it; afterwards the French possessed themselves of it, in 1650, and sold it the following year to the knights of Malta, from whom it was bought, in 1664, by the West India company. In 1674, it was incorporated with the possessions of the crown by the king of France. Its inhabitants afterwards removed to the island of St. Domingo, demolished the forts, and sold it to a company of Danes, of Copenhagen, who now possess it. It was the first of the Antilles which was occupied by the Spaniards ; is SO leagues

from the island of St. Christopher’s, eight from Puertorico, six from that of Boriquen, and five from that of St. Thomas. It abounds in sugars cane and tobacco, as also in fruits, which render it very delightful. [It is said to produce SO, 000 or 40,000 hhds. of sugar annually, and other W. India commodities, in tolerable plenty. It is in a high state of cultivation, and has about 3000 white inhabitants and 30,000 slaves. A great proportion of the Negroes of this island have embraced Christianity, under the Moravian missionaries, whose influence has been greatly promotive of its prosperity.

The official value of the Imports and Exports of Santa Cruz were, in

1809, imports ^^435,378, exports ^ig84,964.

1810, 422,033, 89,949.

And the quantities of the principal articles im--

ported into Great Britain were, in




Cotton Wool.

Brit. Plant.

For. Plant.

Brit. Plant.

For. Plant.







1809, 297






1810, 31




Santa Cruz is in lat. 70° 44' n. Long. 64° 43' w. See West Indies.]

Cruz, Santa, a small island in the straits ©f Magellan, opposite cape Monday. The Admiral Pedro Sarmiento took possession of it for the crown of Spain, that making the tenth time of its being captured.

Cruz, Santa, a small island of the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Rey, between that coast and the island of Santa Catalina.

Cruz, Santa, a sand -bank or islet near the n. coast of the island of Cuba, and close to the sandbank of Cumplido.

Cruz, Santa, a point of the coast of the province and government of Honduras, called Triunfo de la Cruz, (Triumph of the Cross), between the port of La Sal and the river Tian, SO leagues from the gulf, in lat. 15° 40'.

Cruz, Santa, a port of the coast which lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan. On one side it has the Ensenada Grande, or Large Bay, and on the other the mountain of Santa Ines. Lat. 50° 10' s.

==Cruz, Santa, a river of the coastwhich lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan. It runs into the sea.


Cruz, Santa, a small river of the province and captainship of Los Ilheos in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea between the Grande and the Dulce, opposite the shoals ofS. Antonio.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and captainship of Seara in the same kingdom. It rises near the coast, runs n. and enters the sea between the point of Palmeras and that of Tortuga,

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and government of Maracaybo. It rises in the sierra of Perija, runs e. and enters the great lake on the w. side.

Cruz, Santa, a lake of the province and country of the Chiquitos Indians in Peru, formed from a drain issuing from the side of the river Paraguay, opposite the cordillera of San Fernando.

Cruz, Santa, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes; situate near the coast, between the two islands of Catalana and San Joseph.

Cruz, Santa, a small port of the island of Curacao, in the w. part, opposite the island of Oruba.

Cruz, Santa, a mountain on the coast of the Malvine or Falkland isles.

Cruz, Santa, a cape or point of the coast of thx

Last edit over 6 years ago by jgo384




It is of a mild temperulurcj but rather inclined to cold than heat. It contains 264 families of Indians, and a convent of the religious order of St. Domingo, and in its district are various estates, in which, and in the 10 settlements of which its district consists, are collected scarlet dje, seeds, fruits, coal, woods, and timber. It is two leagues s. e. of the capital.

CUILOTO, a river of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, It rises in the mountains of Bogota, runs e. through the llanos or plains of Casanare and Meta, and afterwards enters the river Meta. Some barbarian Indians, the liraras and Chinalos, live about its borders, dispersed amongst the woods.

CUIQUE, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of the lake Tacarigua, towards the s.

CUIQUILA, Santa Maria de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tepozcolula in Nueva Espana. It is of a cold temperature, contains 76 families of Indians, whose only employment is that of making stone flags ; and these in sufficient quantity to supply the whole province. Is nine leagues s.w. of its capital.

CUISILLO, San Francisco de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of the town of Leon, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan, contains S3 families of Indians, who employ themselves in the cultivation of maize and many fruits. It is very close to its capital.

CUITES, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and govetument of Cinaloa of Nueva Espaila.

CUITI, a river of the province and government of Darien, of the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains towards the n. and enters the sea between the islands Palmas and Pinos.

CUITINA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate in the llanura of Sogamoso, between the settlement of this name and that of Tota. It is of a cold temperature, produces wheat, maize, papas, and the other fruits of a cold climate. It contains 60 housekeepers, and as many Indians ; lies eight leagues to the n. of Tunja.

CUIXTLAHUACA, San Juan de,, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Yanguitlan in Nueva Espaila. It contains 604 families of Indians, with those of the wards of its district. It is of a hot temperature, and lies 16 leagues s. w. of its capital. It produces some scarlet dye and seeds,

CUIXTLAHUACA, San Juan de, another settlement, of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in the same kingdom. It contains 15 families of Indian’s,

VOE. 1.

CUJENA, Cano de, an arm of the river Negro, in the country of Las Amazonas. It runs nearly due s. and joins the Parime.

CUJILLOS, a settlement of province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the river Marailon.

[CUJO. See Cuva.]

CUL DE Sac, a settlement and parish of the French, in the part possessed by them in the island of St. Domingo. It is in the head of the w. and upon the w. coast, on the shore of a river between port Principe and the river of Naranjos or Oranges.

Cul de Sac, another settlement and parish in the island of Guadalupe. It lies on the shore of the bay of its name, between the rivers Vondipiques and Testu. There is also another settlement in the same bay, between the rivers Lezard and Sarcelles.

CUL DE SAC, a large bay and convenient port of the same island (Guadalupe), which is the principal of the whole island, and in which are many smaller islands. There is also another close to it, distinguished by the title of Cul de Sac Petit ; and these are divided by an isthmus of land, which allows a communication to the same lakes by a narrow channel.

CULATAS, a small settlement of the district and jurisdiction of the town of San Gil, in the corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of Oiba, It lies between the settlements of Socorro and Charala,

CULAUI, a river of the island of La Laxa, in the kingdom of Chile. It runs w. forming a bend between those of Huaque and Duqueco, and enters the Biobio.

CULCHE, a settlement of Indians, of the district of Guadalabquen, and kingdom of Chile; situate at the source of the river Valdivia.

CULEBRAS, Rio de, a river on (he coast of the province and government of Costarica, of tlie kingdom of Guatemala. It runs into tlie N. sea, between the river Bocaes and the bay of Almirante.

CuLEBRAs, Rio de, another river in the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains of the n. coast, and point of San Bias, and runs into the sea to the w.

CULEBRAS, Rio de, another, of the island of Santo Domingo, in the e. head ; runs into the sea in the great bay of Samana, between the rivers Magua and Yaina.

CULEBRAS, Rio de, a lake of the province and government of Venezuela, between the river of Sa4 B

Last edit about 6 years ago by jgo384

The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 2]

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Dabaiba, an imaginary and fabulous river, which some travellers would fain have to be in the mountains of Abide. Amongst the many rivers, however, which flow down from that cordillera, we find no one of this name in the ancient or mo dern charts of the best geographers.

DABOYAN, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa== in ==Nueva España ; situate between the rivers Mayo== and Fuerte.

DACADMA, a lake of the province and country of the Amazonas, in the territory pos sessed by the Portuguese. It is formed by an arm or waste- water of the river Marañon, which returns to enter that river, leaving this lake; and at a small distance from it is another, called Cudaja.

DACARRON, a large and convenient bay of the Malvine or Falkland isles, on the w. part of the principal one. Here the French peopled this settlement, and the castle of S. Louis, in 1763.

DACINO, a river of the province of Pasto in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. It runs from n. to s. and enters the Coca on the n. side, in lat. 30' s.

DADO, a small settlement or ward of the head settlement of Tlazintla, and ulculdia manor of Ix miquilpan, in Nueva España.

DAEMA, a river of the province and govern ment of Buenos Ayres. It is small, and runs e. [DAGSBOROUGH, a post-town in Sussex


county, Delaware ; situated on the n. w. bank of Peper’s creek, a branch of Indian river, and con tains about 40 houses. It is 19 miles from Broad hill, or Clowe’s, and 127 s. from Philadelphia.!

DAJABON, a river of the island of St. Do mingo, in the part possessed’ by the French. It rises near the n. coast, runs n^n. w. and enters the sea in the bay of Manzanillo.

DALBY, a settlement of the island of Barba does, in the district of the parish of St. Joseph ; situate near the w, coast.

DALES-GIFT, a city of the province and co lony of Virginia.

[DALTON, a fine township in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, having Pittsfield on the w. ; and contains 554 inhabitants. The stage road from Boston to Albany runs through it. Dalton was incorporated in 1784, and lies 135 miles ay. by n. of Boston, and about 35 the same course from Northampton.]

[Dalton, a township in Grafton county. New Hampshire, first called Apthorpe, ivas incorporated in 1784, and has only 14 inhabitants. It lies on the e. bank of Connecticut river, at the Fifteen mile falls, opposite Concord, in Essex county, Vermont.]

DAMAQUIEL, a river of the province and go vernment of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the sierras or mountains of

Last edit over 6 years ago by Gimena
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